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Super7 Ultimates, Reaction and other Products

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Fuzzy Blue Intern
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I've almost pulled the trigger on those two a few times over the years, so I happily bought them both at half price.  I look forward to seeing them in person. 

The Scarecrow Guy
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Got Ultimate Oogie Boogie on sale for Black Friday yesterday at a local collectibles store, and I'm quite a happy camper. My first (and judging my the way the line is going, probably last) Ultimate. He's always been one of my favorite Disney villains, and I never thought we'd ever see such an articulated figure of him (which isn't saying much, but still). For a big ol' bag of bugs, he's surprisingly posable, and I love their take on the burlap. Would've loved a headsculpt that had the little hanging spider coming off the end of it, or a disembodied leg of Sally's, but he still came pretty well stocked; I love the little bat, and the snake tongue headsculpt is really nice.

Got the dice hand on one arm, and boiled/popped off the other to stick the unraveling hand on so as to utilize as many accessories as possible and make him more visually interesting. With the way he bends and contorts in the movie, even though it's technically not the right arm for it, it looks totally natural. I do appreciate the little details on this guy- the little bits of purple showing through the stitching on the unraveling arm, and I gotta say, out of all the Oogies we've gotten over the years, this one has probably the most expressive face sculpts. I've got him displayed with the old Oogie's Lair diorama that NECA made ages ago, and he scales pretty well. It's a shame we'll probably never see his green glowing version in the Ultimates style. I think only NECA ever made a true "figure" of that version of Oogie; I'd totally double-dip on that if ever made.

Would love for NECA to take a stab at an Ultimate Oogie now that they're revisiting the line; if they're able to implement as much articulaton, I think he could turn out really well given their current skills. Still, even if they don't, I'm more than happy with this version, and I'm excited to see how he looks next to the new NECA figures coming out soon.

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I hope this is not a dumb question.  But I could not find the answer myself.

For Super7 ReAction action figures, for example, Buzz Lightyear, what kind stands should I buy?

Should I buy Star Wars vintage size stands, or should I buy Star Wars modern size stands?

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Not sure how to answer that. ReAction are roughly the size of vintage Star Wars so I suppose that. None of the ReAction I have require stands though, they're pretty sturdy. They do feature hexagonal shaped peg holes in the feet that appear to be roughly the same size as a Marvel Legends opening or a vintage TMNT figure. They're bigger than current Vintage Collection Star Wars so if you're looking to use a peg stand for current Vintage Collection it might not work very well.

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@lukehu they made stands for ReAction figures

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I'm sure it'll vary greatly, as these things always do, but Super7 Utlimates are showing up at ROSS.  I saw 3 Stitch and 1 Alice at mine.  Bought a Stitch $18 seemed okay.

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Seeing reports of other Ultimates showing up at ROSS. More of that wave with the Queen, Simpsons etc.

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Looks like Super7 is licensing another Hasbro property - Micronauts. Very curious if this will be o-ring style and 1:18 like the original line, or maybe something else like ReAction or Ultimates.

Instagram post link - Instagram

As a long time Micronauts fan, not sure what I want to see. I might be interested in more comic style, more typical action figure versions of the characters that Hasbro owns ... Micronauts Ultimates ... but not sure I need new 1:18 scale that is just a repeat of the original line.

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fac reacted
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Oh my god....    Please, please, please tell me that an Ultimates Baron Karza is in the works.    I would love that SO much.     I was hoping that Hasbro would go ahead and make Legends compatible Micronauts - but frankly Ultimates Micronauts would also make me very happy.


And I know I said this in the G.I. Joe thread - but while I'm on the subject of Hasbro Characters in the Reaction line that I want Ultimates figures of these guys are now top of the list...


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Posted by: @domu

Was not expecting that but kind of clever, two characters that in the comics were scaled as human sized but in the toy line were not scaled as the same height as the main figures.



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So the cardback for Biotron references Arcturus Rann and the comic storyline. Not sure if that means anything, but Rann is still a Marvel, not Hasbro, property as far as we know - so maybe mentioning him is foreshadowing the line could include the Marvel characters? That would be pretty amazing if true.

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'Leader of the evil Acroyear enemy of the Micronauts'.  What the hell is this nonsense?

And I'd kill for MARVEL Micronauts and while the toyline was spectacularly awesome as the 51yo first 18th toyline ever, literally porting those toy designs over into 2025 looks like complete shit.

*sigh*  the yearning continues...

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Posted by: @adrienveidt

'Leader of the evil Acroyear enemy of the Micronauts'.  What the hell is this nonsense?

That was the tagline from the original Karza packaging in the late 70's, before the comics.

Now up for preorder at BBTS


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I might grab these, it’d be cool if the limbs came off like on the originals…………mind you this is Super7 stuff so they’ll probably come off at some point!

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