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Super7 Ultimates, Reaction and other Products

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 Super7 had a really impressive range of products on display at SDCC and more cool reveals at PowerCon. Probably most impressive is the Cat’s Lair! Sadly, I am going to have to pass on that one. They revealed a new format of Retro Style figures similar to 1980’s Masters of the Universe and isn’t it just wonderful that Glenn Danzig and Misfits are going to be in that format! It was also mentioned that Conan the Barbarian is getting Reaction Figures! Hopefully they get some figures to go along with the Danzig figures too! Lastly on this I got a couple of the SDCC exclusive D&D boxed figure and it was really cool. I hope they do many more D&D figures to go with the four they have so far!

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I’m in for all of the Danzig/Misfits figures. I don’t love the price on them, but I don’t think Danzig comes cheap. They’re rolling with basically the same concept as Medicom did some 15 years ago with the skele-Danzig, bloody Danzig, and shirtless Danzig to represent each of his 3 bands which is pretty smart. I’d still love an Ultimates Glenn, 3 if it’s done well, but this should be fun. We also need a Doyle. Then I can let the ghost play drums in my display.

Boy Wonder
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Was hoping to get a little face time with Brian at Power Con but he was a pretty popular guy and never found the opportunity to sneak in there.

Mostly wanted to maybe pry a little info about the future of the Disney line. Maybe inception a Meleficent into his head. But with no Disney stuff on display there, didn’t want to come up to him and immediately start asking about stuff that wasn’t even being promoted.  

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@misfit Yes I definitely hope for Danzig Ultimates too. I agree about the need for Doyle! I really hope we can get Michael Graves too!

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Does Silverhawks have a dedicated thread yet?

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Got this little guy 2 weeks ago


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So,  I’m a big fan of Super7’s  Thundercats and Silverhawks Ultimates and soon, it sounds like, Tiger Sharks as well.     I really wish S7 was still allowed to keep doing the MOTU Ultimates line to give us those figures they and Mattel didn’t do.   But, it seems Mattel is content with their Masterverse line – so I think a great move for Super7 at this point would be to go MOTU adjacent and release Ultimates figures based on the MOTU adjacent and even knock off lines that were made in the 80’s.


Mattel already pulled Rulers of the Sun into MOTU, so that one is out, and it seems like Fuerza T is also property of Mattel at this point.   And though it would be a dream, the Warlord based Remco line is DC owned characters and I don’t see McFarlane sharing the license in the 7” space to allow for any Ultimates based on Warlord and his associates.


Even so I think there are some solid properties Super7 could go after that would work super well in the Ultimates format.


The biggest would be Blackstar.   A sword and sorcery Barbarian with a decent sized cast that would fit amazingly in alongside the MOTU Classics and Thundercats Ultimates.


Thundarr the Barbarian is another alien barabarian property that would work well in this format.


Conan – they already have the license to do movie figures,  but I’d love to see them do Ultimates versions of the Remco Conan line.   They could do two waves and do Conan, Conan Warrior, Conan King, Devourer of Souls (Wraal), Thoth Amon, Jewel thief…  I’d be super excited.


And while Remco’s Warlord may be off limits its sister line Warrior Beasts would be a ton of fun.  Ultimates of the likes of Craven, Skullman, Wolf Warrior and Snakeman – and then the fun dino-man characters Guana, Stegos, Hydraz and Gecko.    I think the rights may currently belong to Zoloworld – but they operate exclusively in the 5” retro space, so might be willing to license to Super7 for an Ultimates line (which I would love)


Maybe Sectaurs could be fun to fold in?

Defenders of the Planets had some amazing MOTU adjacent characters especially the villains - Canis Major, Quasar, Zardom...

Stuff like Speclatron and Flexatron – the character designs are solidly MOTU adjacent, and while nods to the “features” could be made they wouldn’t need to have actual stretch or snow globe features.

Things like Fantasy World and Galaxy Warriors would be amazing additions to my classics displays with fun MOTU adjacent characters.


I don’t know if there would be enough of a market to sustain those kinds of character -  but I’d love to see them at least try.     Do the same thing for the 7” market that companies like Sungold and Sparkle toys were doing for the MOTU 5” market 35 years ago. 

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@panthercult Where'd you get that Fuerza-T is at Mattel?

Top Toys is developing a cartoon and Mattel has consistently deleted Fuerza-T references that artists slip into MOTU packaging art.

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Super7 jsut showed a 'Mars Attacks' teaser on IG but if i remember they already did a reaction so its going to be a Ultimate for sure.

reefer shark
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Posted by: @panthercult

Mattel already pulled Rulers of the Sun into MOTU, so that one is out, and it seems like Fuerza T is also property of Mattel at this point.   And though it would be a dream, the Warlord based Remco line is DC owned characters and I don’t see McFarlane sharing the license in the 7” space to allow for any Ultimates based on Warlord and his associates.



So what your saying is that there's a possibility McFarlane could do a Warlord figure!!   Oh shit, I never thought of that, and now I will not stop thinking about it until Todd makes one for me.


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Posted by: @pg-superfan

@panthercult Where'd you get that Fuerza-T is at Mattel?

Top Toys is developing a cartoon and Mattel has consistently deleted Fuerza-T references that artists slip into MOTU packaging art.


It was supposition on my part because of all the Fuerza T references on official MOTU packaging.    If that's not the case, so be it.   Of course since Top Toys doesn't seem to have a presence in the US it's possible Mattel could come to a licensing agreement with them the same way they worked out a deal with Olmec for the Sun Man characters.


Posted by: @reefer-shark
So what your saying is that there's a possibility McFarlane could do a Warlord figure!!   Oh shit, I never thought of that, and now I will not stop thinking about it until Todd makes one for me.


So there's definitely a possibility that Todd could make a Warlord figure.   I'm not sure I would love it since it would likely have some wonky proportions with super long legs and also be over designed with extraneous detail for my taste.    But Todd could definitely include Warlord in his DC line.



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@reefer-shark There is always the DC Direct version.


reefer shark
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Posted by: @panthercult


So there's definitely a possibility that Todd could make a Warlord figure.   I'm not sure I would love it since it would likely have some wonky proportions with super long legs and also be over designed with extraneous detail for my taste.    But Todd could definitely include Warlord in his DC line.



I dont want a wonky Warlord, that's for sure.  It's needs to be OG Mike Grell style, I have faith Todd could pull it off as a Gold Label, but realistically I'm sure it's never gonna happen lol.


Posted by: @scottg10

@reefer-shark There is always the DC Direct version.



Nice, thanks for posting that! 


I had no idea it existed.  Not my ideal version of him, but if he's not going for a ton of $$$ I may just grab one to finally have a Warlord figure in the collection.


scottg10 reacted
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I'm only interested in Super7's ....ULTIMAAAATTES!!... lines, and with the TigerSharks announcement, I think the only brand I'm still really hoping they pick up is the band KISS.

At one point I would've liked them to have picked up Jem and the Holograms, but I kind of want Hasbro to make them so they fit properly in the Hector Ramirez-verse. On the other hand, they'd look really good on a shelf with KISS...

I also think Ultimates would be a good look for C.O.P.S., but it seems like Fresh Monkey is already working on those. 

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Did anyone grab the SDCC Thirsty for Blood Godzilla? Seems like he's about to sell out on BBTS and seems like a much cooler version than the 89 one. Link on BBTS

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