Man... that Vecna is going to get me. It's a totally different style than the cartoon D&D peeps - but it's a cool design all on it's own.
I was looking for a lich for my collection. I guess I may as well get the lich. It'll be my first Super7 figure.
Tiamat presents a much more difficult decision. I don't have the space for anything that large, but I'd love to have her.
I get that Super7 is a small company, but $300 seems a little ridiculous for a vinyl figure with minimal articulation.
Vecna is sick. Genuinely the kind of stuff I wanted from the Hasbro line... I haven't been pushed to buy a single Super 7 figure yet, but hopefully through some miracle, the combined powers of Super 7 and NECA can give us a solid D&D spread. I'm not holding my breath though.
Shame none of it is 1/12.
Call me a fogey, but I'm not interested in anything Vecna between the wrist and eye socket. I don't even know what he's supposed to look like.
@fletch Christ you must be old. We first saw him in 1990.
I understand it though. While he has major stardom currently and I think he's a solid choice to start off proper D&D, he's not any of my instant pick-up characters.
@tsi that's their standard rate for all of their big, vinyl, figures. If Tiamat is anything like the rest, it will eventually wind up on clearance for less than half that. Unless places like Amazon have learned a lesson to not stock these things in big numbers.
Is the leg articulation kind of useless on Tiamat, there at least needs to be some ankle articulation, that’d probably chuck another 50 quid on it though.
I am glad they are doing Vecna, he is one of dnds most iconic game characters. I can certainly think of a few that would rival him, but also Vecna Eve of Destruction dropped recently, not Curse of Strahd. I'll show my support with Vecna, will probably wait on Tiamat (she looks good, but I wish she was a bit bigger.) If she goes on a decent scale I will get her. But yeah, give me more Ultimates. Dekkion and Vecna are both great.
I heard the pop up store showed off four new dnd figures including a Gelatinus Cube, Orc, Ogre and something else. Not sure if this is Reaction or Ultimates. Has anyone seen any pictures of these? Or can anyone confirm if they are real?
They are ReAction figures. Pixel Dan had a walk through with Bryan on Wednesday before the store opened to the public during a press event.
I was going to buy the invisible Sheila Ultimates figure at comicon, but couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I figured she'd probably be available later and maybe even on sale. And invisible figure is fun, but, I don't know - it just didn't feel necessary for some reason. I instantly pre-ordered Vecna though.
I ordered invisible Sheila today. I don't want to end up paying a ridiculous aftermarket price like I did with Ghost Jaga.
I ordered invisible Sheila today. I don't want to end up paying a ridiculous aftermarket price like I did with Ghost Jaga.