Super7 announced in their drive to fund the Cobra Mothership that they would be doing O-Ring style figures like the 80s GI Joes many of us grew up with. This is really great news because the recent Reaction Joes have all been created to look like the cartoons. While I’m really excited about what this means for future GI Joe figures I can’t help but wonder if this style of figure will carry over to other Super7 licenses.
I hope Star Trek and Aliens/Colonial Marines gets some of these O-Ring figures. I’m not going to compile a list for this first post in this new thread. I want to see some of what you other forum members here think about this announcement and what GI Joe characters you all hope to see. I would also love to hear what other licenses y’all think would be cool to see.
Prediction: the vocal hardcore o-ring nerds will rejoice at their return, fellate Super 7 for doing it despite charging just as much if not more as Hasbro were last time they tried, wait months for all the figures to go on clearance then hoover them up and all do the surprised Pikachu face when the line is cancelled because they're all too cheap to actually support it.
Or, as the Colonial scriptures might say, all this has happened before and all this will happen again.
Quick Kick v1
Flint v1
Beachhead v1
Cobra Eel v1
Snake Eyes v2
Firefly v1
Armored Cobra Commander/Fred
Baroness v1
For any TV show or movie that had anything to do with military intel or anti-terrorist intel, at least the main character and a sidekick. Not counting Fast & Furious or Bourne.
@revox Very true. Got a lot of bargain chasers waiting for stuff to go on sale and crying when things get cancelled. I don’t hear as much griping and complaining about when Hasbro marks things up. It’s Hasbro and Mattel that are mostly driving up the prices. That and people that blindly supported Walmart all for “lower” prices and bargains only to put competitors out of business and further contributing to where we are at. The only recourse if we want to see the things we want is to either support what we want when these little companies try or get ready to start 3D printing your own figures. I’m not all that bad at creativity but I’m pretty sure the vast majority of the average population’s attempts are going to look like South Park’s Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo!