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Posted by: @theknightdamien

@hopethisworks  My guy... there is no version of Robin Hood with -good- QC. If you've seen the complaints.. that's what you're getting. But honestly.. 30 bucks, in the current world of action figure pricing, isn't the worst price for a kind-of-crappy figure if you don't care that the accessories don't work and just want to pose a regular Robin Hood on your shelf with PJ. It's still not a GOOD price for something so flawed, but it's far better than 55+shipping.



Welp, the best part about Amazon is I have 30 days to drop him back off at the local UPS Store without a box and I'll get a refund. Worth the hassle to check him out. He'll be my first Super7, though I just grabbed Leo and Donnie from their TMNT line for $22 and Mikey for $27 as part of the same sale, so 4 Super7's in one week. Perfect lure of nostalgia and a good deal. Foxes are my favorite animal, Robin Hood is my favorite folk hero, and I've loved Disney's Robin Hood since I was a kid, so I'm buying the figure more for representation than because I believe he'll be a good figure. But my gut tells me, without the stork parts and an extra head, this thing should be blister carded at Target in the kids section for $12.99, near the $9.99 Mutant Mayhem figures. Says something that despite of my love of the character, I still canceled my original PO for him and decided to wait it out.  



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Not to ruin your good time, but Robin Hood might be the worst Super7 figure I own. I wasn't at all happy with it and it basically killed the Disney line for me. I was on BBTS the next day cancelling all of my preorders on the line. I kept Stitch because my wife and kids would probably riot if I had cancelled it, but I can't say I'm looking forward to that one.

And based on that new interview Veebs did with Brian, it sure sounds like Disney Ultimates may be dead. There was the usual vexing about "The Disney Collector" and such and virtually no self reflection on the actual product produced. Wave 1 was bad, Wave 2 was worse, and we're still waiting on Wave 3 some 18 months after it was solicited. They blew it on Disney, plain and simple, which is too bad because this is a line I've been clamoring for. At least the ReAction stuff has been okay. Overpriced, as all ReAction tends to be, but otherwise okay.

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It’s absolutely wild to me that if Marvel Legends were as shit quality as most Super7 ULTIMATES! there’s riots in the streets demanding the remaining Hasenfield Brother be put to death for daring to charge $25 for such trash…

but every time one of these clearance events rolls around it’s “WOW! Great deals on Super7! Canceled all my preorders because the reviews say it turns to dust the second the slipcover is lifted but for half-off how could I say no!”

Just absolutely wild how much a “$60 $30 [50% off]” affects our ability to judge quality (hey! I bought a $25 Muckman last year, I’m not better than no one! just saying…. WILD!)

well anyway, to end positive:

Yesterday the Animaniac ReActions were on sale for $11 each! I like ReActions but $20 a piece prices me out on most of them. But got $11?!?! Oh hell yeah! Picked up the Warners since I don’t need Scrathensniff, they’re gonna go great on the Toony Terror shelf, bothering Pennywise like that one episode of the reboot series or sexually harassing Elvira (or Ash for Dot I guess) like they would have done in the old series…

TheGillMan reacted
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I'm tempted on marked down Robin Hood.  I don't care about the stork costume, so it's not a factor.  And I realize RH himself has issues (watched a couple of reviews).  I just like the look of the character.  It's probably been 40 years since I've seen the movie at Boy Scout camp, so I'm not stuck on super accuracy.  I do like the design of Robin Hood and wouldn't mind a figure of him.

I did take advantage of the Amazon sale and ordered the Ultimates ballet hippo.  I thought it was such a ridiculous figure it could provide for some humor mingling in with other lines.  Not sure I'll keep it though, as it's also exactly the kind of thing I shouldn't be buying.

Watching and reading reviews of these Ultimates (and others), it's absolutely amazing how Super7 just can't seem to figure out how to make articulation functional.  Like on the hippo, they should have had the rolls of neck fat on its own piece which crunched/slid forward (and maybe a little back) allowing the head to then look more down.  Since the neck fat is sculpted, the articulation would have been hidden.  They seem to put in the minimum amount of effort with the figures themselves, and then put too much energy and effort into the accessories and packaging.

All that said, I did buy some Reactions from the Amazon sale.  $10 Mars Attacks.  A $10 Charlie Brown (Valentine one seems the closest to a normal version).   A couple of Godzilla Reactions.  Tempted by the Muppets ones but I have the Diamond versions already.

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Posted by: @misfit

Wave 1 was bad, Wave 2 was worse, and we're still waiting on Wave 3 some 18 months after it was solicited. They blew it on Disney, plain and simple, which is too bad because this is a line I've been clamoring for. 

I accidentally kvetched a bit about this on the TMNT Ultimates thread, but I will reiterate that it should be damn near impossible to screw up a Disney license this badly.

Overpriced as they were and not being that good, I still would have taken more RH figures. But that exclusive Prince John is just annoying as all get out. (If they included an extra Robin Hood torso so I could have both regular and stork disguise displayed at the same time, getting a second Prince John might make some sense. Maybe.) 

I will say that Hyacinth Hippo is a figure that was worth the $55. I bought three to have part of her troop as well. At some point will be nice to have Ben Ali Gator to go with her - but how could anyone think that you can build momentum with a line if you release 4 figures every 9 months that are a mishmash of films?

I will always think not adding to the movies they started and instead going to Nightmare Before Christmas was a major misstep, so when Rescuers came up next all goodwill was gone for the line and killed it dead - I was tempted by Alice even though not a favorite, but that looked like it was going to a March Hare/Cheshire Cat release away from being "done". And if they had announced a 3 Little Pigs pig, I'd have gotten the Big Bad Wolf. Just a total misunderstanding of the property to treat it like the Disney Animated films are a shared universe and you just pull random characters into a wave and expect people to commit when there is no reason to believe the line itself will commit - and by commit do three or four main characters, not crazy depth. 


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Oh man, looks like Robin might get boxed back up and sent home to Amazon, lol, we'll see. 

But yeah, of course, $22 for Donatello and Leonardo definitely changes how I perceive the figures. I mean, up to now I've never bought a S7 because of what everyone's said. But I don't have a set of the original Turtles figures in my collection, or any of the Playmates reprints, even though they were my favorite toys as a wee child.  For fun, I checked an inflation calculator, and the Turtles figures I got in ~1989 cost about ~$10-11 in today money, so I paid double what I would have for an OG Playmates TMNT Donnie back in the day for the S7 Donnie today. I'm OK with that, even if the figure doesn't perform super well, it definitely doubles what the original could do. 

Seriously, though, this company vexes me, and I don't understand why their end product is so cheaply produced-- from the lack of paint apps, shiny plastic, loose joints, nerfed articulation, and so on, while they cost much more than their closest competitors. The license fees or niche interest excuse doesn't seem to tell the whole story, nor does it seem they are really producing these in boutique quantities. Is the fanbase for the Dinosaurs show that much bigger than, well, the fanbase for any of the Super7 lines? Gargoyles? ALF? 




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@hopethisworks   Don't get me wrong - I hope you enjoy it enough to not feel like you need to bother returning it. I'm not cheering for the possibility you won't like the figure. It's just that, like I think you do probably understand, there's no good Robin Hoods, so it's not like you can hope that you'll get one of the 'better QC' versions. Those don't exist. It's more a matter of if you think the money you spent is worth what people have said in all the reviews and commentary about the figure, because that figure is what you're getting.
But you're totally right that for you this is practically a no-risk in-hand assessment, so why not.

@misfit  I never ended up getting Robin, but I'm also in the camp that he's what killed Disney Ultimates for me. Even with Prince John being a pretty not good figure, I was still more than willing to go all-in on Robin Hood figures. In some ways I love the property so much that I'm STILL willing if S7 would just release a better Robin. But seeing how that Robin came out after watching/reading a lot of reviews just... hurt. It deflated all the enthusiasm I had about FINALLY getting Robin Hood toys. And, if I'm being honest, also made me WAY more salty about Super7 and their inability to make action figures that you can even genuinely say are 'decent.'

@doc-baghead  I get what you're saying but at the same time that's fake-inflation for you. Prices on everything are so high that when something is drastically reduced in price, it's just going to seem more attractive than not having it at all. But also to be fair... a toy can be 'okay' at 30 dollars and 'unacceptable' at 65 dollars. Price does need to factor in to the expected quality.
Although I think Robin Hood is well below the quality anyone should expect even from a 20 dollar figure.

I don't know why the text for this response is so small and I can't figure out how to fix it. Jesus Chris.


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I just watched the latest Fwooshcast with Brian, and I’m particularly confused as to why he is confused by the lack of sales on the Power Rangers line?  Isn’t it obvious that Lightning Collection would have consumed a large portion of the market?  Why would I want the same figures again in a different scale, for much more money and much less articulation?  Am I missing something?

Bulk and Skull are the first ones that really call out to me, but I’m throwing a way a lot of money if I can’t figure out a good way to fudge these into my existing collection.

This is the same reaction I had when he revealed the vac metal Silverhawks when all I wanted was some nice metallic-looking paint instead of the boring flat colors we ended up with.  McFarlane of all companies just put out a beautiful metallic purple Atomic Skull, but Super 7 couldn’t mange the same for $55 a piece?

i can’t speak for the internet, or the world as a whole, but these types of decisions and statements are absolutely out of touch with what I’m personally looking for.

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@scottg10 I'd say that's a good read on the situation - Brian being out of touch. I'd go so far as to say he's basically out of touch with anyone that isn't a MISB collector. If you look at his products from that perspective, everything he does makes way more sense.

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I have no excuses. I've quite a few complaints about articulation, paint choices and scaling, but I still have a ton of S7 stuff on pre-order and am anxious to see their TigerSharks.

I don't have any animosity toward Flynn. I believe he's a fan and collector just like we are, it's just that we wildly disagree on what we do with our collections. I could easily live without maybe a third of the accessories he includes and definitely play with my figures way more than he thinks we do. I'd much rather be able to put them in the poses I want than have the option of leaning them against the side of the shelf holding that gun they used in one episode of the cartoon.

At the end of the day, though, S7's the best source for characters from my childhood that I've long wanted, and I'm hip-deep in that time frame where expendable cash meets mid-life crisis. 

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The only Super7 preorders I have left are Stitch and wave 2 of The Worst (which apparently came out 2 weeks ago and none of the normal reviews channels talked about it), everything else got canceled ages ago and thanks to Premium DNA (never thought I'd be thanking those guys) I don't need to give Super7 money for Mars Attacks aliens.

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@ashtalon if you just like the look of the figure, then you should be okay. As long as you don't want him to do anything complicated with the bow. The paint (or lack of) isn't great, but from a distance on a shelf it's passable, especially at 20 something dollars instead of 55.

@hopethisworks the turtles are actually one of their best releases. Some joint looseness in the hips, but in my experience it's more nuisance than something that hinders posing or the ability to stand. I don't like Leonardo's swords and Donnie's bo is too small, but otherwise solid. Especially at Marvel Legends prices.

@scottg10 yup. Never saw a huge market for MMPR from Super7. I think they thought they had something with monsters, but that isn't apparently reflected in their sales or they're just not doing the right monsters (who needs another King Sphinx?). I'm not surprised the zords have done okay because they probably interest Lightning Collection fans, though they apparently had no interest in the White Tigerzord. I do wonder if they knew that Hasbro was going to re-release the MMPR team when they grabbed the license. Maybe they thought they'd beat them to retail, but that did suck for them.

@alienking I did end up getting Robot Reaper because I just fell in love with that design. He's actually pretty good. It would have made more financial sense to wait for an inevitable clearance sale, but I wanted it on my shelf for Halloween.

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Jut got the Yellow Ranger in from Amazon's sale. Only experience with Ultimates is Donatello from their TMNT line.  Pleasantly surprised that the figure is fully painted including the helmet. Almost makes it feel like a Mafex with less articulation.

Not sure if its worth 55 but its definitely worth the 27 I paid. I can see why people get frustrated with Super7 though, some minor adjustments to their engineering and they could be amazing figures. 

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Posted by: @fletch

I don't have any animosity toward Flynn. I believe he's a fan and collector just like we are, it's just that we wildly disagree on what we do with our collections. 

This is where you're wrong. As I've said elsewhere, he doesn't care about the Ultimates line. If he had his way, ultimately (no pun intended), they wouldn't do any of this stuff, and he could make skateboards, and Japanese vinyls stuff and be profitable. He saw the success of other companies--didn't realize what it took to create that success--and continues to fall flat on his face...and can't understand why. 

Personally, I have quite a few friends in the industry, and the more I learn about the guy, the less I like of him. Like I've said, yes, he certainly comes across as affable and likeable in interviews... 

But the guy lives in a massive house in San Francisco...

...and continues to call himself a small business man. 

Receives a 37 million dollar investment...

...lays off and furloughs and good chunk of the people working for him. 

*Purposefully* tells his sculptors to make the renders they advertise with do things that he knows that the final product won't be able to lie to the fans into buying the product.

From multiple sources, was treating his staff like shit at Toy Fair. 

Think about this for a second, too...he calls Super7 a small boutique company. A small boutique company that's in bed with Warner Bros, Disney, Paramount/Viacom, and more, right? He does that to set up his prices. Meanwhile, yes, we saw several price increases across the board from companies...

...but why is it that *he's* the only one that has literally doubled? Ultimates used to be 35 bucks. I promise you, it's not because of inflation. Just like his bullshit lie about "glow in the dark powder costs being up", he lies about the state of the toy world. And he lies about the fact that he makes this shit for pennies on the dollar, cheapskates out, doesn't listen to more knowledgeable people within his company that look to actually improve products for fans, and is self sabotaging these lines with his own decisions--while bending us all over a stump. 

He's banking on that nostalgia winning out. 


dr_huxtable reacted
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I will agree that Hyacinth was a well done figure. I got her on that glitchy cheap "sale" Sideshow had a few months ago.  Huge figure, actually stands, but the head swap is scary and knowing that Robin Hood's head can break the neck peg, I didn't wanna risk it on her. 

Robin Hood though, yeah. He's such a disappointing figure.  I wanted to be so happy that we finally, finally have a Robin Hood toy (that isn't a McDonald's toy), and there wasn't really much to be happy about.  The sculpt feels like it was modeled off the VHS or DVD box art rather than anything in the movie. The plastic feels cheap here more than anything.  His tail feels like that brittle shell plastic, or blow molded plastic.  It's THE main character and it's so weak. 

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