Looks like Super7 is dumping its remaining Disney stock (as well as other warehouse items) on Big Bad Toy Store for cheap:
I've been waiting for a sale on the Roger Rabbit ReAction so I'll happily pay 32 bucks for the four I don't have. And I couldn't resist the Super Size Mickey for $120. It does make me wonder if Super7 is being forced to clear out the Disney stuff, or if they just know there's no hope of selling the remaining stock without huge discounts since everyone knows these lines are all dead.
@misfit My guess goes to the latter. I think it's really just as uncomplicated as 'this shit isn't selling, and Super7 has so monumentally fucked everything up that it probably won't ever sell at full price anytime in the foreseeable future.'
Because it's also hard to say for sure if this is a directive from Super7 (doubtful) or just BBTS clearing house (far more likely). BBTS basically waited as long as they could. They've gotta be aware that by now anyone interested in this sort've thing, that also even bothers with things like online toy stores, knows that S7 isn't doing more Disney stuff, and is changing their Turtles approach. So... discounts. Get rid of it now or sit on it for years and hope it becomes relevant again somehow. And I don't think BBTS is generally big on the 'maybe the value will go up again in five years' gamble. You pay per square foot on your warehouse. You've gotta make every sqft count, and most businesses don't seem interested in long-term storage of shit that isn't performing well.
I 100% believe that the prior BBTS Super7 mega-sale was Super7's own factory overstock being sold through BBTS - either as a deal for BBTS to effectively do the logistics, or it was sold to them for pennies on the dollar. BBTS is a big operation at this point but no way they had 50 or 100 or more extra of virtually every Ultimate ever made - that was hundreds of thousands of dollars of product they were, in theory, selling at near cost.
I'll guess that Super7 has until a certain date to sell product to retailers and on their own website under the license, whereas BBTS has until whenever it sells to sell it. So guessing Super7 have sent orsold at a discount all their leftovers to BBTS, again... so Brian can save face that "stores over-ordered", not that they over-produced.
@theknightdamien my assumption it's Super7 unloading stock on BBTS is due to these almost all being preorders expected to be fulfilled in about a month. I'm guessing they're in transit from Super7's warehouse in CA to BBTS in WI. It's possible BBTS has a satellite warehouse that doesn't ship to consumers or something, but I'd be surprised if they were sitting on dozens of 300 dollar jumbo vinyl Mickeys. If they were, I question some of the decisions they've made in the past.
@misfit That's fair. That being said, there's been some conflicting information in the past about how all of this works. Presumably BBTS has all of these things on order and may not actually be able to cancel those orders with Super7. So there may be some give there where BBTS says 'if we're stuck with these, we're going to pre-discount them because we already know this is going to suck for us.' After all, it's likely that if this represents stock BBTS had already ordered, that BBTS would have placed those orders quite a while ago - probably before S7 lost Disney.
In essence, S7 would have to put up with BBTS putting up brand new pre-orders at discounted prices because they're really at fault here for potential losses to BBTS.
Or, as you said, it really is simpler and S7 is almost using BBTS as a proxy to sell their shit at a discount without having to do it themselves because they feel the perception is worse if it's discounted directly by S7 than if it's discounted through a retail partner that is ostensibly making their own decisions about pricing.
I don't think I've ever seen pre-orders clearance before? 60% off a preorder? Like, if someone else preordered, does their cost come down? Or do they have to cancel and preorder again? So strange.
@misfit My guess goes to the latter. I think it's really just as uncomplicated as 'this shit isn't selling, and Super7 has so monumentally fucked everything up that it probably won't ever sell at full price anytime in the foreseeable future.'
Because it's also hard to say for sure if this is a directive from Super7 (doubtful) or just BBTS clearing house (far more likely). BBTS basically waited as long as they could. They've gotta be aware that by now anyone interested in this sort've thing, that also even bothers with things like online toy stores, knows that S7 isn't doing more Disney stuff, and is changing their Turtles approach. So... discounts. Get rid of it now or sit on it for years and hope it becomes relevant again somehow. And I don't think BBTS is generally big on the 'maybe the value will go up again in five years' gamble. You pay per square foot on your warehouse. You've gotta make every sqft count, and most businesses don't seem interested in long-term storage of shit that isn't performing well.
What are they changing with the Turtles? Do you mean painting them similar to the cartoons?
Anyone else see the SDCC exclusives? Invisible D&D Sheila is cool!
Anyone else see the SDCC exclusives? Invisible D&D Sheila is cool!
Had to do a search to find them since Super7 hasn't put them up on their socials yet that I've seen.
Invisible Sheila is fine... may still skip her. I'll tell you though - the three separate head sculpts seem a bit redundant. She's invisible/translucent - what does it matter if she has slightly different facial expressions? Is anyone really going to be bothered swapping those invisible heads?
"Ghost" Grune is a bit silly. At least with Ghost Jaga he had a major role in T-cats episodes... Ghost Grune is a bit of a stretch for me.
Chef Michelangelo is fine if you're into that. Same turtle with new accessories I guess. Not my thing at all.
And I honetly can't even tell what's different about "Jungle Trap" Zartan other than the hooded robe. Is there anything different about the figure? Is the paint job darker? I guess the accessories are different.. but different enough?
We'll see how my wallet is doing once I'm at the show. I may pick up Sheila and there's an outside chance I'll gave and get the stupid Grune even though it seems a bit silly.
@hopethisworks it's all old stuff so I don't think any of this was available for preorder prior to the sale event. Though if some was, I'd assume it would convert to the updated price.
Super7 also has Disney and Simpsons on clearance for 30% off on their website, but you need to be on their mailing list and have received the coupon code. I think there are definitely some perception games being played here. Either way, none of the discounts are as good as what BBTS has, but there are a few newer items not part of the BBTS sale that are available direct from Super7.
@misfit My guess goes to the latter. I think it's really just as uncomplicated as 'this shit isn't selling, and Super7 has so monumentally fucked everything up that it probably won't ever sell at full price anytime in the foreseeable future.'
Because it's also hard to say for sure if this is a directive from Super7 (doubtful) or just BBTS clearing house (far more likely). BBTS basically waited as long as they could. They've gotta be aware that by now anyone interested in this sort've thing, that also even bothers with things like online toy stores, knows that S7 isn't doing more Disney stuff, and is changing their Turtles approach. So... discounts. Get rid of it now or sit on it for years and hope it becomes relevant again somehow. And I don't think BBTS is generally big on the 'maybe the value will go up again in five years' gamble. You pay per square foot on your warehouse. You've gotta make every sqft count, and most businesses don't seem interested in long-term storage of shit that isn't performing well.
What are they changing with the Turtles? Do you mean painting them similar to the cartoons?
Playmates has stepped in and prevented them from doing their own versions of the old toys. Super7 is countering by creating more new sculpts (Ninja April, Karai) and is also going to do figures based on the 2003 cartoon.
Is this for the Reaction line or Ultimates?
Is for the Reaction line or Ultimates?
This question is not specific enough to be answered I think...
@jediblood Ultimates, though it would likely apply to ReAction as well.