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Super7 The Simpsons Ultimates/ReAction

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So, how are we feeling about this line? A bunch of stuff has been announced as delayed by Super7 and Simpsons was one of the hardest hit. We likely won’t see wave 2 until next year now, and wave 4 is still listed as “TBD” on their tracker page. Is that one in danger of getting White Tigerzorded? I was hoping we’d find out more about wave 5 since it was revealed quite awhile ago in that toy magazine.

ReAction seems to be chugging along, at least. I should probably look to get the Treehouse of Horror line soon since we are getting close to spooky season.

Amazing Spider-Man
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Some of these delays are worse than what was going on with Mafex during the pandemic, though I think I ordered half of wave 2 in their ultimates lines back in 2021. So getting it in 2024 is not good.

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Well, it’s not official, but it’s at least close to official. Super7 updated their preorder status page yesterday and removed Simpsons Wave 4 entirely. That tells me we’re probably not even heading for a White Ranger situation where one figure made it through. Seems like the cancellation will be just a formality at this point.

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Oof, that's disappointing. I was enjoying this line.


Although I could potentially see a situation where they push through the planned Wave 5 as Wave 4, because it includes normal-look family members and a popular supporting character in Willie. It feels like it's worth a shot to try with that lineup, since it answers all the criticisms of the line.

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@secondwhiteline yes, I agree. I should clarify, my assumption is only Wave 4 is cancelled right now. Unless the other waves vastly underperformed, I would think that Super7 would give it a go with the revealed Wave 5 since that was basically a line crafted due to fan response. And if that wave fails to gain traction, then yeah, the whole thing is likely to get blown up.

As an aside, I did finally pick-up the Treehouse of Horror ReAction figures. Well, all except Bob Dole as that one wasn't around (but I was on the fence with that one anyway). I do like the three I grabbed - Homer as the Reaper, Inside-Out Bart, and skeleton Marge, and it kind of just makes me wish they'd do more in this scale, but just up the articulation a little. Hinged pegs, maybe some ankle cuts, and some extra cuts where it works with the sculpt. Playmates basically did 3 POA so ReAction is sort of an improvement, but I think they could do better without jacking up the cost beyond another five bucks or something.

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Good looking out, Misfit. And I agree about the Reaction figs. It seems that realm is where Super7 really shines, and I would have been happy with a higher end version at that scale. As a bonus you could reuse the Playmates playsets, I think Reactions scale with WoS?  

With how far behind they are, it would make sense to swap waves 4 and 5 just to bring in some folks with Maggie and Lisa. But TBH I think the ship has sailed. The no-standard-family gambit was indeed a risky idea, especially with delays. I know there has always been a contingent of "give me every obscure character I don't want the normies!" collectors, but I've been wary at the jump that their numbers were enough to sustain a $55-a-fig line. How many people love Drederick Tatum enough to spend $65+s&h on him and get him sometime 1.5-2 years later? Maybe this answers that question. 

Moe is retailing about $10 less than retail on the secondary market, with free shipping to boot. I may grab him if he ducks into the $30something range.

Still hoping I can get my Bartman & Krusty, though. I have them on PO.  






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@hopethisworks no, the WoS line doesn't scale with ReAction. ReAction is noticeably smaller. You could potentially fudge the kid characters into a WoS display since the kids didn't scale particularly well with the adults, but that's probably it.

The retail price for Super7 Ultimates across the board seems to plummet quickly. I saw the more recently released Silverhawks stuff for 30 bucks the other day at a comic shop. Super7 may be making enough upfront that it's tenable, but the Ultimates brand in general doesn't look like it's in great shape. There have easily been more cancellations this year than any other.

Amazing Spider-Man
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The next wave should just be the entire Simpsons family. It's been so long since this line was announced and there are still only 5 figures that have made it out and 8 that have been in the production pipeline for 2 years.

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oof, that's not good news. I've yet to pick up series 1 despite all the good deals because I wanted to wait and see how much longevity this line had in it. I know it's not dead yet but looks like I'm still going to be holding off.

I was afraid that too many deep-cut choices were a risk at $55+ a figure and it looks like those concerns might be validated. I appreciate Super7's decision to start off with figures that Playmates never offered but I imagine those would have sold better if they were in a 5-inch scale and not 7-inch. probably would have been less expensive too.

(side note: even if Super7 only made figures that had been previously offered by Playmates, wouldn't the different scale, extra accessories, extra articulation, and alternate portraits be enough to differentiate their product from Playmates's? that and, if I'm not mistaken, these are the first Simpsons figures in nearly 20 years)

still hoping this line has more to offer, the Moe figure exemplifies everything I'd like this line to be (minus the apron incident). I'd pick up some of the ReAction figures but $20 seems like such a lousy value. too many obscure choices too. but they seem to be selling ok so I'm assuming they are just fine for a lot of y'all.

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Well, well, this is unexpected. Not only has Super7 updated its tracker to now include Simpsons Wave 4 it has now jumped ahead of Wave 3! I don’t pretend to know how any of this works, I’m just happy that I’ll have a chance to own a devil Flanders.

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Posted by: @misfit

Well, well, this is unexpected. Not only has Super7 updated its tracker to now include Simpsons Wave 4 it has now jumped ahead of Wave 3! I don’t pretend to know how any of this works, I’m just happy that I’ll have a chance to own a devil Flanders.

maybe cuz of manufacturing issues with Kang and Kodos? because they're so big? (I don't actually know)

I guess it's not bad news that this line is still alive. though I was a bit disappointed when I saw Wave 4 and it looked like Flanders and Radioactive Man had to have fewer accessories than earlier waves in order to keep the $55 price.


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@wickerbasket I'm guessing factory backlog. Wave 4 is probably with a different factory from the first 3 waves which is why it jumped ahead. As of right now, for those not interested in checking the website, Wave 4 is basically 3 weeks ahead so they'll pretty much be simultaneous, by the looks of things. April 2024 is lining up to be expensive.

The lower accessory count seems to be an across the board Ultimates thing. Super7 is really cutting corners to maintain their profit margins to the point where some of these could hardly be classified as "ultimate."

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I'm glad it's not canceled. Personally eyeing Radioactive Man to be displayed with Bartman. 

But if I get him, will I want a regular Milhouse before Fallout Boy? 🤔 

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Posted by: @misfit

The lower accessory count seems to be an across the board Ultimates thing. Super7 is really cutting corners to maintain their profit margins to the point where some of these could hardly be classified as "ultimate."

m'yeah, like I said I'm not sure Simpsons figures really benefit too much from being in a larger scale the way some other figures do.

somewhat off-topic but I would love to see another Futurama line as I think there's a lot of room to improve upon the Toynami figures. that is of course assuming the demand is there. if I recall correctly, Toynami's Futurama line didn't even produce as many figures as Mezco's South Park or Family Guy lines.


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Posted by: @hopethisworks

I'm glad it's not canceled. Personally eyeing Radioactive Man to be displayed with Bartman. 

But if I get him, will I want a regular Milhouse before Fallout Boy? 🤔 



It's Canceled. 


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