Time for Super 7 to crack that Warner Bros Looney Tunes license with the loss of Disney. Time Warner Discovery is selling everything else off.
Five years from now I look forward to Wave 3 (the final wave) of Looney Tunes finally being delivered so I can have a complete, well-balanced collection with Granny with Tweety, Duck Dodgers, first appearance Elmer Fudd, Wile E Coyote, What's Opera Doc? Bugs Bunny, the cat Pepe Le Pew stalked, Cecil the Turtle, Gossamer and Witch Hazel.
I still can't understand people supporting Syper7 after so many missteps. Ugly ass movie Conan figures (Except for a few), Problems with Thundercats, brittle plastic, unpainted faces on some figures. They have no one but themselves to blame for this. Like...4 Simpsons waves - not a single normal version of any of the family members. WHAT A SURPRISE, this line is canceled 🤡
If I were a new collector - I would stay away from this company and not collect any lines (except maybe the Turtles). Because they'll all be canceled, half the characters won't be released, so what's the point?
Five years from now I look forward to Wave 3 (the final wave) of Looney Tunes finally being delivered so I can have a complete, well-balanced collection with Granny with Tweety, Duck Dodgers, first appearance Elmer Fudd, Wile E Coyote, What's Opera Doc? Bugs Bunny, the cat Pepe Le Pew stalked, Cecil the Turtle, Gossamer and Witch Hazel.
I am literally laughing out loud at this post. Top notch!
@aleks Yeah, I went against my own best judgement because I really love Disney's Robin Hood, even though I was skeptical they'd do a full set of Robin Hood figures and was annoyed by the Robin figure... It is a good example of knowing better and then not accepting the sunk cost and kind of hoping for better.
Having said that, I did like their 2001 figures, and Pinky and the Brain, and I thought the Fantasia figures were unexpected and clever so liked those. But never expecting them to deliver a "line" of figures again.
If I were a new collector - I would stay away from this company and not collect any lines (except maybe the Turtles). Because they'll all be canceled, half the characters won't be released, so what's the point?
So, I totally get this if you are someone buying in for Simpsons, Animaniacs, Disney, Spongebob, or whatever
But as someone that desires to have a wall of similarly scaled and styled MOTU, Thundercats, Silverhawks, Tiger Sharks, Blackstar and Thundarr.... Super7 Ultimates is still doing a decent job at moving that needle along. I have 8 waves of Thundercats and 3 waves of Silverhawks with more on the way and at least a tease that Tiger Sharks will be coming next. That makes me happy. I'm on board for that ride as long as it lasts. I would be so happy if they announced Blackstar as one they'll do.
How much has Super7 actually canceled?
It feels like this has been a rough year for Super7 Ultimates. Lots of Delays. Some QC issues, and percieved lower quality products. Massive Clearance that has diluted the brands reputation. The cancelation of several figures. And now the cancelation of two lines that didn't really fulfill what they were promising. It's hard to put much faith in the company going forward.
There was a time when I thought Super7 was going places, and I was excited about their offerings, but I don't feel that way anymore. They lost a lot of favor.
I do hope they can turn it around though. It's going to take some introspection on their part. Their quality just isn't matching their price point, and I think the market has largely woken up to that.
For Brian to say it’s a shame the Simpsons didn’t perform since they had sculpts of the family ready is so insulting. It’s your company’s fault the line didn’t perform. You released no standard version of the main cast (except Moe, arguably). I was very tempted to buy some of these starting with Krusty, but they were always too expensive and now I’m never getting a standard Homer, so what’s the point?
World of Simpsons was a line ahead of it’s time.
The music reaction figures are what attracted me to Super7 in the first place, and they are still going strong with those. Super7 is still delivering for me, and I support them 100 percent.
I do agree that they've screwed the pooch on quite a few lines though, specifically the ones mentioned here. And yeah the QC on some of the Ultimates have been pretty shabby - I can totally see how collectors of those lines have soured on the company.
That said, I am super excited that I got my "shipping soon" notice for the Slayer Minotaur Ultimates figure, and hopefully soon the Czarface Ultimates too!
Brian Flynn is a problem. He's, in fact, THE problem. He just says the absolute most ridiculous things, and consistently acts like, as the OWNER of the company and final word on everything that gets made, he's somehow just a spectator to how his company performs.
He decides to charge FIFTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS for his action figures - a completely arbitrary number, I'm sure - does not bother to make the figures good enough to warrant that pricing, does not reward fans for jumping on board by actually giving them the characters they want, and then fucking opines about how the industry is in bad shape, or fans didn't show up for the product, or whateverthefuck.
And I don't care if he wants to run his company into the ground. I don't care if he wants to just stop making 'high articulation/detail' action figures (because he doesn't like them anyway) and just sticks to his ReAction and giant 5POA robots or whatever. Totally his call.
It's the blatant dishonesty and total lack of accountability that causes me to get so riled up about Super7.
Is it surprising that Simpsons and Disney are done? No. Not even a little bit. It's quite literally what some of us have been saying was going to happen since the beginning. The only person that couldn't see this coming was, apparently, Brian Flynn.
What's especially frustrating to me is that Super7 is making the kind of stuff that, if handled by someone competent, would have me selling my own organs just to make sure I could get it all. Conan, toy Turtles, Power Rangers, Disney, MOTU (obviously not recently), ThunderCats, Dungeons & Dragons, Music - including LEMMY!, etc. Dude. I could be buying ALL of that.
But Brian Flynn is responsible for every one of those lines being a half-assed shit-show combining ugly, fragile figures with barely functional articulation, with loose or weak joints, with inaccurate accessories, with incomplete rosters with bizarre line-up decisions, with increasing prices.
If Brian really, honestly believes his Ultimates figures are worth 55 dollars each - he's delusional.
Oh, and he's also a liar. Remember how keeping the same price regardless of figure size or accessory count allowed for the smaller figures to pay for the bigger figures? Well the smaller figures are still 55 dollars, and the big figures are 75, and now some of the REGULAR size figures (Scumbug) are 65? I know who the real Scumbug is here.
Can't say this is a surprise after the last wave of pre-orders failed to go through for Disney.
Super 7 have no one to blame but themselves for this. This is almost entirely on the poor character selection for the lines. Like, nothing against The Rescuers but if you know a wave is make or break for your line then you go for something you know people want. Even if the Princesses weren't covered by the license (not sure that was ever confirmed) you still have properties like Aladdin, Peter Pan, Hercules, Lion King. Maybe they wouldn't have saved the line but it would have given it a better shot at survival.
Same for Simpsons. None of the regular family is a joke, then to turn round and say "well we have the sculpts for what you wanted but you didn't buy what we wanted to sell so now you'll never see them" just smacks of blaming the customer for your company's mistakes.
Combined with delays and price, these lines never stood a chance.
How much has Super7 actually canceled?
Disney, Simpsons, a couple MMPR... none of the lines I collect have been impacted, so I don't have a good awareness.I only collect their Thundercats and Silverhawks, and they're going strong. And I've not experience any QC issues with them, either.
While they don't outright cancel many lines, we see lines silently dropped or kept going in a zombie like state (Toxic Crusaders). Also bigger shifts to cost savings, reuse, dropping figures per wave, and repaints in other lines as well.
They also cancelled some wrestling figures, I think they were among the first to be cancelled. And let's not forget the failed crowdfund of the Cobra Mothership and the backlash to the "sexy" Rat King. Super7 has taken quite a few hits over the last six months or so, more than they're accustomed to. And it's not just Ultimates, there were lots of dirt cheap ReAction and Super Size figures available recently so their brand has really taken a beating of late. I honestly don't know if I expect them to recover.
@thewyldman I’m going to be really frustrated if Super 7 cant even keep the Toxic Crusaders line alive long enough to last until the new Toxic Avenger movie is released.