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What you're describing sounds very similar to what NECA did with Dungeons & Dragons as a con exclusive either last year or two years ago as an expansion on the old LJN line. I see a lot of similar attempts in the wrestling figure community. It's definitely the domain of niche products. I think someone, if they can get the license, could make something that scales with the World of Springfield, though is hopefully better considering 20 years have passed. I am in agreement with those who say a Simpsons line doesn't need to be super articulated. The articulation Super7 settled on is actually fine and could be done at a smaller scale. They could even cut out the knee articulation on smaller characters and probably not lose much. I was actually really content to have the Lego Simpsons as my only figures of the brand. I just wish that line could have gone one more wave as there are a few missing characters that sting.

fac reacted
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Assuming these are real, here's Super7's cock-up:

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No real reason not to think they're real since they match the glamour shots we saw in Toy Collector magazine. Looks like more of the same from the line, just with some in-demand characters. Would have been more fun to scrutinize the accessory selection, but now it seems like wasted energy.

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@detrimental-fig Sigh - I'd have probably gone all in if that had been Wave 1 or 2...

Amazing Spider-Man
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Super 7 sucks...

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Simpsons characters look so weird from front on. 

But yeah, this sucks, and only makes me hungry for something I can't get for reasons that don't make sense. I guess I saved at least $220?

NECA, if you're out there, save us, please. 

In the meantime... I guess the Bartman wave should be shipping soon?


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I don't agree with Super7 not including a normal version of a family member in each wave from the beginning of the line.  That alone would have at least made the line more successful than the approach they took.  Especially with Brian Flynn claiming most lines don't last past 3-4 waves, so why did he plan for ~8 waves?  That said, Disney had to sign off on the line choices, so they're also to blame.

I stand by the brand just not being a toy mover.  Not everything is.  Video games have also traditionally struggled to move toylines, despite being a billion dollar industry.  The crossover isn't always there.  If there's tons of money to be made on Simpsons toylines, I would assume we'd have seen more efforts than what we've gotten over the last 2 decades.  I think Disney values the brand bringing in a certain amount of money, but the reality may not be meeting their expectations.  And yes, Super7 screwed up the wave breakdowns as well.

Part of me is tempted to pick up the now-discounted Moe.  Just in case somehow the line is revived by Super7, who seem like they want to continue it but were shutdown by Disney.  If the line was in scale with any other line out there, it would be even more tempting if just for some fun pics of Moe interacting with other brands.  I think these figures are just too large to effectively work with other lines.  Although, I honestly haven't watched comparisons.  They just seem too large at a glance.

Amazing Spider-Man
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Maybe it'll be possible to get a normal Bart out of the Bartman figure by getting rid of the paint on the mask. Unless they did something stupid and molded it in purple.

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Close up of the 3D renders unfortunately make it look like the mask is sculpted on, that it's raised a bit off the skin. But, who knows what the end result will be. 

Also nuts that there are no photos of the actual product out there yet. Like WTF. Premium DNA have been showing off their Earthworm Jim figures for a long while now, with plenty of product shots getting out there. Boss Fight - same with Fraggle Rock. 

Are the first photographs of the actual figures going to arrive on the internet when the figures themselves arrive in the hands of customers? It feels so scammy. Ordering these figures is like ordering something from the back of a cereal box or the ad page in an old comic book. Only for $55 a pop.  



dr_huxtable reacted
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@hopethisworks that's exactly what's going to happen. With it being announced that the line is cancelled, there probably isn't much incentive for Super7 to market these things beyond the bare minimum. Even if they exceed expectations, most people already interested in the line know it's dead and that the clearance prices won't be far off. Not that I want to let Super7 off the hook completely here as they've also stopped sending out early samples for their other lines too. Perhaps they've found doing so only hurts their sales, which honestly wouldn't be all that surprising.

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argh Super7, ya blew it! this line could have lasted at least 10 waves if we had gotten more main characters! but you just had to be unconventional....

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Duffman is in stock at Entertainment Earth, so expect the Bartman wave to start trickling in.

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I just got a shipment notification from Super7 for my order of Wave 2. Curiously, it only includes Bartman, Scorpio, and Duffman. Krusty is not being shipped yet, and I'm guessing there is a decent delay expected for them to break up the order into two shipments.

Edit:  I saw VeeBee posted on Twitter his own shipping notification which includes Krusty, so apparently I'm just unlucky.

Amazing Spider-Man
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Got Bart and Krusty, surprisingly. He wasn't included in the shipping email. Opened Bart and it's pretty nice. But what's really annoying is that the belt DOES. NOT. STAY. IN. PLACE.


And seeing how easy it is to make a normal Bart with the removable belt, ( which I was thinking would be keyed in between the shirt and pants) It annoys me that there is not a single unmasked head. It's literally the only thing keeping this figure from being a regular Bart. The masked heads have a sculpted mask seam preventing you from just getting rid of the paint and using the heads as normal Bart heads.

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@asm was your order through Super7 or another retailer? Mine has been in label created stage since Monday without movement.

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