I decided that I want to get more organized this year and it starts with tracking my hobby spending. I'm just starting out and I'm looking for suggestions on what aspects to track. I'm starting with...
Item: Supplier: Deposit: Cost: Date Ordered:Date Received: Shipping Cost:
Anything to add? Anything I don't really need? I can't decide how to organize something like an all-in order.
I've been tracking tracking all of my purchases and preorders starting January 2022. I keep a separate tab for all preorders, which I also treat as a running wishlist of things I'm interested in buying but have not ordered (with a column to indicate if it's been ordered/fulfilled/not ordered). I track purchases in a separate tab based on year, so I have 2022, 2023, and 2024 tabs going now.
This all started because I sell stuff pretty frequently and wanted to track it for tax purposes - now it's just a thing I kind of enjoy keeping up, and also keeps me laser focused on my spending. $6,213.37 in 2023.
I also track all of my collected figures with Legendsverse, which I love, but currently only fully supports Marvel Legends. It does have the option to add custom figures though, and GI Joe Classified is being added.
I do use a spreadsheet to keep track of what I have, what i am still looking for and what is coming out in the future. It also allows me to look at some other stats and how many I have bought each year. Initially i started out tracking expenses etc, but that got real old real quick and I gave that up. Probably don’t want to know anyways, lol.
I've got two toy-collecting documents:
- A Word document that lists all the figures I own, hope to own someday, and where they're displayed
- Ex: Marvel Shelf: Black Widow, Captain America, etc.
- A spreadsheet that documents everything else
- Pre-orders - where they are, when they're expected to come in, and estimated cost
- Spending for the year - the figure, its cost, and a link to the receipt
- Selling for the year - item, original purchase price, and profit (after eBay fees and shipping)
- A list of everything I own (because I only started tracking receipts in 2022) and its cost with a link to the receipt
And because I'm anal-retentive, each figure/item hyperlinks to a pre-order or review page with photos of the item and all its accessories. That helps me when I'm selling stuff, and in the unlikely event that I ever die, I hope it would give my fiance a good place to start when selling my collection.
I've got two toy-collecting documents:
- A Word document that lists all the figures I own, hope to own someday, and where they're displayed
- Ex: Marvel Shelf: Black Widow, Captain America, etc.
- A spreadsheet that documents everything else
- Pre-orders - where they are, when they're expected to come in, and estimated cost
- Spending for the year - the figure, its cost, and a link to the receipt
- Selling for the year - item, original purchase price, and profit (after eBay fees and shipping)
- A list of everything I own (because I only started tracking receipts in 2022) and its cost with a link to the receipt
And because I'm anal-retentive, each figure/item hyperlinks to a pre-order or review page with photos of the item and all its accessories. That helps me when I'm selling stuff, and in the unlikely event that I ever die, I hope it would give my fiance a good place to start when selling my collection.
I started a spreadsheet years ago trying to document everything ever released in ML, and track which ones I owned, and linking out to pictures of every figure. It bothered me more than it should have to not have a uniform reference for the figures - i.e. some links to Fwoosh reviews, some links to other places, etc. Maintaining that list also just became a huge chore, so I'm quite happy for Legendsverse as a solution to that piece of it. They also have a feature for tagging which displays certain figures are in which is a lot of fun.
I also link all of my purchases to their order pages - a huge help when it comes time to sell stuff and track the original purchase price.
I've got two toy-collecting documents:
- A Word document that lists all the figures I own, hope to own someday, and where they're displayed
- Ex: Marvel Shelf: Black Widow, Captain America, etc.
- A spreadsheet that documents everything else
- Pre-orders - where they are, when they're expected to come in, and estimated cost
- Spending for the year - the figure, its cost, and a link to the receipt
- Selling for the year - item, original purchase price, and profit (after eBay fees and shipping)
- A list of everything I own (because I only started tracking receipts in 2022) and its cost with a link to the receipt
And because I'm anal-retentive, each figure/item hyperlinks to a pre-order or review page with photos of the item and all its accessories. That helps me when I'm selling stuff, and in the unlikely event that I ever die, I hope it would give my fiance a good place to start when selling my collection.
I started a spreadsheet years ago trying to document everything ever released in ML, and track which ones I owned, and linking out to pictures of every figure. It bothered me more than it should have to not have a uniform reference for the figures - i.e. some links to Fwoosh reviews, some links to other places, etc. Maintaining that list also just became a huge chore, so I'm quite happy for Legendsverse as a solution to that piece of it. They also have a feature for tagging which displays certain figures are in which is a lot of fun.
I also link all of my purchases to their order pages - a huge help when it comes time to sell stuff and track the original purchase price.
Yes, particularly as written photo reviews have fallen out of favor (thanks, Facebook). I've moved from reviews to pre-order pages on Fwoosh, Toyark, etc. In some cases, I can't even find those. I have more than one YouTube review linked because I couldn't find a written version.
@red_ogre Depending on the size of the collection, you might want to add where the figure is located. I have figures in different containers and in different parts of my house. Also consider adding a "Notes" or "Miscellaneous" field. This is where you should note things like damage to the figure, modifications, missing items, etc.
I use figurerealm.com to organize my collection. You can customize the database to display almost anything you need to know about an item in your collection.
I started a spreadsheet during lockdown just as a general inventory of what I had. Like 90% of my things where in storage as I was in a temp home for a few years and didn't want to invest the time and money in a display for me just to have to pull it all down shortly later.
I kinda fell off of it, I think my last entry date was early 2021. Any Spreadsheet masters out there? Is there a way in Google sheets (I vaguely remember this being a thing in excel, but I could be mistaken) where if you hover the mouse over a cell or row, you can have a pop up picture show? Many years ago at my job we had something similar for ordering spare parts for machinery, but I don't know if it was excel working with another program, or a seperate program entirely.