I got Stich in from BBTS yesterday, and as I was opening him, my wife freaked out and almost yelling said, "I LOVE HIM!"
I have to agree. I have the Revoltech, which will get me all the articulation I would want, but this guy has the alternate heads and parts that make for more variety in display.
I got Stich in from BBTS yesterday, and as I was opening him, my wife freaked out and almost yelling said, "I LOVE HIM!"
I have to agree. I have the Revoltech, which will get me all the articulation I would want, but this guy has the alternate heads and parts that make for more variety in display.
I don't even know who Stitch is but I know my sister is obsessed with him so this figure made for a VERY easy Christmas shopping list check-off for her this year.
Mine is enroute from BBTS as we speak. I have low expectations for Stitch so as long as he looks cute on a shelf it should be fine. I wish he didn't have that very shiny, plastic, look to him, but expecting different from Super7 would be foolish.
Yeah, the shine is still a problem with the figures. It's especially bad with the toon characters since you're dealing with far smoother details. I had read someone's review on the wave and they summed it up with "They're too mediocre for the price."
That pretty much sums it up right there. I’ve seen some pics of Big Bad Wolf and it looks fine - if it were a $25 figure (which it probably will be some day).
The Super-Sized Pinocchio arrived today from the Amazon sale - it really is a well sculpted figure, and I despite my initial misgivings I don't think I would have liked him to be too much bigger to be "life size" in his marionette form (maybe 2 to 4 more inches, but it works as is). For $100, pretty happy with him overall, and he fits in well with my other Disney "life size" items.
One quibble is that I was a little surprised (I admit this is on me for not investigating the figure specs in more detail) the knee and elbow joints are not joints so his legs and arms will not bend - even though he is sculpted accurately to look like he has elbow and knee joints. Not that I expected a lot of articulation but giving him 5 points (he seems to have a fairly pointless waist cut, so technically 6 points) instead of 9 points is a bit lazy if you ask me, given 9 would be the max number of joints anyway. Like I said, a quibble, but I think if I had spent retail on him that would have bugged me more. Also, the hips seem to be v-cuts swivels (so his legs angle outwards a bit when moved) and I think given the joint is hidden by the pants anyway, probably a straight hip joint so the legs moved more front to back only might have been better.
I got a Pile of Loot in over the weekend which contained Stitch and the Megazord.
Stitch is mostly as expected. The heads look great and are very on-model. In terms of likeness, this may be the best in the line. It's definitely the best of the five I have (Mickey, Pinocchio, Prince John, Robin Hood) and the spread of accessories is definitely more worthy of the phrase "ultimate" than some of their recent offerings. Sure, we all have our favorite looks from the film and I think there's going to be something missing for everyone (I'd much prefer an Elvis costume to the baker one), but Super7 did fine here. The paint on the body is pretty mediocre though so it has that very toy look to it. The articulation is also an afterthought as none of the joints have good range apart from the shoulders. Even the torso joint is pretty terrible. He looks cute on the shelf though and my wife and kids were pretty impressed so I suppose it gets the job done, in the end.
The Megazord is pretty similar in that it nails the aesthetic Super7 is going for while almost avoiding articulation. The articulation on this thing is basically shit. It's not much better than a 5 POA figure. I didn't think it was possible for a figure to have as bad of elbow articulation as the Super7 Optimus Prime, but Megazord is right there. The articulation was never going to be great with this design, but it's another perfect example of how Super7 just doesn't even try. Even so, the overall look does go a long way in making up for this. They painted the crap out of this figure and I wish they did that more often. There really isn't much in the box though. I wish we got some more hands or effect parts. If we had to ditch the tiny rangers or the coin then so be it, I'd rather more stuff for the actual figure. Especially since this one is $65 instead of the standard $55 as there's basically nothing here that makes the Megazord look like a better value than say the Dragonzord. It's just more expensive.
Flaws and all, I don't regret either purchase or anything. They both look fine on my shelf and I'm happy to have added them to my collection. They're just hard to recommend since we all know these will eventually be much, much, cheaper than they are now. Until that changes, it's really hard to recommend anyone even remotely on the fence to pay full price.
1200 C Godzilla looks awesome
@drawingturtle Oh! Those are unfortunate looking. Especially that Godzilla, my God. If they're going to charge $80 for these figures they absolutely need to just...put more effort into them. Paint, sculpting, all of it. The Godzilla figures are so ridiculously below the bar. Especially for a company that touted being so CONNECTED and in the know with kaiju goodness. Like damn, put your best into that shit. Those are not great.
Simpsons and Disney are officially dead according to Veebs' new interview with Mr. Flynn. Sssssoooooo...hey...any other company wanna try to make Robin Hood figures?
Not putting normal versions of the main characters into the Simpsons line from the start and essentially teasing they'll just eventually be made was a giant deterrent to anyone wanting to get into that line. Putting at least one normal version of a family member (and maybe a variant version of another family member) in each wave would have been a better approach. Would have at least had people sorta commit to a handful of waves.
Super7 has gotta be in a weird spot right now. Some of their long-running lines, like TMNT, may be losing steam; hence the pivot to 2k3. Some other big licenses like Disney imploding. Doesn't instill long term confidence in them. Maybe they'll just have to focus on niche products, but I'm not sure sales numbers can sustain them for smaller licenses.
The Simpsons was doomed from the start, not having any of the family in their normal looks, showing accessories then replacing them (Krusty) or just not including them (Moe) i cancelled all my preorders before any came out. Also trying to get non toy board collectors (knowing S7 updates, finding interviews etc) into their lines which may or may not arrive within a year, and not having a whole set even announced is a hard way to start a niche line. I remember an interview where Brian basically said something to the effect of Disney fans being upset they were making Prince John and not Robin Hood, but we should know they will be making them. How would a Disney collector know this?
Doesn’t help either that a bunch of Ultimate figures have gone on discount and they charge more for large characters but not less for smaller ones I fear for all the other licenses as well
Disappointing that Disney is over, although hardly unexpected. I still believe a wave to fill in the gaps from the initial waves could have gotten it back on track, but we'll never know. If anyone cares, at least Funko is doing a nice range of a half-dozen Robin Hood pops which I maye have to track down... (or the fairly terrible yet expensive line from Europe from decades ago).
Not putting normal versions of the main characters into the Simpsons line from the start and essentially teasing they'll just eventually be made was a giant deterrent to anyone wanting to get into that line. Putting at least one normal version of a family member (and maybe a variant version of another family member) in each wave would have been a better approach.
This comment got me thinking how the Simpsons assortments seemed like what you'd get in Wave 11, not Wave 1, after the core was done and it was time to move into variants. If they had released standard Homer, standard Marge w/Maggie and then a standard Bart and Lisa 2-pack anchoring the first three waves, it might have helped a lot.
The whole model of "we'll get to it eventually" just doesn't instill confidence in long-time collectors like me who can name a dozen lines that got through a couple of eaves then ended prematurely in part because they overthought the assortments and held off on key characters.
I don't like to advocate for anyone to lose their job, but whoever was in charge of Simpsons/Disney there should definitely be demoted or have to sit on the sidelines for a bit before getting the reigns to another license. I was supportive of their episode-specific approach to the characters in the line, but even I could see I was in the minority and it wasn't working, but they were too slow to react. Having the line end without a single female character is just bizarre (no, Kodos doesn't count) and they seemed stubborn in their approach. Why do a Bartman figure without a normal Bart head? That was just pissing in the eye of all of the people that wanted evergreen versions of the family. Bartman should have been the accessory, and maybe you would have even got people to buy two.
I'd love to know just what it was at Disney that wasn't working with them. I would have thought they were pushing for a traditional approach and Super7 seemed willing to finally go that route, but that didn't save the relationship. Maybe some people there just don't like the product or don't like seeing these things hit clearance? I could definitely see Disney not liking some of the more crass elements of the Simpsons and maybe Super7 insisted "No, Homer needs to come with a can of Duff," or something. Or, it's just money and Disney wanted to up their licensing fees or explore more lucrative options with other companies in a more exclusive relationship. They probably like seeing their toys in Target and not on specialty sites marketed to adult men, for the most part. I've certainly heard that Disney can be a pain to deal with when it comes to licensing, but I'm definitely not willing to absolve Super7 here for these lines failing spectacularly. And I didn't even mention the delays. I just passed the two year mark on my Simpsons Wave 2 preorder and we're still months away from delivery.