@captaincracker hell yeah man! Reign in Blood is a timeless classic, and was a game changer for thrash metal. I agree, more washes and paint on the figure would have helped with giving the "minotaur" (lol) a more sketchy look like on the Show no Mercy album cover.
The figure is actually pretty decent in hand as far as functionality goes, but the aesthetics are not the most popular among modern action figure fans - I totally get that. Honestly I'm such a big fan of the band, just the fact that this thing exists is enough for me.
That Slayer figure could work with other lines as well, as just some goat-headed demon guy. Actually would look good fighting Conan.
I imagine the Conan/Kull figures will likely be Reaction, but I really like the Ultimates comic Conan and wouldn't mind seeing more comic Conan figures. Especially a Buscema looking one.
Looks like Transformers Ultimates is dead. Not listed under the product to expect from Super7 during the 40th anniversary.
Well, with the last wave expected soon, and no preorders open beyond that, then yeah, it's probably dead. I think you can say the same for almost every other license they have other than the music ones if they're in the same situation. Power Rangers is probably on life support as well as I think they only have one open preorder, or will soon only have the one, as the White Ranger "Wave Four" is shipping now.
If you are collecting Simpsons and didn't prepay, March is looking pretty brutal with all three open waves expected to hit at the same time. Nice planning, Super7.
I think the writing was on the wall with that last "wave" of Transformers Ultimates which was two repaints and one new character. I just think the idea of toony looking Transformers that don't transform was way too niche to survive at $55 per when there are SO many options for Transformers out there.
That said... if the prices drop far enough - say in the sub $40 range I can see myself picking up at the least Bludgeon and Alligaticon.
But it doesn't surprise me at all that this branch of Ulimates is done.
The latest Joe Ultimates wave feels like that of a soon to be cancelled line as well
Not sure if this is the best thread to mention it, but I didn't realize Super7 was putting out two more D&D ReAction figures based on the old, classic artwork. I'm not a huge Super7 collector but I'm kind of liking the low-commitment little collection I'm pulling together of fantasy reAction figures - D&D, Willow (at least the original movie - not shocked they canceled the TV show waves) and Critical Role reActions all kinda look neat together in a harmless fantasy vibe. If they ended up doing Conan or something like that in this style I'd pick those up, too. Silly crossover but it's low-key and doesn't take up a ton of shelf space, either.
@thewyldman I feel like the sustainability of a line that is $55 or more each doesn’t really lend itself to army building. I think GI Joe O-Ring figures could be really successful if vehicles are offered. I could really go for Star Trek O-Ring figures too, because I could see putting those in Playmobil’s Enterprise or buying one of those 3D printed bridge sets or even better yet if Super7 would resurrect that Enterprise D Play Set that Galoob prototyped way back in 1988!
Yeah, $55 is rough for army building. It's too bad they make little effort to entice people to army build with cheaper bundles that could knock the price down a little bit. At least they offer different parts and decos to at least give collectors options should they buy multiples, in most cases. I definitely don't expect much out of their O-Ring line, but I'm also not a Joe collector so I don't know what the general reaction to it is. I just don't think the product will be as good as 90s O-Ring figures and instead will just be ReAction with elbows and knees. And the problem with vehicles is that it's still Super7 and their vehicles are just always very expensive. Unless Hasbro is fine abandoning the 3.75" scale and letting Super7 have it for general release, my guess is they'll be very limited in what they can do and still more expensive than the average Joe collector would like.
@docsilence To me, this is the appeal of the ReAction line. To have all these different properties in the same exact style that you can mix and match as you please, and build your own personal collection without taking up an entire room.
It brings me back to where this stuff all started as a kid, and I'm 100 percent with you on building a fantasy figure setup. Bring on the ReAction Conan line, I'm absolutely here for it!
That Slayer figure could work with other lines as well, as just some goat-headed demon guy. Actually would look good fighting Conan.
I imagine the Conan/Kull figures will likely be Reaction, but I really like the Ultimates comic Conan and wouldn't mind seeing more comic Conan figures. Especially a Buscema looking one.
I've been dying for a good Buscema Conan for as long as I can remember. I really hope Super7 (or anyone else) delivers on this at some point.
@reefer-shark I didn't think I'd like the simplicity of the reAction line (I used to have fun with action figure photography for a bit so I preferred more articulation and detail) but I just like the consistency and how they all kinda vibe together. I'm half-tempted to add some MOTU or Thundercats to the mix for more swords and sorcery stuff but I feel like that might be too deep an investment (missed the boat on some key characters and all). Conan or any other old school fantasy figures though, they'd get me with those.
Yeah, $55 is rough for army building. It's too bad they make little effort to entice people to army build with cheaper bundles that could knock the price down a little bit.
I agree with this. It was why I thought their offering of Reptillian brutes in Thundercats was oddly approached. I get that they were trying to recoup the costs of an entirely unique sculpt for Slythe - but charging $55 each for repaint "army builders" seemed too much. Drop the price a little and encourage people to buy multiples...
But at least with those they had slightly different weapons and different colored tunics or whatever. Expecting people to buy multiple Cobra troopers at $55 each is even crazier.
I think it's too early to speculate any Ultimates line being dead. S7 has done reuse waves in Thundercats and TMNT and those are still truckin along. And Brian told Veebs in one of his interviews that they're scaling back the number of releases per year for their licenses, which I think is good. If the schedule ever gets back on track, 4 waves of 4 figures per line per year is a lot of money.
In that same interview, he also tossed out the idea that most licenses aren't destined to run for more than 4 or 5 waves which could have been him putting it out there that lines like Transformers, GI Joe, Power Rangers, etc. are on the way out and it's just a natural cycle. It changes the narrative about the line from "Super7 is failing" to "Oh, this line was always supposed to end here." Though it only works if people buy into it.