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Super7 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ultimates/ReAction

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We don’t know what the future looks like for the Ultimates line, but since the forums died the convention exclusive black and gold Dragonzord has been released and the Wave 2 version of the same has been sitting in my pile of loot. There’s also a toy colors version of Rita apparently on the way and Super7 did a bunch of toy variants of the ReAction Rangers. I’m a little excited for the Dragonzord and will probably ship it next week. I haven’t seen any reactions to the rest of the wave so I’m assuming it’s still trickling out.

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I've seen afew Rita reviews and people getting her on Instagram and she looks like the best Rita out there, although I still think the Lightning Collection Remastered Rita has a much better likeness.

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If anyone has a Macy's with a Toys R Us, they had the Black and Gold Dragonzord, Dragon Shield Red Ranger, Green Ranger and Goldar.

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I got the Dragonzord in today. It's mostly as expected for me. The paint is solid, some scuffs and marks here and there, but nothing that will show from a shelf. Articulation is terrible, but this design was never going to lend itself well to articulation. I do think the arms should have at least a little range out to the side since that was something the suit in the show did often, but the figure has zero ability to do that effectively. My biggest pet peeve is with the head which just isn't quite right. There's too much sculpt around the face and the brow comes over the eyes much too far. It's a little thing, but it's enough to throw off the suit accurate look that I think Super7 is going for with this line. It also suffers from the usual Super7 issue of loose joints. The waist and hips are too loose to support the weight of the tail so it always rocks back for me when I go to stand it on a shelf. On one hand, at least the tail keeps it from falling over, but I'd like to hunch it over a bit, but that is proving to be quite the challenge.


All in all, it will look fine on a shelf and at least it didn't come with the zord upcharge the Megazord has, but it's not as good as the T-Rex.

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Looks like Super7 is getting ready to try it again with MMPR. Those holding out for Bulk could end up being pleased, though this render doesn't look too promising, but it's not as if it's presenting a good look at the figure.

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Amazon has jumped out in front and listed Skull from this wave and the listing includes a shot of the full wave:  Bulk, Skull, Green Ranger variant (from the green candle episodes when his suit glows), and a black and gold dino Megazord. Bulk and Skull look fine, though I don’t trust Super7’s renders when it comes to real human characters. The variants look like a hard sell to me. I suppose they’ll be testing how well Tommy sells, and anyone who got the Dragonzord variant may want this Megazord to go with it.

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After listening to one of the more recent interviews with Veebs and Brian - I have higher hopes for Bulk and Skull now that the face printing tech is being used more on their product. To finally have these two in plastic form will be nice! And bonus points - my three year old girl loves these guys!
