What's the engineering like on those 12ths? Since they have fabric shirts I imagine they're built traditionally underneath, which should logically mean Uhura is more feasible than the 18th engineering apparently provides.
The bodies are pretty much what you’d expect, very much like a Mezco figure, though I’m not sure if the elbows are double jointed or not. They have the full black undershirt beneath the tunics and you can remove them and have Kirk in the look from most of the first movie. Another interesting thing to note is there’s no ankle joint in the boot but the they are so soft and pliant you can get a full range of moment in them.
Toyark.com has pics from Hiya's booth at New York Toy Fair 2025. Looks like Hiya will be doing not only 2009 and Strange New Worlds, but classic Trek too! They are showing prototypes for TOS Kirk in 6" and 3.75" lines! I've wanted 3.75" poseable classic Trek figures since I was a kid in the 70s!
No classic Kirk before ONE UHURA!!!
The Nacelle figs really look like Wave 181 from DST. Archer and Sulu look great but those are the only likenesses I know well enough to comment.
The lack of Uhura at ToyFair makes me admittedly nervous. Wasn't expecting a fully ready-to-go figure, but at least a prototype would've been nice. Maybe if/when Zoe Saldana wins the Oscar, it'll be a good excuse for them to finally get going on it; hopefully it wouldn't make it more difficult to produce- I'm sure likeness rights were tied into the contract, but if there's something about final say/approval, that could complicate things. But even if they do finally get started on it, unless they've been working on it in secret all this time, it's quite far out, which would also be a bummer.
Uhura and Carol Marcus aren't that different body-wise, so if it meant just being able to get Uhura in the line, I'd excuse any inaccuracies and part re-use (not like the men aren't all re-using 95% of the parts anyway). Obviously it's a last resort, but does anyone still have the original Playmates 2009 Uhura? If so, how does she look next to the Hiya offerings? I know the likeness isn't quite there on the OG figure, but they're not quite there on these figs either.
I don’t think we’ll ever solve this licensing mystery. Hiya has Kelvin, Nu AND classic? It has to be region specific then since Hiya is Chinese based? The mystery deepens lol. Joshsquash729…I bought the 2009 Playmates so I could have the bridge in prep for Hiya. The Hiya figures work pretty decently with the bridge…the figures on the other hand…stand out like a sore thumb next to Hiya. Especially Uhura. People weren’t kidding that line was atrocious.
Maybe Hiya will alternate waves. They have yet to show any new photos of the 2009 Spock in Spacesuit prototype they showed at SDCC 2023.
In other news, Pixel Dan has a walk thru of the Nacelle Co. ToyFair booth with Brian Volk-Weiss posted on youtube. Brian mentions that starting with wave 3 the Nacelle line will alternate waves, with with a wave bridge crew characters in their main bridge/duty uniforms alternating with a wave of deep cuts/never done before figures.
I really need this line to succeed so we can get to that third wave. He said it would either be TOS or TNG but they haven't decided yet. Entire crew in a whole wave and with it being 10 figure waves starting with wave 2 there's room for a bad guys or like Chapel and Rand etc. This has me super pumped. We need to buy the crap out of the first two waves!
RE: Nacelle's alternating waves. That sounds like the dumbest strategy to take, and one guaranteed to see the line die as a wave of pegwarmers clogs up every retailer's stock.
RE: Hiya's lack of 2009 Uhura. I'm still convinced it's an engineering issue adapting that internal rig to her slender form and it's limited reusability. Frankly, they're just dumb to stick to that 'need' and really should just copy the format of the shitty-sculpted PM 09 figure with well-sculpted parts instead. And no, I don't think simply slipping the PM figure in with these Hiya dudes would be an appealing display. That entire line was simply garbage, with the best item in the package usually the friggin' chair most of them came with.
Here, have some pics of Vrshik, Centurion of the Romulan Star Empire and his Shraakir Patrol Interceptor. He's built using Marauderinc.com parts + the leftover Hiya Spock head, a JoyToy armybuilder helmet, F5 Deathstroke's belt & sword, a bunch of pain-in-the-ass waterslides of TV static for the shirt pattern, and some fabric for the culottes and sash; with the ship a fabbed-over Iron Man Epic jet:
Since I collect multiple lines, I've never been a completist of any one line. That first wave of Nacelle figures is a tough decision for me. I want to support it, but right now I'm thinking I'll get Sulu. Maybe Preston, Jellico and Archer, with my preferences in that order. I think partially themed waves would've been better. I would be more inclined to get Preston if TWOK Scotty or TWOK McCoy were available. Similarly I'd be more interested in Valkris if Kruge were available. Mirror Archer could be paired with Mirror T'Pol, Mirror Hoshi or even the Tholian. It's all about character interaction and creating scenarios for me (on my shelf or in my imagination).
I may need that Genesis Device, scale be damned. How many of that sort of pack-in exists in Trekdom to boost the sales of the niche characters?
I'd kill for a light-up, voice-chipped TOS Guardian of Forever playset.
When the Nacelle preorder went live this a.m., I hadn't yet decided what I'd get. Rachel Garrett was high on my list, because "Yesterday's Enterprise" is a fan-favorite episode and it seems likely we will get alternate universe Tasha Yar at some point, and Yar would look good displayed with Garrett.
And yet, when faced with actually spending money, I found myself narrowing my selection down to only Mirror Universe Archer - because the Enterprise tv series means more to me than "Yesterday's...", great as that episode was. I plan to buy every Enterprise (tv series) character they release, that's my new plan.
I can add Mirror Universe Archer into my Art Asylum Enterprise figures display easily. Shelf space is a factor in my decision not to get Garrett.
But applause to Nacelle - all the accessories look great. So colorful!
Turns out these are only available in the US with no international distribution yet? This wasn't mentioned once in all interviews and panels by Nacelle!
It's not going down well on their social media. I only found out because the link kept redirecting to their homepage and fans were rushing to their Instagram asking what the hell was going on.
You'd think that would be sorted before going up so as to maximise preorders?!
Wow - there is going to be a LOT in those packages! These figures are packed, and all the extra expressions are a nice surprise. Weyoun especially.
None of these releases interest me except for maybe Jellico because of the fishbowl wall, but I can't wait to see who they do next and also how these come out in production. The latest shots of The Expanse figures from ToyFair did not look as good as I had hoped.
The lack of international distribution is a pain. I can't even visit the site without being redirected, sadly. They look great though. And yeah, those accessories are ridiculous. I wasn't even gonna get Valkris, but that Genesis Device is nearly worth the price alone imo.