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Street Humans

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I took a look at the project as I thought the idea of having extraneous "thugs" might be a workable one.  The overall vibe I got from most of it was just 90s inner city "gangsta" looks for every character.  I don't know that that singular look for every figure offered appeals to that many folks overall, as I know I didn't have much need for "thugs" that were wearing football jersies etc.  Plus the characters all seemed very west coast oriented in terms of fashion.  I think if he had done perhaps a more "big city" East coast look with a universal body that could have various heads / forearms / hands of different races swapped on it'd probably be more appealing and wouldn't require as much tooling per figure.

In the end the aliens themselves held no interest to me, as it seemed like the line wasn't sure what it wanted to be other than to "get made."  If it's aliens, really focus on THAT aspect with effects and sculpts, but this project seemed to try to straddle the line too much.  Plus the name of the toy line really didn't grab me or seem that impactful.

I wish him luck in re-calibrating for his next attempt if he chooses to do so.

Toy Hunter
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When I heard about the line I figured it was a sneaky way to add civilians to Marvel legends, that would have appealed to me, but they just went a little too off that mark for me. I wouldnt mind him trying to do something like that, dumb down the tooling a smidge, do single joint elbows, that can be modulated for swaps between bare arms and sleeves, and maybe bring the sculpts closet to what GG does for Hasbro. The crotches on these are a dead give away too that these were not fully thought out, they looked like old toybiz diaper crotches where they had to accomodate the ball hinges, a lot of small tweaks to sculpt would go a long way, hopefully he can take another swing with some feedback

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Posts: 89

I ordered like 8 through bbts

oh well 

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I'd be down for a line of 1:12 scale "civilian" action figures. But only if there were a variety of types. Like cops, fire fighters, EMTs, business people, casually dressed people, thugs, gangsters, construction workers, delivery drivers, etc. You could do several waves before you'd run out of source material.

I would have some use for those. But I don't really have as much use for just generic street thug looking dudes. I actually have quite a few of those. But I don't have a lot of "regular" everyday looking people.

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This isn't even a scale Im interested in but I though the idea was sound...but yeah... these figures just didn't click.

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Posted by: @ninjak

I'd be down for a line of 1:12 scale "civilian" action figures. But only if there were a variety of types. Like cops, fire fighters, EMTs, business people, casually dressed people, thugs, gangsters, construction workers, delivery drivers, etc. You could do several waves before you'd run out of source material.

I've long requested these types of figures.   I thought they could have been a spin-off of GI Joe called "Real Heroes."   You could offer repaints of each figure to recoup costs.   Police in navy blue, black, and tan.  Firefighters in tan and black.  Etc.   Also wish Mega Construx had done something similar but with their collector-style mini-figures.   Real Heroes would make great figures to fill out displays with superheroes or military figures.  And they seem like something which could become an evergreen line, since kids of every generation want to play with these themes.


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