@panthercult, would it make sense for you to simply set aside the money when you think it's due, and then just keep it set aside until it finally ships? Sure stuff happens, but if you have the money now, I don't know how you'd not expect to still have it next month.
But I agree with all y'all on TigerSharks. It's such a quirky little memory from my early teens, and it feels way overdue to see all the Cats, Hawks, and Sharks together.
@panthercult, would it make sense for you to simply set aside the money when you think it's due, and then just keep it set aside until it finally ships? Sure stuff happens, but if you have the money now, I don't know how you'd not expect to still have it next month.
It's not a matter of having the money - it's that charges under $200 don't attract my wife's notice but a charge of $700 all at once gets her attention 😆
@panthercult, hah! Stay safe, man.
I wonder if slowly loading up a pre-paid gift card over time would soften the blow for some who don't like a big expense all at once.
@panthercult, would it make sense for you to simply set aside the money when you think it's due, and then just keep it set aside until it finally ships? Sure stuff happens, but if you have the money now, I don't know how you'd not expect to still have it next month.
It's not a matter of having the money - it's that charges under $200 don't attract my wife's notice but a charge of $700 all at once gets her attention 😆
Oh man that’s the truth. A divorce is certainly expensive, so a slow trickle is certainly the way to go. Super7 order I had with BBTS and HasbroPulse killed my account right before Christmas. I certainly won’t be making preorders that I can’t pay up before hand in the future. I had these all on a credit card but I had planned for staggered releases. I certainly wasn’t expecting to be overmaxed on both my cards right before Christmas.
Super7 has been teasing a bunch of new licenses on social media recently. Some of them:
- Spinal Tap
- Frosty the Snowman
- Thin Lizzy
- Kull the Conqueror
- Conan the Barbarian (looks like comic Conan instead of movie)
- American Psycho
I'm guessing most of these are ReAction only. Maybe Kull and Conan get Ultimates, but I'd be pretty surprised if some of the others do. Frosty the Snowman is a bit out of left field and kind of intriguing. I like getting new Christmas or Christmas adjacent figures each year so it at least has my attention. I'm kind of hoping it's just ReAction with unique style and sculpting like the Disney stuff as I don't think Frosty needs the Ultimates treatment, but we'll see. A 1:10 scale Frosty has some appeal, I'm just not that convinced Super7 will make a figure out of the snowman that warrants the price tag. The font in the tease seems to clearly indicate it's the Rankin/Bass now Classic Media interpretation of the character.
@misfit Hopefully Rankin/Bass equates to figures from The Hobbit cartoon as well! I have a feeling the newly announced Conan and Kull figures will be on the 5.5” Masters of the Universe Vintage Style figures that they showed Glen Danzig, The Misfits and Samhain figures of at SDCC and New York Comic Con. I sure hope Super7 does Clash of the Titans figures for the 1980 movie in this style too!
From that list, the only one i care about is FROSTY. that i do have to buy BUT only if he is a Ultimate. I noticed that when Super7 does these 'rapid fire' multi line announcements they are usually Reaction figures, meh. I would fucking love a 6 inch Frosty.
If they do Ultimates of Conan and Kull, I'm in. They're previous comic Conan figure was really fun. I'd love to have more to go with it.
I will say though, I had always hoped Boss Fight would get the rights to comic Conan, and even Kull.
@nightwolf my thinking on Frosty is it’s ReAction for now since that will be on shelves by the end of the year. If they’re doing Ultimates there’s basically no shot of them making it out before the holidays, but I’m also assuming Super7 actually has a plan.
I’m definitely interested in that Frosty line. I also wish they’d make some more Christmas Peanuts characters.
This dude showed up today! Typical S7 Ulitmates fare as far as quality goes - but as a mega fan of Slayer - he's a dream come true 😍
If they do Ultimates of Conan and Kull, I'm in. They're previous comic Conan figure was really fun. I'd love to have more to go with it.
Absolutely down for it. The Marvel Conan #1 figure is one of the best Ultimates figures Super7 has done, so if they can do Kull and a more Buscema comic Conan I will be so on board.
As I was looking at some old Conan Marvel covers I came across this one which surprised me as Marvel likely would have had to license this character as well. A crossover I didn't know happened:
I'm a huge fan of Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone series. Elric was first published in 1961 so predates the Marvel Comic and it's not a matter of accidentally using the same name by Marvel since Elric's famous ebon sword is named Stormbringer.
Crazy to me that Marvel worked Elric into their books. I adore the Elric novels so now am going to have to track down these old Conan issues where he features.
And getting a couple of Elric of Melnibone figures in Ultimates would be too good a thing to ever actually happen to me.
This dude showed up today! Typical S7 Ulitmates fare as far as quality goes - but as a mega fan of Slayer - he's a dream come true 😍
I'm glad you're pleased with him, but I think above all the Ultimates, this guy seriously needs some more paint to look right.
@captaincracker I hear ya man. My pic is pretty washed out, he actually have some shading on his skin & fur and stuff like that, but yeah it does still look pretty cartoony.
I would say stay away unless you're just a huge Slayer fan, which probably rules most people here out lol.
@reefer-shark oddly enough, I've been listening to Reign in Blood quite a lot this past week so it was weird to see you post the Minotaur pic. I haven't bought anybody their music figures and I won't get this one either, but I think he would have looked great with a heavy wash to match the Show No Mercy album cover.