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Super7 Ultimates, Reaction and other Products

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I do like this Halloween Kids figure Super7 has up for The Misfits. I especially like that they gave him a treat bag modeled after the actual one that came with Walk Among Us. I just hate that it's 20 bucks and that Super7 has horrible shipping rates.

TheGillMan reacted
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Robin Hood came in on Saturday, but I haven't had time to open him up yet (I bit on that Amazon sale). Robin Hood remains my favorite Disney movie, and I have memories of acting it out  in a 1-man show for my grandma when I was 4 or 5 years old back in 1987 (her favorite scene I performed was the birthday scene). She died in 1988, so Robin Hood has always had a special place in my heart because of those memories with her. I've seen the reviews, but I'm hoping $30 got me something that will relatively fill that void as a toy on the shelf...all he has to do is stand there with a bow in his hands, and I'm hoping the figure can do that 🤣  I would love for a company to go all-in someday (definitely need Robin in his various outfits, as well as the Sheriff and Little John), but if the Super7 manages to scratch that itch for something to further remind me of my grandma then I suppose I'll be happy. 


Not happy enough to preorder ever again, mind you. But happy lol 

TheGillMan and fac reacted
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So...  a BBTS ad on one of the downloaded games I play was featuring the Reaction Snake Tut figure from Super7's The Worst line and it has me remembering how much I want that figure as an Ultimates offering.


Of the 6 Ultimates they've solicited so far I've actually only ordered two -  Captain Deadstar and Black Falcon.   I may still change my mind on Killer Bat.   


But of the remaining characters from The Worst I think I'd be down for most of them as Ultimates.    I definitely want  King Hell, Snake Tut and She-Dusa and I think I'd order Red Tiger as well.    I'd be out on Werewolf Biker and Frankenghost.     And if they did the X-series I'd probably pick up most of those..(X-3 is a skip and maybe not X-5)


And then if he made a cat mount for the Ultimates and spaced out the offerings he could probably get me to pick up the entire 4 Horsemen and their riders -  all repaints of figures I'd already have.


I have no idea if the sales on the first 3 waves have been good enough for them to keep going,  but maybe since there is no attached licensing fee they can keep offering them.   


Here's me hoping.

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I just grabbed a Robot Reaper from BBTS. Toy Galaxy's posts on IG got me interested in that figure, and it being the spooky season, I jumped on him now instead of waiting out a sale.

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I had thought about Robot Reaper initially but then skipped it...  I'm wondering if I should pick it up after all... be sure to share your thoughts once you have it in hand SC.

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@panthercult I picked him up and I think he's one of the best Ultimates! I own. There's some slight looseness to his hips, but I wouldn't call them floppy. Otherwise, the deco is nice, parts are easy enough to swap, and the soft goods turned out well. I am pretty smitten with the aesthetic and it's definitely one of those figures where I find it hard to settle on a shelf pose because the options available are good. Though I'll never swap out one of the heads because that disk drive default one is too good. Just don't shove the floppy disk all the way in as it can be a challenge to pull it back out. As long as you're not expecting something super articulated (this is a Super7 figure, after all) then I think you'll like it provided you really dig the vibe of the figure.

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I wonder if Super7 will ever do anything with Type O Negative in Reactions, Ultimates or similar to Danzig and Jerry Only?

TheGillMan reacted
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I got Robo Reaper in last night, but haven't been able to open him yet.

I enjoyed the Fantasia Hippo so much, i bought 2 more when Amazon still had them marked down.

fac reacted
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If I could have thought of anywhere to put that Hippo I would have ordered it.   Love the way she looks.   Great picture,  Still might break down and track one down.   


Meanwhile... I think the Super7 Ultimates figure I'm most eager to get right now is Czarface.    


First of all I love the group.   I put an extended Czarface playlist on to listen to at least once a month.   But beyond that the figure is just cool and fun looking.   I can't wait to stand him next to Skeletor and Mumm Ra and the like.



How can you not love a lyric like "Make you say (wh)Y like the "J" in Bjork's name"?     They are huge comic book and Kung-Fu movie nerds so tons and tons of comic book references in every song. 


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Speaking of the Czarface figure I know in Reaction they released like 4 or 5 alternate versions -  a translucent blue "cosmic" version,  a mostly black "noir" version,  a mostly red version, and one that was translucent black plastic with glitter...     I am curious to see if S7 is tempted to offer any similar variant in the Ultimates line.    Maybe not worth it from a numbers perspective but I'd be sorely tempted by both a Noir version or the Cosmic version too.

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Considering the amount of unique tooling that appears to be needed for that Czarface Ultimate, I would definitely pencil in at least one variant. If it sold well enough to get made, then Super7 probably feels like there's enough support to at least try a variant.

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Glow in the dark Czarface incoming!

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Super7 made a bunch of updates to their release schedule tonight and perhaps the most noteworthy is that Disney Wave 4 (Nightmare Before Christmas) and all 3 outstanding waves for The Simpsons had their dates replaced with “Update coming soon.”

Obviously, Simpsons is owned by Disney now so it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that both waves are essentially in limbo. Super7 just showed test shots on NBX at Toy Fair so it would be odd if it went from “on the way” to cancelled in such a short amount of time, but who knows? Brian didn’t have good things to say about that line in the latest Fwooshcast and they’ve certainly had a hard time getting Simpsons off the ground, though the ReAction stuff keeps getting pumped out without issue. As someone who preordered Simpsons Wave 2 through Super7 almost two years ago, I’m definitely more than a little annoyed at such a vague update.

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Yeah, that's not a good sign at all.  I cancelled what I had ordered after the Krusty changes, and am waiting for Poochie to hit clearance... But woof, how do you stay excited for a line like that when this keeps happening?  And Disney, that's even more frustrating because I WAS invested in getting some Robin Hood figures after decades of nothing. What a mess. 

Misfit reacted
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The pre-order page has yet to be updated for this new email and Simpsons Wave 2 was scheduled to leave the factory in December. If something drastic like a cancellation is about to take place, that's going to cost Super7 quite a few bucks if that previous update was accurate. If I'm not mistaken, production takes roughly two months so it's possible this update is coinciding with the figures not beginning final production yet, but they probably would have finalized and cut all of the tools which is costly. Now we wait to see how long "soon" is to Super7.

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