Brian Flynn is a problem. He's, in fact, THE problem. He just says the absolute most ridiculous things, and consistently acts like, as the OWNER of the company and final word on everything that gets made, he's somehow just a spectator to how his company performs.
He decides to charge FIFTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS for his action figures - a completely arbitrary number, I'm sure - does not bother to make the figures good enough to warrant that pricing, does not reward fans for jumping on board by actually giving them the characters they want, and then fucking opines about how the industry is in bad shape, or fans didn't show up for the product, or whateverthefuck.
And I don't care if he wants to run his company into the ground. I don't care if he wants to just stop making 'high articulation/detail' action figures (because he doesn't like them anyway) and just sticks to his ReAction and giant 5POA robots or whatever. Totally his call.
It's the blatant dishonesty and total lack of accountability that causes me to get so riled up about Super7.Is it surprising that Simpsons and Disney are done? No. Not even a little bit. It's quite literally what some of us have been saying was going to happen since the beginning. The only person that couldn't see this coming was, apparently, Brian Flynn.
What's especially frustrating to me is that Super7 is making the kind of stuff that, if handled by someone competent, would have me selling my own organs just to make sure I could get it all. Conan, toy Turtles, Power Rangers, Disney, MOTU (obviously not recently), ThunderCats, Dungeons & Dragons, Music - including LEMMY!, etc. Dude. I could be buying ALL of that.
But Brian Flynn is responsible for every one of those lines being a half-assed shit-show combining ugly, fragile figures with barely functional articulation, with loose or weak joints, with inaccurate accessories, with incomplete rosters with bizarre line-up decisions, with increasing prices.If Brian really, honestly believes his Ultimates figures are worth 55 dollars each - he's delusional.
Oh, and he's also a liar. Remember how keeping the same price regardless of figure size or accessory count allowed for the smaller figures to pay for the bigger figures? Well the smaller figures are still 55 dollars, and the big figures are 75, and now some of the REGULAR size figures (Scumbug) are 65? I know who the real Scumbug is here.
I swear, if he'd gotten DC license, the first Ultimates wave would be fucking Tommy Tomorrow, Karate Kid, Guardian and Bat-Mite (because he is so cool and funny). 55$ each.
I want a good movie Conan line so bad and we have nothing.
Time for Super 7 to crack that Warner Bros Looney Tunes license with the loss of Disney. Time Warner Discovery is selling everything else off.
I used to like the idea of Super7 doing Looney Tunes. But after opening the Jada Toys Chester Cheetah, I think they could do a much better job. A figure with good articulation, two head sculpts, a few hands, and one or two accessories, all at much more reasonable price. I think they could knock it out of the park. They have a slow release schedule so far, but it's no slower than a lot of the Super7 lines.
Comparing the Jada Toys Chester Cheetah to the Super7 Pinky/Brain figures I have, the Cheester Cheetah is a much better figure. I like the scale for him better too. And they have proven they can handle the slim limbs that several of the Looney Tunes designs have.
Wave 1: Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester with Tweety
Wave 2: Daffy Duck, Taz, Yosemite Sam
Wave 3: Wile E. Coyote, Roadrunner, Porky Pig
SDCC Exclusive: Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny with old school heads (re-using the original bucks to save money).
I like the idea of it.
Jada doing Looney Tunes similar to how they did Chester Cheetah would be perfect.
I do have some of these 2012 Looney Tunes Show figures on display, but they're way too stylized to the 2012 style, and they suck in terms of articulation.
They need to figure something out in regards to pricing, the announcement of O-ring G.I. Joes got me more interested than I thought I would be, I am perfectly satisfied with Classified, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the original 3 3/4 and thought I might pick some of them up, but then I saw that they’re expected to be 20.49 and that’s almost what a Classified figure costs. That’s just absurd for one 3 3/4 figure to me, especially for a product that is driven primarily by nostalgia and novelty. I can’t believe how long the ReAction line has lasted at that price. Maybe it’s unavoidable for a smaller company but that doesn’t change the reality of the situation.
I swear, if he'd gotten DC license, the first Ultimates wave would be fucking Tommy Tomorrow, Karate Kid, Guardian and Bat-Mite (because he is so cool and funny). 55$ each.
I want a good movie Conan line so bad and we have nothing.
To be fair, I think that lineup for DC wouldn't be totally abhorrent since it'd be in line with DCUC, and all that line is missing is those types of weirdos. But at Super 7 prices, it would still be pretty awful.
@valo487 ReAction probably survives at that price because the cost to produce them is probably no where near the MSRP.
And yeah, I know it's kind of the "It" thing right now to wish for Jada to take on a new license, but oh hell yeah would I love to see them get Looney Tunes. I have zero interest in owning a Chester Cheetah figure, but damn does that Jada one look so good that it's almost tempting. They absolutely could nail Bugs and the gang, I'm just guessing that's a much harder license to acquire than a snack mascot.
They also cancelled some wrestling figures, I think they were among the first to be cancelled. And let's not forget the failed crowdfund of the Cobra Mothership and the backlash to the "sexy" Rat King. Super7 has taken quite a few hits over the last six months or so, more than they're accustomed to. And it's not just Ultimates, there were lots of dirt cheap ReAction and Super Size figures available recently so their brand has really taken a beating of late. I honestly don't know if I expect them to recover.
Yeah, there was supposed to be a third series of NJPW with Jay White, but I don't know if any other names were announced and I don't remember anything being shown. Now Storm Collectibles puts out NJPW wrestlers, and Jay's in AEW where maybe he'll get a figure solicited next year that'll show up in 2026.
I was hoping the line would be successful enough that they'd make Stardom figures too, but I suppose it's just as well. Maybe Storm will give that a try too.
Did anybody get the Count von count figure?
Welp, guess I’m glad I grabbed that Diamond Select Maleficent a few months ago instead of hoping S7 got to her.
If nothing else, they at least made a pretty decent little Jiminy Cricket to go with my Sora, Donald, and Goofy. I wish Revoltech or Figuarts would do more Disney stuff.
@boy_wonder At the risk of derailing the thread, how does the DS Maleficient scale with the Ultimates! figures? I've been think of picking up the Mattel Story teller packs of Lilo and Stitch and Timone and Poomba to fill out the display a bit more.
Picked this guy up at my LCS yesterday.
Now I need to dig out a HHH figure to stand with him.
@salemcrow Even with all the Super7 being Super7 stuff.... I've had such a hard time saying no to that Lemmy figure.
@theknightdamien Grab Lemmy KD! He's a great figure man. As is Cliff Burton and King Diamond (I never opened Papa Emeritus, so cant comment on him).
So, I'm starting to get a little afraid for my bank account.
I pre-order my Ultimates through BBTS - and I know when shipping dates slip BBTS often just pumps the Estimated Arrival to the current month and then keeps kicking it down the road... but right now I currently have 12 Ultimates figures showing an anticipated arrival of January.
King Conan
Mumbo Jumbo
Captain Shiner
Wily Kit
Battle of the Mounds Conan
If those all actually arrive at the same time it's seismic on the bank account. I'm wondering which of these are actually on the water and which get hung up further by Super7's greatest boogie man "Chinese New Year". I really do wish S7 could get on something even vaguely resembling a regular shipping schedule. The point was to spread stuff out but it ends up all arriving in quick fire hose blasts followed by extended dry spells.
Even so... I'm sitting here hoping Brian doesn't make me wait too long for the Tiger Sharks news that he teased - I'm such an easy mark.
@panthercult Next wave of ThunderCats won't be shipping until May/June, per Super7's website. Looks like you can cross 4 off your January list 😊