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Super7 Ultimates, Reaction and other Products

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Posted by: @jediblood

Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @jediblood

Is for the Reaction line or Ultimates?


This question is not specific enough to be answered I think...



They are 2 different scales of figures. How much more specific can I get?


You're in the general S7 thread, and they have a couple licenses that cover both Ultimates and ReAction, so not specifying WHICH line was a little vague.

Yes, there was talk previously about the Turtles and Playmates, so it wasn't much of a stretch to figure out that's what you were asking about, but not being specific didn't help matters when there's been talk of various properties in this thread.


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Posted by: @jediblood

Posted by: @panthercult

This question is not specific enough to be answered I think... 


They are 2 different scales of figures. How much more specific can I get?



Since there are multiple conversations occurring in this thread how about just quoting the post you're replying to or referring to to give the tiniest bit of context?   


This is the general Super7 thread where on this page alone people have referenced super size vinyl product,  numerous different Ultimates lines including D&D, Thundercats, Turtles,  Disney and Simpsons -  so it wasn't immediately obvious what your question was about.   


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Probably not worth resurrecting the Simpsons thread at this point, but Brian did acknowledge the issues with Devil Flanders in his most recent interview on the Robo Don't Know YouTube channel. Of course, in typical Brian fashion he completely undersells the problem by claiming only ten percent of the figures are affected. He did encourage people to email their customer service team if they have a problem with Flanders - so I did. And guess what? They did nothing for me. I bought it from BBTS so I was skeptical they would help. I thought maybe they were planning on doing a run of new legs and would add me to a list or something. Nope. Good old Rudy (and I mean that sincerely) told me they were just giving out credits to people who bought from them because their entire stock of the figure is defective. That's a little more than 10%, Brian. The figure is such a pile of crap that I did as Rudy suggested and reached out to BBTS more just because I wanted them to know what I thought about the product Super7 sold them and it was therapeutic. They gave me my money back on the figure and also shared with me they're getting lots of complaints from customers on this line. The figure is so bad you only have to shake it a little for the legs to just fall off. And the rest of Wave 4 isn't much better. I could have complained about all of them (well, King-Size Homer turned out fine for a Super7 product), but Devil Flanders was the absolute line in the sand as that's a figure that should not have made it out of the factory like that. Clearly, this was a rush job and corners were cut and they got burned. The unsold figures should get tossed into a landfill.

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Posted by: @drawingturtle


Wow, that looks real good, that throne is sweet, gonna have to get the pair now.


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That Conan does look very nice.   I didn't pay the money for the throne,  but I'll admit it looks pretty good.   I might round back to it eventually.


Just twiddling my thumbs waiting to see about any product release I may care about.   Once the Hachiman/Alluro/Wily Kit wave is in more people's hands I'd expect they may announce a new Thundercats wave?    I will be curious though to see what they do with it.  and then of course still  biding my time for that Tiger Sharks announcement.      I am curious to see if there will be anything announced between now and Tiger Sharks that truly sparks my interest from them.    I'm not big in to the heavy metal and rap personalities they've been announcing - at least not as figures.    Maybe a wave 2 of D&D?    I'm hoping at SDCC they announce another license like Bravestar or Thundarr.   That would really get my engine revving.

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One of the few Ultimates sublines I've been content with has been the music-based ones and Super7 put up another Ghost figure today - Papa Emeritus IV. A bit odd that they skipped over the Prequelle album and its frontman, Cardinal Copia, who is the same but different from Papa IV. And that one wouldn't have required the fancy vestments. This new one looks pretty nice though with all of the stuff on, though the unrobed figure looks pretty underwhelming (one of the pics makes it look like an oversized ReAction). There's also little in the way of accessories and I think he should come with a third head since he's worn two styles of pope hats. All that being said, I'll probably get him as long as BBTS carries it. Apparently this is supposed to be a heavy metal month at Super7 so maybe we'll get some news on the Danzig figures, though the fact that they haven't gone back up for presale is a bit concerning (and it sounds like Glenn was taken by surprise when the retailers pulled the figures - is Super7 trying to play hardball?)

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@misfit I think they may have gone with Papa IV instead of Cardinal Copia because of the release of the Rite Here, Rite Now film in a few weeks. I'd really be surprised if they don't eventually do Cardi C as well as Papa Nihil. I have to wonder if they will ever get around to doing the Ghouls though.

I'm really curious what the deal is with the Danzig figures. Brian claimed that it was just a delay because they were waiting for Glenn to approve the figures, but it sounds like Glenn wasn't aware of this. 

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I finally got around to opening my Worst Ultimates Black Falcon and Robot Reaper and dang if they aren't some of the best Ultimates they've made so far. Just fun toy designs, they don't overdo it on the accessories, and the posability and joint tightness is actually decent.

I'm pretty happy that they're as good as I hoped they would be, and I'm not having any buyer's remorse about them, which is a rare sentiment in this thread. Only thing is the jute belt they gave the Reaper. I want to pull the robe off every not and then, but having to retie it and have it look good is tough, and repeated things will definitely fray it. May need to take some craft rope and come up with something easily removable.

Anyways, I recommend them if you've been on the fence or thought they looked neat.

Super Camel
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Have you guys seen the Comic Kull and Conan Ultimates?  I think I'm going to have to get these. Both because they look awesome, and just how cool they'd look along with my MOTU Classics.

Also, there looks to be a 5.5" War Paint Conan as a SDCC exclusive.

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So -  yeah - I'm a sucker for these barabarians in the MOTU Classics format and Kull the Conqueror and another pulp inspired Conan look are absolutely in the wheelhouse for me.    


I've been saying for awhile that I think Brian made a mistake casting too wide a net property-wise on Ultimates.   He employed the same approach he took with Re-action or Funko took with PoPs and it didn't work out.


I think this is the right lane - the fantasy/barbarian/monster/Sci-Fi property lane is probably the best fit.   So Conan works,  Kull and Red Sonja would work alongside it.   Elric of Melnibone would work there too (though I think someone else beat him to that one).    John Carter would likewise fit in nicely.


It's why I think Tiger Sharks will work similar to Thundercats and Silverhawks.   


I think Blackstar and Thundarr would work really well in the format.


That's the stuff he should focus on with Ultimates.   That's where I think he'll find the most success.   I know that's the stuff I'm most enthusiastic about.


I didn't end up ordering a single one of his Ultimates offerings from the Simpsons, or Disney, or the Warner Bros cartoons,  or Sponge Bob or Ren and Stimpy,  or any of the Rock Stars...  (I did buy Czarface because that works perfectly as a sci-fi robot)  ....  that stuff just isn't what I'm looking for in my 7" action figures.


But Kull and Conan.   Yes please.   Give me more.

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Goddamn.. I just hate Conan on that tired old MOTU body so much. It was never a -good- choice, and as time wears on it only becomes a worse and worse choice. Also... wrong wrist hinges, because Super7 is a bad toy company. But I'll grant this - if you ignore how bad the body choice overall is, and how bad the ROM on that body is, the rendering for a figure that may or may not actually end up looking like that, is pretty cool.

I hate Kull. I don't know why. Something about that figure just looks really off to me. Maybe because the skin tone is so light? I don't know. But Conan looks as good as a Conan on that body is going to look. In theory. If it turns out actually looking like that. Which is about 50/50. If it were 20 bucks and could stand on its own weight, I'd buy it. 30 bucks? That's a maybe. 40 is a probably not but I could be convinced. 55? Fuck off.

spinc reacted
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Posted by: @theknightdamien

Goddamn.. I just hate Conan on that tired old MOTU body so much.


Leave my beloved MOTU Classics body alone - damn you.   I love it - disproportionately and too much -  but there's something about it that just works really well for my specific action figure tastes.    Intellectually I understand all of your criticisms -  but somehow they just don't matter to me.   


I hope they keep using it forever -  in part because I want any new characters they make to look right posed next to the hundreds of characters I already own on that body system.   


Hooray for this Kull, I say!   Huzzah!


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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @theknightdamien

Goddamn.. I just hate Conan on that tired old MOTU body so much.


Leave my beloved MOTU Classics body alone - damn you.   I love it - disproportionately and too much -  but there's something about it that just works really well for my specific action figure tastes.    Intellectually I understand all of your criticisms -  but somehow they just don't matter to me.   


I hope they keep using it forever -  in part because I want any new characters they make to look right posed next to the hundreds of characters I already own on that body system.   


Hooray for this Kull, I say!   Huzzah!


We've gone 'round about this and I do get it. I can see the appeal even if I don't agree. BUT, here's the major sticking point for me; it's still the SAME body. Like, they could make a very similar body that fits in aesthetically with that 'MOTUC-style collection' and do some quality of life improvements to make it function a little better or look a little better here and there, and they just don't. That's what drives me nuts more than anything else; Super7's very typical 'good enough' attitude. With the right modifications that body could still be fun for Conan, even if it would never be my preference.


spinc and PantherCult reacted
Super Camel
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Yeah, if you don't love the MOTU Classics style body, I can see these being a huge pass.  But like PantherCult, I LOVE MOTU Classics, and I LOVE their body/buck, articulation, and just overall look in every way.  But that is of course opinion and personal taste.

But since to me MOTU Classics is my favorite line ever, when I see something that goes so perfectly with them, constructed on the same bodies, something in my head just goes "YAY!"

Also, the last comic Conan Super7 did was great (to me).  It looked like the comic art, the head sculpt was awesome as they seem to execute head sculpts well when they aren't of real-life people, and of course, it was on that MOTU Classics body and fit perfectly with my MOTU figures.

So, even though I haven't bought any Ultimates for a while, I did pre order these from BBTS.

PantherCult reacted
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