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 I’m not really sure I remember where exactly we were on the discussion of all things Star Trek before the San Diego Comic Con, but we had the reveal of the Hiya Toys 4” line of JJ Abrams 2009 Star Trek characters. Those looked pretty good. Playmates is still really slow with their reveals but they have shown an Enterprise D and a TOS Communicator. Their TMNT product launch has been pretty ambitious, hopefully Star Trek can ride along on that wave and gain a little recognition! I would be really happy to get the other three turtles in Star Trek TOS style and maybe some sort of TMNT Van/Enterprise mashup with Pizza launching/Photon Torpedo action! I’m really hoping for more to be revealed at New York Toy Fair in October!


scottg10 reacted
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I was not aware that Playmate's Toys had shown off their new Enterprise-D and TOS communicator toys. Any chance you could post a link to the images?

I was surprised to see that Hiya's first offerings were from the Kelvin timeline. They look great, but I'm not sure they're quite worth the price. That said, I might get Bones, since he's my favorite of the bunch.

I've only seen it mentioned on TrekCore, but apparently they've got 6" figures with fabric costumes and an electronic Enterprise in the works. No idea what characters or timeline those'll be based on, because they apparently have access to all of live-action Trek with their licensing.

STAR TREK Action Figure Roundup: EXO-6 Explores STRANGE NEW WORLDS and Hiya Toys Heads Into the Kelvin Timeline •

The article also talks about the Strange New Worlds figures announced by Exo-6, which I'm looking forward to. It would be expensive, but pretty tempting to own the entire SNW crew in 1/6th scale. They've also got statue-looking figures of some of the Lower Decks characters in the works. They look good, but I want to know more before getting excited.

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I’m not sure why YouTube link doesn’t seem to let me cut and paste here but if you search Keith and Mike: Look at My Star Trek Toys Channel it should be easy to find. Playmates also has pictures on their main site, not the Star Trek specific link. The saucer is separable from the Star-drive Section. I’m not sure if the pictures are of the finalized product. There’s certainly room for more detail but I am happy to see they are still going forward.

Amazing Spider-Man
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The news out of Hiya from Comic-Con and Star Trek Las Vegas was awesome! Loved seeing the 2009 figures, and I already pre-ordered them on BBTS. Then the cherry on top was that they are working on 6 inch soft goods figures too!


Oh and regarding the Exo 6 SNW figures, I'm in for their Pike and Spock, but their ladies could use a lot of work before I order them.

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Posted by: @bgiles73

I’m not sure why YouTube link doesn’t seem to let me cut and paste here but if you search Keith and Mike: Look at My Star Trek Toys Channel it should be easy to find. Playmates also has pictures on their main site, not the Star Trek specific link. The saucer is separable from the Star-drive Section. I’m not sure if the pictures are of the finalized product. There’s certainly room for more detail but I am happy to see they are still going forward.

Cool, thank you. The ship looks pretty good. Not as good as DST, but definitely an improvement from their past iterations of it. Especially with how the deflector dish looks. I'm neutral on the saucer being able to separate from the drive section. It's a nice detail, but I'm never going to display it like that. The one thing I hope they improve for this over the TOS Enterprise is the size of the buttons for the electronics. I hope their less intrusive visually.

The TOS communicator looks good, which isn't surprising. I passed on the phaser, but there's a good chance I'll ge the communicator. I hope the line continues and they do a TOS tricorder next year. Either a generic one that can sort of stand in for any of them, or a medical version specifically.

Don't know what ship I would expect to see them do next. I'd be in for pretty much any of the modern ships, but with Discovery ending next year, I would hope for them to do a version of that ship... Probably it's look from the first two seasons, since that'll be a lot easier for them to design than the A, lol. That said, if they insist on continuing with the classic ships, I'd most want to see them do the Voyager. With Janeway involved in Prodigy, Seven having such a large part in Picard, and hopefully having an even larger part in a hypothetical future series, the ship is more relevant than most other classic ships. Would also be interesting to see how Playmate's Toys would improve upon their previous version of it. The nacelles will never move on their own, but maybe they can make the hinges look better.


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@wil I used to have a hydraulic-book-light that would open really smoothly at the touch of a button. I have often thought about how cool adding a similar feature to a Voyager model would be. The servo motors they had on that original Voyager were very noisy. It’s been almost twenty years so I’m sure they could find quieter and more smoothly operating ones. I welcome redos on all the ships done before and certainly am ready for any new ones and never before done ships.

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Posted by: @bgiles73

@wil I used to have a hydraulic-book-light that would open really smoothly at the touch of a button. I have often thought about how cool adding a similar feature to a Voyager model would be. The servo motors they had on that original Voyager were very noisy. It’s been almost twenty years so I’m sure they could find quieter and more smoothly operating ones. I welcome redos on all the ships done before and certainly am ready for any new ones and never before done ships.

They could definitely source better motors. I just think budget-wise Playmate's Toys wouldn't bother with them at all.


adrienveidt reacted
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Hiya showed off Spock this morning, too.

I read that China basically only knows the Abrams movies, which is why Hiya's focusing on them. 

Amazing Spider-Man
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adrienveidt and scottg10 reacted
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Oh, and I'm hating these new hips with the middle fold-down hinge.  It ain't doing shit to let the figures sit down, imho; and I just don't care about 'big' gaps at the hip after 40-odd years of RAH Joes.  Let me play with my goddamn action figures.

Amazing Spider-Man
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Hiya Spock went up for pre-order on BBTS a few days ago, incase anyone missed it.

BruceJones65 reacted
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Don't know if he's gone up for pre-order anywhere yet, but Hiya has shown off their Spock Prime figure. He's apparently not set to come out until 2nd quarter 2024. I think he's the best looking figure they've shown off so far. That said, I wish they had given him another ungloved hand instead of the alternate hood piece.

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Posted by: @asm

The news out of Hiya from Comic-Con and Star Trek Las Vegas was awesome! Loved seeing the 2009 figures, and I already pre-ordered them on BBTS. Then the cherry on top was that they are working on 6 inch soft goods figures too!


I'm assuming these will also be from the Kelvin Timeline/JJ Abramsverse? I'd still be tempted if so, but would prefer the classic crew.


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Posted by: @thegillman

Posted by: @asm

The news out of Hiya from Comic-Con and Star Trek Las Vegas was awesome! Loved seeing the 2009 figures, and I already pre-ordered them on BBTS. Then the cherry on top was that they are working on 6 inch soft goods figures too!


I'm assuming these will also be from the Kelvin Timeline/JJ Abramsverse? I'd still be tempted if so, but would prefer the classic crew.


Hiya apparently has licensing access to all live-action Star Trek, so while I think there's a good chance their first 6" figures will also be from the Kelvin Timeline, there is a chance they won't be.

Personally, I'm hoping they're doing 6" figures of the Discovery crew. Specifically based on their look from season 4. The uniforms were definitely an improvement from the first ones they had, imho.


TheGillMan reacted
(@Anonymous 7484)
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That McCoy misses the mark. I'll get it, but just wish it looked a little more...Urbanish. 

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