I probably will skip the Master Replica line in favor of Nacelles line. I don't really collect 4-4.5 inch figures anymore, especially at the $25.99 price tag plus I got rid of all my Playmates Trek stuff. I prefer 6 inch and the older shows and since Nacelle is aiming for a $30 price point that just seems the better deal. The plus side though is they will look great with the Playmates stuff from a couple years ago probably and they are going to make playsets for them.
I am just about certain that the fact that Playmates held on to their license to produce Star Trek Starships, Role-Play and Play-Sets is going to somehow factor in to all of this. Has anyone been keeping an eye on Master Replica’s M.O.? They sell other companies products under the Master Replicas brand. They already have the Enterprise D and TOS Enterprise as well as the Phaser and Communicator. I really don’t see the prohibition against either Nacelle or Master Replicas from doing either Classic or New shows as being set in stone. It’s two separate scales, so plenty of wiggle room. The only thing I see this MR line getting in the way of is Hiya Toys and that may be the reason behind their delays. Maybe they are getting cold feet?
The only thing I see this MR line getting in the way of is Hiya Toys and that may be the reason behind their delays. Maybe they are getting cold feet?
4.75" ain't competing with either of the Hiya lines, and won't sell to anybody any more than the Playmates items did these past couple of years because nobody wants realistic figures that only scale with a 30yo semi-animated line. Those guys will want stuff that fits seamlessly with their stuff. Of the stuff in the pic I pasted, the LD stuff will sell well but the others are gonna peg-rot.
I doubt seriously these peg-rot. They appear to be going the pre-order route like Matty Collector and so many other companies. So I’m sure they will be made to order with very little overstock. Probably won’t be found in brick and mortar. There’s still collectors with Playmates 90s line on their shelves who are gladly going to add these to their shelves. Keith and Mike’s YouTube “Look At My Star Trek Toys” is proof of that. I don’t think these will directly compete with Hiya but it may pull some of the Playmates fans that crossed over to 1:18th after Playmates dropped the line. Those collectors might choose MR’s line over Hiya’s. I collect multiple scales so it doesn’t bother me at all to have more go to companies in the mix!
I'm tempted by the Lower Decks figures....though they won't fit in with any of my other Trek figures. They'd have to be in a display unto themselves, but as much as I love that show I can see myself caving.
I’m loving that the Original 90s Playmates lines looks just enough characterized to fit in nicely standing beside the Lower Decks figures! Boims is going to look incredible standing next to Tom Paris!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I picked up the Hiya Kirk, Spock and McCoy, and I really like them. The Nacelle prototypes look good too. The Master Replicas look a lot like the recent Playmates line, and I bought all of those. The only one in the photo that I don't like is Riker (he looks scrawny). But $26 for what's essentially a $13 Playmates figure is a bitter pill for me. So many lines, all around the same price too.
Well at least(to me)this makes the “theories” a “reality” now. I’m 99% sure there’s zero way for them to be directly outright referencing Playmates…without Playmates being in on the action in some way/shape/form. This is what we would have eventually seen if the 2022 Playmates line continued. MR just somehow got a licensing deal to distribute..and hey why not…a quarter of the work/$ was done by someone else. But as rightfully pointed out by others…ok what happens when the Playmates 2022 drawing board/prototypes well runs dry?
Playmates enlisted Varner Studios for all sculpting and designs on the figures they made in the 90s and again in 2022. They also utilized other sculptors as well. Master Replicas is owned by Cards Inc who had a pretty good design team in place when they produced the PopCo Harry Potter 3 3/4” line in the UK in 2007. I don’t think they are going to be in a position where they run out of ideas any time soon. Master Replicas head honcho Ben Robinson was the driving force on the EagleMoss line of die-cast Star Trek ships also. It’s a shame Playmates effort wasn’t ambitious. It seems as though their creative people who were passionate about Star Trek left the company a long time ago. Ben Robinson, like Brian Volk-Weis puts an effort into maintaining a line of communication with his customers and fellow fans on social media. I recommend giving him a follow on X or Instagram.
I want to like the Lower Deck figures, especially since Tendi made the cut… but 4.75 inches is such a weird scale. I feel like I’d be buying them just to have something Lower Decks in my collection (which is what the Funko Pops were for) rather than buying them because I like them as figures…
Plus the one Biker Mouse from Mars I own turned out so nice there’s no way Nacelle wouldn’t knock Lower Deck (and maybe even TOAS) figures out of the park… I’d even take a Strange New Worlds live action Boimiler and Mariner like the 1/6 line is doing, they’d be fun to have on the NECA shelf reacting to slashers! …oh! Can they do Biker Mice in Star Fleet Uniforms?! Like the Sports Bros but they’re Star Fleet!
Honestly I don’t see any reason that it would be prohibited for either Nacelle or Master Replicas to renegotiate the terms of their license with Paramount to add to what they are allowed to produce. I think that both companies would be happy to make products from the entire 60 Year Star Trek Legacy.
As for the two different scales? There are collectors out there with extensive Playmates 4.5” collections that would like to continue to add to the exhibit. The same can be said for Art Asylum/Diamond Select collectors. I have both collections and want very much to branch out and continue to add to both. I‘ll end this post with this: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Nacelle would finally give us that missing Enterprise Travis Mayweather Bridge Station?”
Seriously, y'all are gonna mix these sets of figures together like they're a unified collection?
Got 2009 Chekov from my LCS today. For the most part, if you have the other 09 figures, you know what to expect. They had 3 on the shelf, all of which had pretty decent paint; it doesn't necessarily look like Anton Yelchin except from certain angles- the skin is still rather pale, and I think they may have made the eyes a tad too small, but I know who it's supposed to be. The shirt is still the same kinda olive-y yellow color rather than the brighter yellow on screen. I was able to get him to hold the accessories a little easier than the others, but just like with the others, I had to take some scissors and use the end to make the hand hole a little bigger in order to switch the hands- it just wouldn't go on like it was right out of the box and I didn't want to break the peg.
I will say, they pre-attached the belt this time, which is nice. It sat a little high on all the figures in-box, but I was able to wiggle it down a bit to look more natural at the hips, rather than like an old man wearing his pants too high.
It's crazy that this is the first Abrams Chekov figure we've gotten in his Starfleet uniform (Burger King toys and Funko Pop from Beyond not withstanding)- the original Playmates figures were both in his cadet uniform. I guess the same could be said for Bones, too, but he at least got a 12 inch figure in the Starfleet uniform before.
Those MP 4.5" inch figures just don't look good. So oddly shaped and scrawny. Making them supposedly in scale with the failed Playmates line from a couple of years ago is also an odd decision. If they're making them this size to match the 90s line...why? That line is long ago, and these new figure don't match stylistically. And yeah...they're way to expensive. Playmates couldn't see their figures at $11, these are not going to sell at twice the price. Just odd decisions all around.