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MR is making these in 4.5” because there are some of us who still have that 90s line in our collections. We wanted a line of Playmates figures similar to what Mattel has done with Masters of the Universe: Origins. It’s obvious these aren’t for everyone. It’s why those of us that are interested even though not thrilled about a price hike have pretty much come to expect it. A Strange New Worlds Enterprise Bridge PLAY-SET was mentioned in the video I shared and I am all onboard for that! I did put my money where my mouth is a few short months ago for the HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina so I get that if we want something sometimes we have to be willing to back it when no one else will. I’m hopeful that MR will eventually do Legacy Star Trek characters to and likewise, Nacelle will also do new. I would have preferred that this could have all been done cheaper but those days are gone so I guess I’m along for the ride until it’s no longer financially sustainable.

TheGillMan reacted
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Thanks for sharing the video! Pretty taken back they are interested in play-sets. Didn’t see that coming. Happy to see, as bgiles pointed out earlier, the MR rep is open to communicating with fandom. I definitely intend to support this line through. Also nice to see and good reminder we’re dealing with actual fans…Nacelle congratulating MR in social media posts. I know we’ve been burned bad by before…I mean McFarlane said he wanted to make Archer’s beagle…but I genuinely think this run….we’re finally in good hands. PS Hiya Chekov just re-appeared for USA Amazon. Says out next week. 

bgiles73 reacted
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Yes, thank you for the video! Love that he's most excited about Mariner at this point. I'll be curious to see how these lines progress and what actually makes it to our shelves - and so glad Trek merch is back!

The EXO-6 SNW Boimler is eerie - in a mostly good way, but per usual, just slightly off. Can anyone pinpoint what it is about EXO-6 headsculpts that are like 93% wonderful but also just 7% creepy?

bgiles73 reacted
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Got Hiya Chekov in my BBTS PoL, but he's all that's there so he'll wait for friends to join him before shipping.

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I always found Todd McFarlane to be more a fan of profit first and foremost over anything like Star Trek, I wonder if he’s not maybe a Ferengi in hiding. I’m glad he had the license for Star Trek briefly and dropped it after only two figures because I think that paved the way for the licensing to find its way into the hands of designers who are fans of the stuff they are making. I think if Ben does what he did for the  EagleMoss line with this MR toy-line we are in for one hell of a ride. His dedication to the product is what kept the starship line afloat when EagleMoss folded. Both Ben and Brian are the answer to all us nerds prayers! I truly think both of these gentlemen will bestow upon us a wealth of Star Trek Toys from all corners of the entire 60 year Star Trek Legacy. I don’t think either of them are satisfied be pigeonholed into only being able to do a select area so I’m definitely expecting 4.5” TOS Kirk from MR and Boimler from Nacelle in glorious 6” scale to be announced by this time next year. I feel the licensing revisions coming! Make it So! Qaplá!

TheGillMan reacted
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Brian Volk-Weiss posted on Instagram about 5 days ago responding to MR announcement generated questions about when is Nacelle going on pre-sale? He says very soon…but…check out the sticky notes behind him. White sleeve. Stripe down the side of pants. Either Generations vest Kirk or black vest Scotty. Putting $ on generations Kirk as black vest Scotty technically was made despite being “TNG version”.

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I was thinking the same the other day that this was Generations Kirk and commented that on  Nacelle’s Instagram page. Brian Volk-Weis didn’t confirm or deny, but he replied with a Winky Emoji! I am wondering if maybe the Kirk and Janeway that were hinted to be coming in Wave 2 weren’t maybe fast tracked to be Wave 1 to make the 8 figure launch a 10 figure release instead. That figure appears to be as far along in the designs as those that have already been revealed. I can’t wait until New York International Toy Fair at the beginning of next month!

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Weird. Ok I’m not super internet savvy but check this out. I googled  “NACELLE STAR TREK FIGURES” on my iPhone. Scrolled down a bit to “popular products” and boom notice “Star Trek Wave 1 Bundle” $225.00 going back to the Nacelle Store…but then you actually click the link and it goes to an empty page. I assume this is a temporary page that’s not “live” yet but still showing up on a search? I click on the picture and it shows more ie all the accessories the figures come with, the box art etc! Few things to point out in case the page gets deleted etc:

*Brian wasn’t kidding about battle damaged heads

*Valkris comes with the actual Genesis device/control panel

*Captain Garret has a Star Trek VI style phaser 

*Captain Jellico comes with the ready room fish/tank lol..

*Interesting Sulu accessory..appears attachment to make the uniform collar look “open”. Also comes with both TWOK/VI style phaser/communicator

*Weyoun comes with a case of Ketracel White and the eyepiece they wore to fly the ships.

All in all, interesting it doesn’t look like they are strictly doing only screen accurate accessories and more in the spirit of accessories from the “era” the figure is from..which personally I’m all for. Doesn’t look like any “surprise” figure though for the 1st wave. It’s everyone they announced.

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Posted by: @bgiles73


MR is making these in 4.5” because there are some of us who still have that 90s line in our collections. 

That's me.  If these at least scale with the 90's Playmates stuff, that's fine with me.  I can accept stylistic differences.  However, having seen none of the Paramount Trek besides Picard S3, I have no real interest in anything shown so far.  If they did the size of Master Replica with the character selection of Nacelle, I'd be pretty excited.


bgiles73 reacted
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Update: I tried to replicate the search again this morning and nothing. Sorry guys I should have saved pics. I would assume the page is actively being worked on and will be live very soon. Only other points I can think of from what I saw…

*The communicators are open. Not clear from the pics if fixed open or they can open/close like DST TWOK’s.

*Pics did not show an ab crunch.

Like I alluded to in my first post I can see some debate about the accessories ie “Valkris has the Genesis device!? She never came near it!” Or “Garret has a VI style assault phaser!? They had TWOK style in the episode” etc. but me personally love they are not putting themselves in the box of “had to be used onscreen by that character”. If anything, my two cents, I never liked the TMP/TWOK style phaser and it didn’t make “sense” for them to have them on the Enterprise-C. If anything the VI style makes more sense in universe. Either way, my excitement for these only increased seeing everything! My ONLY disappointment is I was really hoping there would be a way to “holster” the phasers/communicators etc to the figure. Granted, maybe there is and just not clear based on the photos…but it didn’t look like it to me. I may be in the minority but I loved those gaudy holsters on the early playmates releases. They’d fit not only the tricorder but if you snipped the phaser “beam” they fit the phaser perfect too.

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In my 31 years of collecting Trek figures never ONCE did I think about just cutting off that stupid phaser beam.

That would be sacrilege but also would make my display so much better.


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Posted by: @nottelling56789

Update: I tried to replicate the search again this morning and nothing. Sorry guys I should have saved pics. I would assume the page is actively being worked on and will be live very soon.

Prep for March 1st, we can be sure. You may want to take a look into your browser's cache - there may be some pics still in there. Though it would be most courteous to let Nacelle make their splash exactly when they want to make it, so maybe we just wait. Or put up some mildly-censored images as a tease.


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@willbfree that did occur to me. The webpage is clearly not meant to be up yet and it was a fluke I saw everything. Who knows if they are still finalizing legal stuff etc. I’d be devastated if I found out I got one of their people in hot water. Everyone act surprised when the formal release comes lol.

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Posted by: @schizm

In my 31 years of collecting Trek figures never ONCE did I think about just cutting off that stupid phaser beam.

That would be sacrilege but also would make my display so much better.


I snipped all of them except Thomas Riker, because he was rare and all.  Of course, I opened him, so I'm not really sure why it mattered... who knows what I was thinking way back when.  I still have a bag of snipped phaser beams.


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I just received the 1/12 2009 Kirk, Bones and Spock by Hiya Toys and they’re really great! The quality is very much on par with Mezco’s one:12 line. The likeness are good, with the Pine Kirk being the standout. Here’s hoping they reveal Uhura for the line soon 

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