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I want to preface this by saying I like the Krusty figure and consider it the best of wave 2, maybe even the best of the line so far, but something was bugging me about the default portrait and it finally clicked for me:  the pupils are tiny. They're way off model and compared to the other figures they're also noticeably smaller. They're the same size as Mr. Teeny's pupils which makes me wonder if it was a screw up? It seems like such a small detail, and literally is, but it makes a big difference.

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I hope this guy got a dud Radioactive Man because this thing is trash:

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Why bother cutting joints in the elbows and knees if the articulation barely has any range of motion?

The sculpt and colors look so good. It's frustrating to see that and think about how great this figures could be. 

The head issue is just...



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Someone on Twitter who has Devil Flanders was complaining that the legs just fall off of that one too. Did they just skip the factory output approvals on this last wave just to shove them out the door?

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That's Weird, my Krusty camewith a machine gun and a cigar?(measures 7 inches tall w/bulky body)

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I got Kang and Kodos in today from EE using one of those influencer codes. I wasn't willing to pay 75 bucks a piece, but the code plus free shipping made it palatable enough since I knew I'd regret it if they ended up being the only holes in my Simpsons collection. These two certainly are large and I was pretty damn surprised at the size of the box left on my stoop. The figures themselves look pretty good, but feel very cheap. Everything is hollow to keep the weight down and the domes got all marked up in the packaging process, Kodos worse than Kang, for me. There isn't much paint on them, just the lower part of the dome and the spots on their heads, which isn't applied all that well. The paint on the accessories looks nice though and I like the eyeball articulation. They're at least keeping up with the matte finish so they look better than they feel, but I'm kind of left feeling like I wish they had just made these soft vinyl figures since the articulation is bare bones as it is. They would have looked and felt a little better if done that way, though considering Super7 charges 300 bucks for their super-size vinyls I probably wouldn't have wanted to pay for vinyl versions of Kang and Kodos. I still think it's ridiculous that the only Simpsons family member in wave 3 is the alien Maggie that comes with Kang.

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The nice thing about Kang and Kodos is that they'll carry over to the bigger of the two JAKKS lines pretty well. They'll actually scale better with that line, I think, than the S7 line. Homer should only come up to their mouths. 

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Mine are on the way from BBTS. I hope the domes on mine aren't too bad though, as it'll likely be hard to hide it if it is.

I can use them with all of my other "toon" type lines, such as the NECA TMNT and the Nacelle Biker Mice From Mars.

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My alien duo was delivered this morning, and holy hell, was that box BIG.

I AM loving them though. Thankfully it doesn't appear the domes have any scratches, so I dodged a bullet there.


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That Radioactive Man is fucking hilarious. I can only imagine they've basically skipped QC for any figures after they knew the line was ending. After all.. who cares if the customers are even happy with these, right?

And boy, every time I see someone post Simpsons figures with other toys, I just stare in wonder at how dumb you've gotta be to make these figures so big. And before anyone ats me with them needing to fit in with other Ultimates figures; 1. ) no, they don't - people aren't displaying these with ThunderCats, and 2.) they don't fit together anyway because the Simpsons figures are actually still too big and so stylistically different.
It's just such an obvious example of Super7 putting zero actual thought into what they're doing and just going by standardized 'Ultimates' checklist. Just dumb. I'm honestly convinced that virtually any member of Fwoosh could run Super7 more successfully and more intelligently than Brian Flynn.

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at least we're getting a Radioactive Man right away from Jakks.

by the way, it's kind of odd that we have a Radioactive Man from Super7, Jakks, Kidrobot, and Funko but not from Playmates. (unless you count that figure of Rainier Wolfcastle)

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I mean... the only thing that makes it Ranier Wolfcastle is a label on the box.    Once it's out of the box it's effectively Radioactive Man so I don't think it's that big a deal, really.

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I got the rest of this line in today. Waves 3 and 4 are definitely a step back, or several, from wave 2. It's a shame as it really feels like something that was probably rushed because the line was dead. Some thoughts on each figure:

Ralph - barely an action figure. I don't care for how they did his hair as it's too thick. His arms are sculpted in yellow with the sleeves painted blue and the paint chips and flakes off very easily. Best to leave the hinges alone as much as possible. Knees and ankles are useless. I like the paste and Valentine, rest of the accessories (including the alt head) are pretty lackluster.

Burns - terrible paint job. The white of his shirt features a lot of green on the right side. I think they hit the yellow plastic on the heads with a matte spray rather than paint them and he looks pretty cheap. Hips are usless and you would think it's because of his coat, but no, they're just engineered poorly as he comes apart at the waist easily and the hips just have no range. Ankles hinges are just painted white, but are sculpted in green, and the paint flakes easily.

Devil Flanders - Very cheap and plastic looking. His right leg is super loose at the hip and barely stays on. Hips and hinges are a theme with wave 4 are the legs fall off too easily on all except Homer and elbows and knees are a bitch to bend out of the box. Flanders has trouble standing, which isn't that surprising, so they really should have included at least a disc stand or made his pitchfork longer and sturdier (it's a soft, bendy, plastic) to act as a third leg.

Radioactive Man - what you saw in the video is true of the figure. The heads were drilled oddly and come off with almost no effort. Seems a little better than that video, but not by much. Paint is sloppy and I lots of chips and there is red transfer onto the yellow plastic for the gloves. Really sparse accessories. This should just be a Dirk Richter Radioactive Man with silly POW! accessories for his fists.

King Size Homer - A big chunk of a figure. His hat is painted white over what may be blue plastic which is an odd choice and means there's paint transfer onto his default head which is annoying. Articulation is pretty useless for such a rotund figure, but he at least looks good and the accessories are fine. No issue with the hips making him unique for the wave.

Tatum - probably the overall best of the wave. Paint is good and the soft goods robe turned out well. He can't wear his championship belt, just hold it over his head, which doesn't bother me that much. Elbows are stuck on mine so some boxing poses are hard to achieve. His legs will come off easy, but as bad as Flanders or Radioactive man. His hands pop off too easily though to the point where they'll fall when moving the arms sometimes. At least if this is a character you really wanted it turned out fine, though the $65 MSRP is absurd and I don't see the value.

A pretty lousy way for the line to go out, all things considered. I don't think I can recommend any of them at full value. A smarter consumer than me would wait these out or skip entirely. I'm tempted to contact BBTS about Flanders and Radioactive Man because the QC is so bad. Wave 2 made me sad the line was ending early because it was about as well done as a Super7 line can be from a QC perspective, but these figures are a reminder of just how bad this company is more often than not and is another example of why I gave up preordering from this company.

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@panthercult I prefer that look for Radioactive Man as it was how the character was portrayed on the show - as Ranier Wolfcastle. Why do I need a 3D version of a cover of a comic book from a show...?

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@misfit It is just really disappointing that it seems they rushed this out, likely Disney told them "get these out before Jakks or you will violate the contract" and they had to rush. But still, some of these things sound inexcusable for any toyline, let alone a supposed premium line, rushed or no. There is no universe you could make a Ralph figure that is worth that MSRP.

Anyway, sorry you got burned for good faith support of a line.

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