Both Marvel and SW have multiple licensors for 12th-scale figures so I'm not sure I see reason to fear it happening for Trek. Well, aside from Trek never having been as lucrative a toy license so each line will likely see lesser sales due to you 12th collectors splitting your money amongst competing lines.
"Fascinating. I am unable to detect any means by which this... entity should be ambulatory, and yet it apparently is; Captain."
"Dammit, Spock; get out of the blasted way so Jim can shoot it!"
And just because I'm in the mood, here are my TOS Season4 customs so far. Kirk, Number One, Spock, Uhura, McCoy, Chapel, M'Benga, and a custom Vulcan Lt I'rina:
and just the ladies:
This is the 3rd Kzinti Ambassador to the Federation, 'Speaker to Meat'. Like all Ambassadors, the Kzin do not respect or value those that talk and so they assign such duties to low-ranking 'unworthy' Kzin that have not earned a name. Speaker to Meat has defected from the Kzinti Empire and his ambassadorial duties to become the first Kzin to join Starfleet.
For what it’s worth FYI…for those of us in the USA…as expected my HIYA Sulu pre-order from Amazon never materialized. Interesting as he’s simply disappeared too…unlike prime Spock & Nero who’s listing is there but just noted as “unavailable”. I know this happened with Kirk/Spock/McCoy and they eventually showed up..but not holding my breath.
Wasn’t there supposed to be some sort of update on the nacelle line by now? I swear I remember the owner saying that they were going to do something soon after the new year.
For what it’s worth FYI…for those of us in the USA…as expected my HIYA Sulu pre-order from Amazon never materialized. Interesting as he’s simply disappeared too…unlike prime Spock & Nero who’s listing is there but just noted as “unavailable”. I know this happened with Kirk/Spock/McCoy and they eventually showed up..but not holding my breath.
BBTS still has Chekov & Sulu slated for Feb 2025 arrival, fwiw. Interestingly, all the figures in the SF uniform have definite months of arrival but the unique-sculpt guys only have '1st Quarter'. Even SNW Pike has Dec 2025. Despite his arms being different I bet he has the same internal rig so he's easier/cheaper to plan out and make whereas I'm assuming Nero, Old Spock, and Keenser aren't as certain to get made due to being more costly one-and-done sculpts.
IF this line is already slated to die I'd bet we get the rest of the figures that are little more than headswaps of what's already in our hands. It does seem a bit disconcerting that I've not seen anyone else showing off pics of their Kirk/Spock/McCoy figures in any of the FB groups I'm in. I can't imagine it's due to nobody wanting 18th Trek figures, but maybe being the 2009 versions is enough to turn everyone away.
Yeah, I got my Sulu cancelled from Amazon as well. Oddly enough, one of my LCS still has Chekov on their weekly release list for this week. That doesn't always mean anything, obviously, but they're pretty good with updating it if they're not actually expecting to receive the shipment, so I guess that's promising? Both the comic shops I frequent got at least 1 case of the first wave, and sold through them all relatively quickly, but I haven't seen any on the shelf since, so about a month or two. I don't know if that's good or bad- whether they aren't ordering more, Hiya isn't producing more, or they're just not ready yet. Come to think of it, neither of them have really carried all that much Hiya product through the years. The AvP line is the last time I can really remember there being plentiful product on the shelves.
It would be a real bummer not to get the rest of the line, though. I know Kirk, Spock, and Bones are arguably the "Big 3" (Uhura aside), but all of the Star properties thrive on their secondary characters as well. At this point, I don't know what the better/more preferred solution would be- to only have the main 3 and nobody else, or to release more, be that much closer to a full lineup, and then the line ending. If it really comes down to it, I'm fine not getting figures from Into Darkness or Beyond, as long as they can finish the lineup from 09- what we've been shown, plus Uhura (I'm cool without the exo/dive suits they showed for Spock, Kirk, and Sulu if need be, but I'd buy them if it meant we'd get the figures needing new tooling).
I know the Abrams films aren't everyone's cups of tea, but I think they're really fun, and I'd hate for 2 separate lines of figures based on them to bomb, especially when it seems like it would be such an easy line- the majority of the figures are just a swapped head and different colored shirt.
It’s probably because Brian Volk-Weis lives in the areas affected by the fires in California that new information was delayed. He had to cancel an appearance at Fan Expo New Orleans due to of all things -A blizzard. As a lifelong resident of South Louisiana I can attest to that being “unusual circumstances “! Nacelle was at a convention in Orlando this past weekend. New York Toy Fair will be in a few weeks so I expect we’ll hear a lot there!
Oh, man; we didn't lose prototypes in the fire, did we?
Granted, I'm not sure where they're storing their prototypes, but Nacelle is located in Burbank. So their offices didn't burn down. The Nacelle Company is located at 2660 W Olive Ave, Burbank, CA 91601.
I don’t think Nacelle had any damage but some of Brian’s employees lost their homes. He is sponsoring a gofundme.
Got an email from BBTS that the Hiya 2009 Chekov should hit my POL soon, so I guess that's a good sign! No word yet on any of the others that I placed in the same order as him, but it helps put me a bit more at ease.
Let's hope they've tweaked the skintones to not be so damned pale.
Uh-oh - Nacelle has some serious competition! That group shot of the three franchises together just looks *fun*.
Riker looks small but hopefully that's just weird photoshopping since they have Worf and Spock much taller right there. The "Pending Licensor Approval" addendums make me think this line won't hit summer but fingers crossed - would love the S3 Picard TNG crew.
Not pre-ordering any of these, but will be watching closely!! This is exactly how the line should be handled - show-off a lot of characters to show you mean business and release them on a rolling basis constantly. This could be really cool. 🙂
"Master Replicas acknowledges nothing has been more popular than the classic 4.75" figures from Playmates, which first debuted in the 90s. Recognizing the place Playmates figures have in a lot of people's hearts, they aim to continue the story of action figures at that size. This new programs does not ask fans to rebuild their collections from scratch, but to add to what they already have."
Um, what? These
are supposed to inter-mingle with these?