I guess Super7 got rights to the 1989 Batman license. I wonder if they will do ReAction and Ultimates of that. Right now, they just seem to have a Super Cyborg of the 89 Batmobile.
Feels like another license where Super7 is way late to the party with a lesser product at a more expensive price. I don't understand the thinking here.
If they do Deluxe priced Mars Attacks figures like they did with the target Thundercats I'm getting several
Yeah... I'll be super curious if Super7 is able to do these stripped down "non-Ultimate" Ultimates at retail for more properties. The $35 price tag is WAY more palatable than $55 and frankly most of the stuff they throw in the Ultimates box ends up in a baggie in storage anyway. It seems unlikely they'd be able to do this with Turtles and push them at retail without getting Playmates and NECA up in arms... but maybe some of their Hasbro Ultimates properties could work in that format?
Maybe some of their other movie tie in type stuff could also work and get stocked in the specialty section with the NECA and McFarlane stuff...
I'm intrigued.
Yeah, these Deluxe figures are a great idea. They've done it with Power Rangers and now Toho/Godzilla and ThunderCats, and I hope it's something they continue.
Less packaging, less accessories, but $20 cheaper and it seems retail is willing to carry these Deluxe figures. Honestly, a pretty good move by Super7
$35 is a much better price for these figures. It's nice to have the choice between Ultimate and Deluxe. There are lines where I'd always want the Ultimate like TMNT or T-Cats.
But I may grab Mars Attack as well if they ever did it in Deluxe style, or even some of these Godzilla figures.
I could see their Conan Comic style figures doing well in deluxe format. Just minimal packaging, Conan, and a sword.
It's a cool move and all, but I'm disappointed they didn't go with the "Adequates!" branding.
I have a couple of the Ultimates Mars Attacks martians and a third in my Pile of Loot. I like the figure but it has the usual bag of Super7 problems. A more trimmed down one for cheaper would be great, but I don't see them releasing one. There's not much to trim down either, as they don't come with much other than alternate hands. Unless the basic Thundercats releases do very well and they notice sales on Ultimates Thundercats going up as a result. The basic release pattern seems like a way to entice people into a line and then hope they end up paying more money for more minor characters. I just don't know if that type of sales technique is going to work.
And I don't see them releasing basic Mars Attacks martians. Although, if the Ultimates are made to order and they sell out...what's the harm? They wouldn't be hurting sales of competing items are no longer available. I don't know if Mars Attacks is popular enough to justify another SKU, though. It would be cool, since I wouldn't mind amassing a nice sized force of them.
I hope once the venture capitalist start seeing a return on investment Super7 is allowed to start including a little more stuff with the “Deluxe” reissues than just “figure and one accessory” because right now, they’re still a little over priced for what they are.
Don’t get me wrong, I plan to buy Toy Colors Lion-O if they do him as a Deluxe (if I see him in Target maybe even basic Lion-O) and if they want to try again and sell me a $35 Picard with that amazing head sculpt (cheaper than buying if off a caster even if I need to repaint it) I’m there! …but as it is right now, in the same collector’s section at Target for ONE DOLLAR MORE you can get an Ultimate (singular, no caps, non-exclaimed) NECA figure with alternate heads, hands, more articulation, and tons of accessories. At WalMart I can get a Nacelle Biker Mouse with extra hands, head, and a Hot Dog for $30 and they’re a MUCH smaller company.
I’m not expecting ULTIMATES! (plural, all caps, exclaimed) to be sold for $35, but at least toss in a pair of fist or relaxed hands so I don’t have everyone standing around with two grippy hands
@doc-baghead agreed. The bare minimum for most toy releases should be an extra set of hands and signature weapon/effect. I'd even add an alternate head too, especially for characters with no weapons and would basically put the line on par with Marvel Legends.
I think this is a fair ask ... an extra set of hands and one weapon or effect should be the expected minimum. The Ultimates always get two extra head portraits, like 8 extra hands multiple weapons and a myriad of other accessories or effects... these "Deluxe" figures should at least come with basic standard equipment.
Also, just saw there is another new Deluxe figure announced - Battle of the Mounds Conan. Glad to see the Deluxe treatment is getting used across more properties.
Came across the new Misfits Halloween Kids figure at Target today. It's the same mold as last year, but it has a Horror Business theme about it and comes with a pumpkin pail instead of the bag. Super7 teased one for its "Boodega" or whatever it's called and I'm curious if the website will have something different or if it's just being sold in-stores this year as well as online.
Decided to go for the ReAction Willy Wonka figures - I am sure they are not worth the price in a practical sense, but much like the Disney Robin Hood figures too much nostalgia to pass up, especially now that they have announced the full set of kids, Wonka, and the Oompa Loompas.
The Blueberry Violet is an amazing looking figure - I am sorely tempted, but a display with her in blueberry form should not include Augustus, as he was already sucked into the tubes by then. So I am torn...
I would likely get Slugsworth and Grandpa Joe if they continue this line.
Also trying to decide the appropriate number of Oompa Loompas to army build...at three at the moment.
Decided to go for the ReAction Willy Wonka figures - I am sure they are not worth the price in a practical sense, but much like the Disney Robin Hood figures too much nostalgia to pass up, especially now that they have announced the full set of kids, Wonka, and the Oompa Loompas.
The Blueberry Violet is an amazing looking figure - I am sorely tempted, but a display with her in blueberry form should not include Augustus, as he was already sucked into the tubes by then. So I am torn...
I would likely get Slugsworth and Grandpa Joe if they continue this line.
Also trying to decide the appropriate number of Oompa Loompas to army build...at three at the moment.
I also went in on these. I have a built-in shelving unit at my work office and these felt like just the right thing to place there; a conversation piece from a movie just about everybody loves and it also allows me to have some toys in the space without feeling like I am going overboard.
Right now they're still on card (which is rare for me) because I just love the art so much.
I felt complete w/ Wonka and the 5 kids (having a Veruca action figure feels like a grail); but Blueberry Violet sure is wild. And an Oompa Loompa seems like something I should probably just go ahead & add...
The first "deluxe" Transformers figure has been revealed to be Soundwave and he's an Amazon exclusive. For $40, you get Soundwave, a cassette tape insert, and a box styled to resemble a VHS box. That's all. I know this line is supposed to be "skimpy" relative to a standard Ultimates release, but how can you release an action figure without the character's signature weapon?
@kassle Got the first three kids and Wonka from BBTS today, very happy with them - supposedly Charlie and Augustus are about to land in my PoL there. Was thinking I would take a Great Glass Elevator if they made one.
When I had an office (work from home now) I had various children's TV/Movie figures and it was a nice little way to fill up some shelves and see who recognized what - mostly 1:18 or PVCs. Things like Scooby Doo, Peanuts, Sesame Street, etc., were hits with folks...