OK - so I have my fingers crossed that somehow Super 7 is able to continue the Conan figure homages in Ultimates by doing other figures that Remco did in their 5 inch Conan line - Conan with Lion Skin, Thoth Amon, Devourer of Souls and Jewel Thief. I've made customs of a couple of those on MOTU Classics bodies, but official versions would be amazing in Ultimates form.
I still harbor this unreasonable dream deep down somewhere that Super7 would be able to make a deal with Warner/DC/McFarlane that would allow them to do figures in this style of the World of Warlord figures - Warlord, Deimos, Machiste, Mikola, Arak and Hercules. Those vintage figures in the MOTU style were fun ... to have updated versions as Ultimates would be amazing. I know it's unlikely since Todd has a deathgrip on the 7inch space for DC figures... but it's something I would love.
Alternately - if Super 7 could make an arrangement with Zoloworld for the rights to do Warrior Beasts in Ultimates - that would likewise be fantastic. I know Zolo has the 5" space locked up for those - but they seem to have zero interest in larger or modern style figures so might be willing to license out for an Ultimates partnership.
OK I'll go back to being happy I'll eventually have a Kull and stop wishlisting.
So that Tiamat was an unexpected reveal. Vinyl but Flynn said it has several points of articulation but not ball joints so probably just twist articulation. Still, she will look good posed with the rest of the figures (Hasbro and Super 7).
Sounds like it's essentially one of their supersize vinyl figures which all feature some basic swivel joints. No ball joints, no hinges. I have a few of the Disney ones since I was able to get them on deep discount and they are nice display pieces. I don't know if I would have been happy at full price with any of them though ($295).
I wonder how much this one will be? A lot of people on socials are complaining that it isn't really Ultimate but I think they'd also be the same ones complaining if she ended up a true Ultimate and selling for $600
I mean the 4 Horsemen sculpted that body, and they have moved on from that style of construction and joints, into far better ones, plus better proportioning and detail. I agree that they should resculpt the body into one that looks similar, but has more detail and better joints.
A Vecna figure? Wow, i'm all in. I hope someone scans the map online for the new Reaction. With Elminster on a hoodie, maybe we'll get our red dressed wizard next? I'm super excited a toy company is finally making dnd characters that cater to me as I love playing the game.
On the one hand, this may be the only way of getting any kind of articulated, large scale Tiamat. On the other hand, it looks very plain and undetailed.
Back on the first hand, the plainness is cartoon accurate and will match the cartoon figures it belongs with, but on the other hand again, at that scale the plainness is very exaggerated and makes it look cheap.
Plus, I'm very skeptical about what he considers articulated wings and necks. And I've lost track of what hand I'm on.
I don't agree that it will look cheap. The Disney ones I have take a similar approach to the colors and they actually "pop" quite well. They're simple as far as posing goes (Pinocchio can't really do much of anything), but I wouldn't describe them as cheap looking. Expect those wings to swivel forward and back as opposed to "flap" and I would guess the necks swivel at the base and near the head. Legs probably swivel forward and back as well. Maybe they add a swivel to the tail too (doesn't look like the articulation is "cut" into the render). Basically, if you're not happy with the default pose they're showing in the render don't expect the articulation to change that in a meaningful way. At best, it will function enough so that you can have the heads looking at different figures in your display.
doesn't look like the articulation is "cut" into the render
That actually clarifies quite a bit. I was really squinting to see where there was any articulation.
So... I would actually be really, really tempted to buy that Tiamat vinyl figure, however - my wife is the biggest Grover/Super Grover fan that exists and she is in love the the vinyl figure of him Super 7 has, but won't let herself spend the full asking price for that. So there's no way I can cut the line, so to speak, and spring for this dragon before she gets her fuzzy blue muppet in the same format. And she'll kill me if I spring for both of them at full price, so... it's going to have to be the waiting game for me.
Yeah, if you don't love the MOTU Classics style body, I can see these being a huge pass. But like PantherCult, I LOVE MOTU Classics, and I LOVE their body/buck, articulation, and just overall look in every way. But that is of course opinion and personal taste.
But since to me MOTU Classics is my favorite line ever, when I see something that goes so perfectly with them, constructed on the same bodies, something in my head just goes "YAY!"
Also, the last comic Conan Super7 did was great (to me). It looked like the comic art, the head sculpt was awesome as they seem to execute head sculpts well when they aren't of real-life people, and of course, it was on that MOTU Classics body and fit perfectly with my MOTU figures.
So, even though I haven't bought any Ultimates for a while, I did pre order these from BBTS.
No, and I get that. But what I'm saying that maybe is getting lost in my wordiness is just like.. improve the neck articulation, improve the ROM on the elbows, do the better wrist articulation, etc. These are not drastic changes and don't impact how this fits in for you 'love the MOTUC body' folks, but it offers quality of life improvements that can certainly sway those of us that maybe aren't keen on that body choice.
Like, it's one thing for me to not really love the body. It's another for me to not love the body AND they haven't even bothered to make basic improvements to its functionality in like fifteen fucking years or however long that body has been around. No reasonable person is going into a Super7 thread expecting them to suddenly be SHF figures. But we're just talking about base level shit that might also make people like me say 'oh, I don't love the body but it's cool that they did X or Y, so I want to check this out.'
They just don't. Because Super7 is the quintessential minimum-effort company.
So, Super7 has been slow rolling the reveals for their SDCC exclusives but they just showed off a new translucent green Ultimates Lord Zedd figure that is going to be a must have for me. I'm a sucker for translucent figures anyway and it's just really cool looking. I didn't Pick up their regular Lord Zedd because the Lightning Collection version did the job. But this one I'm gonna need
Their Zedd was a pretty good looking figure from what I saw, but it has some ugly hips. They wanted to make sure it fit that throne they sold so they stick way out. Could probably be posed away, but I couldn't pull the trigger on it once I saw it in person.
Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this yet, but Entertainment Earth listed Sesame Street wave 3. Super Grover, Big Bird, Mr. Hooper and the Sherlock Holmes reference.