I was right. 'Mars attacks' Ultimates are up for PO, must have for me. Im obsessed with martians/other world aliens
Really love the Mars Attacks! Ultimates. But I'll wait for the eventual glow in the dark version.
The pre-order status page was updated today. Looks like Shogun Godzilla, The Worst Series 2, Bruce Lee, and Transformers Wave 2 (for those who ordered direct) are about to start shipping to customers. I'm interested in seeing how Robot Reaper turned out as that design looked fun, but the first wave from that line didn't impress me so I'm going to need to see some impressions first.
Does anyone have any info about the Who Framed Roger Rabbit ReAction line? I'm hoping they make figures of Greasy and Wheezy to complete the Toon Patrol weasels. I don't know how well the line is doing or how good Super 7 is at finishing groups. I think wave 2 came out fairly recently. If that's the case, I hope wave 3 comes out and includes those two figures. Thanks for any info or insights!
@misfit Looking at a review on YT from BillyBeige, Robot Reaper is looking like a pretty fun figure. Black Falcon has some disappointing paint, as he seems too bright compared to the promo pics that had more of a weathered look, but this is S7, so we shouldn't be surprised there. I had him on preorder but it got cancelled ages ago and I was ok with that, but now I'm wondering if I need that robot reaper. He surprisingly looks like he can move pretty well (an actual torso joint that works?) and has a ton of character for the shelf. I love that powered down head with the black eyes.
Might need to pick both of these up if they go on sale.
I saw that video plus some shots and a quick video from Dan Larson that all but sold me on Robot Reaper. The pragmatist in me says wait for a sale, but if BBTS gets it in soon I'll probably bite. It helps that it's being released at the right time of year.
I’m in for all of the Danzig/Misfits figures. I don’t love the price on them, but I don’t think Danzig comes cheap. They’re rolling with basically the same concept as Medicom did some 15 years ago with the skele-Danzig, bloody Danzig, and shirtless Danzig to represent each of his 3 bands which is pretty smart. I’d still love an Ultimates Glenn, 3 if it’s done well, but this should be fun. We also need a Doyle. Then I can let the ghost play drums in my display.
Yeah, they are paying for both Glenn AND Jerry in wave one, and that doesn't come cheap at all. Both are separate licenses, so getting them both in the line is pretty amazing.
I'd imagine Doyle will wind up getting a figure as well, but he's yet another license, so they likely are waiting to see how the first wave does first.
I’m in for all of the Danzig/Misfits figures. I don’t love the price on them, but I don’t think Danzig comes cheap. They’re rolling with basically the same concept as Medicom did some 15 years ago with the skele-Danzig, bloody Danzig, and shirtless Danzig to represent each of his 3 bands which is pretty smart. I’d still love an Ultimates Glenn, 3 if it’s done well, but this should be fun. We also need a Doyle. Then I can let the ghost play drums in my display.
Yeah, they are paying for both Glenn AND Jerry in wave one, and that doesn't come cheap at all. Both are separate licenses, so getting them both in the line is pretty amazing.
I'd imagine Doyle will wind up getting a figure as well, but he's yet another license, so they likely are waiting to see how the first wave does first.
Yup, just getting Glenn is a minor miracle. NECA's Randy has been barking up that tree for years and has never been able to get a deal done, either because Glenn was never interested, or money was a sticking point. I think Glenn definitely prefers the more stylized interpretations like what Super7 is doing and Medicom did, he may have no appetite for the realism NECA probably was after which would also mean he's probably not down for Ultimates. That would explain this different approach we're seeing here.
@misfit Yeah, I'd love to see Ultimate style figures of Glenn (or, better yet, a series of NECA Ultimates focused on Glenn), but I'm really doubtful that will happen. For now, I'm just gonna be happy with what we're getting! We're seeing figures most of us Fiends never dreamed would happen!
The new exclusive Black Falcon is looking pretty great, really makes him an evil baddie compared to the normal deco. May have to hunt this one down. Robo Reaper in white is kinda meh, though an interesting recolour.
NYCC exclusive apparently.
I'm a *little* bit annoyed by this.
I'm more than a little annoyed. He should have had that setup to begin with. Not so much the robe being blue, but that's his signature pose and the supposed "Ultimate" can't do it. At any rate, my Prince John is hot garbage when it comes to being able to just support its own weight. There's no way I'd spend more money on it just so he can suck his thumb while propped against a wall.
Several Super7 Ultimates figures sub-$30 on Amazon Prime today. Robin Hood was $31 so I finally bit, will return if QC is lousy. Thinking about Rey Fillet who is at $27.99.
I'm more than a little annoyed. He should have had that setup to begin with. Not so much the robe being blue, but that's his signature pose and the supposed "Ultimate" can't do it. At any rate, my Prince John is hot garbage when it comes to being able to just support its own weight. There's no way I'd spend more money on it just so he can suck his thumb while propped against a wall.
I had about one day with Prince John where he seemed like he wouldn't be absolutely terrible. A day of standing on the shelf and his ankles had given out and were never the same after that. And with such awful articulation on top of that, he's easily one of S7's worst figures that I've seen or held.
That being said... this is definitely bullshit. There's only two possibilities here: Super7 always knew people would want that hand/head arrangement and intentionally withheld it for this set, or they only realized it when people were complaining nonstop about them not including it, and decided to do an exclusive to make the thing people were asking for. Neither is a good look for them. They either knew we wanted this to begin with and chose not to do it so they could sell it as an exclusive, OR they were too dumb to realize people would want to accomplish John's most iconic pose and are now trying to make up for it.... with an exclusive.
And because Brian still only cares about what toys look like in packaging rather than actual value for the customer, they're cutting accessories here instead of just giving the figure ONE crown that can be swapped between the heads. Like.. why? It's the same crown on every head. And it's removable. WHY?
Oh, right. Because having a crown on each head looks better in the package. Lame.
@hopethisworks My guy... there is no version of Robin Hood with -good- QC. If you've seen the complaints.. that's what you're getting. But honestly.. 30 bucks, in the current world of action figure pricing, isn't the worst price for a kind-of-crappy figure if you don't care that the accessories don't work and just want to pose a regular Robin Hood on your shelf with PJ. It's still not a GOOD price for something so flawed, but it's far better than 55+shipping.