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Posted by: @fac


I notice there is a Feline head set - but I am struggling to figure out which bodies they might match to - did they provide any guidance on that, like these were alt-heads for figures X, Y and Z? Any help would be appreciated.



Are you talking about the set pictured below? I think the first head would fit Lexion, The second head Atreiu, and the third head Vero Atlas


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@kingbowser Thanks - that is the set, yes, and looking at those figures I could see those combos working. Wonder if the middle head would also work on Khor Doon, hard to tell. I was thinking they were designed to go with the more basic Wave 2 "Ancients" figures but the colors seemed off apart from Ash.

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Left head from that set fits with Lexion and Ash.   Middle head should work with Atreui and Khor Doon.  Right head should work with Vero Atlas. 

I got in my wave 3 order from Spero.   Overall, I'm happy.  Haven't opened my gorilla yet, though.   It seems to me wave 3's armor paint isn't as metallic.  Some pieces are but overall they're flatter colorwise. Regarding the feline heads, I put the grey spotted head (from the headpack pictured above) on the Ash body and used the Feralist gear set on him.  Turned out pretty decent.  I'll have to post pics later.  Also put the Chunary loot on an ancient body and I like that set up as well.

I am really liking my Feralist troops.  They and the Chunari really stick out.  Granted, those factions have the most offerings, but I'm happy with how they're coming along.   The gold Chunari look nice as well.  I may stick them with Kah Lee.  I'm not into the official lore of the line, so I'm just grouping things by animal family and color scheme, which I suppose is technically how they're aligned anyway.

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I heard someone say there's a rhino and elephant unlock for this Kickstarter...anyone happen to have seen those leaked somewhere?

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Elephant unlocks at 410,000. There is also a Rhino, Hippo, Ox, and three birds. 

I tried to post the image mock ups of some of those, but the site won’t let me. 

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I am not sure if anyone is following this. But the Kickstarter has done well and is on its final days. The Raven and everything beneath it was unlocked. I expect (hope) the other two birds will unlock on these final days.  More items may unlock in backerkit. Items are up for pre-order on BBTS and Ecollectibles if you prefer not to participate on the Kickstarter.


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Yeah, good to see that the birds will unlock (seems a sure bet the cardinal and vulture will make it at this point) — also good to see the single figure pledge option added to the campaign. 

Not going crazy this time around but I'm definitely gonna grab Raving, Gresch and Kanji, maybe a couple of the other reptiles.

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I'll probably end up adding more things when he releases the backerkit, but that Raving figure is a must have.

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Sigh… I just upped my pledge to the Epic All-In

After crunching the numbers, it just makes too much sense not to now that they’ve promised you get everything shown during the Kickstarter for $650.

If I bought ONLY the figures I absolutely wanted up to the Elephant I’m already spending $656, so might as well go All-In and get the ones I would have picked up later and the Rhino/Hippo “for free”

only downside is with the Epic All-In I gotta cough up $690 tomorrow where as before I could have just paid Big Bad little by little as the waves came in… oh well! Sailor V!

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OK so i looked at the campaign more in depth. I am liking:

  • Raven
  • Rhino guy
  • Vulture

Im a huge fan of Vultures and Condors, must have for me. these 3 figures, i will buy them for sure. Im also loving the Snake head, anyone know if they will make a body for that one? or can you just switch bodies?

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The snake head comes with the chameleon.  You can just swap their heads.   They'll likely make snake heads in other colors (blue and red to match other reptiles in this campaign) down the road.

Was originally going to do the normal All-In and then add extras, maybe even a 10pk of standard figures.  Starting to think I should upgrade to Epic All-In.   I don't want Spectral Pale and could probably do without a weapon pack or so.  But it's a decent price if there ends up being some kind of coupon for the unlocked large figures.  I don't think they'll be free, but I can see some kind of coupon reducing their price happening. @doc-baghead, I don't see them promising the unlock figures with the Epic All-In.  It's kind of vaguely worded.   I'll likely add some extra of the red lizard, as I love the look of him, especially with the armored head.   Was considering some other extras, but I can just get those from retailer or Spero when the items arrive.  No need to pay for them so far out.

EDIT:  I guess the oversized characters are being listed as part of Epic All-In.  I'm sure those figures are a year away.  But with them added to the Epic All-In...I guess I'll update my pledge.

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EPIC All-In backers will be rewarded with a total value of $919, the total value of KS prices for all figs and weapon sets offered, including those not yet unlocked. 

If certain items do not get unlocked, you will STILL be able to redeem a special voucher for those items later, whenever we DO end up making the rest of the figures and weapons sets revealed during the campaign.

I will admit I’ll what you’d call “a classic textbook stupid” so I could be reading it wrong, but I think it’s saying $650 ($690 after shipping) buys you everything they revealed in the Kickstarter.

If I’m wrong and it’s saying you get everything UNLOCKED by the end of Backer Kit and just get a coupon code so they honor Kickstarter pricing when they eventually sell the Big Boiz at a later date… eh, it’s still worth it to me.

I was probably going to pick up the two chimp ladies and Big Kali at later date, and the Speedster chimp is fun… so even if nothing else unlocks in the backerkit, I’m just getting Kali for standard figure price instead of Brute price and a “free” rabbit I don’t care for my wife can use as custom fodder

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Like you, I'm not super excited for everything in this campaign.   Spectral Pale doesn't interest me.  And I could probably pass on a weapon pack or two.   The Horrid Assassin isn't amazing, nor are the female apes.  But with the Epic All-In pricing potentially covering the oversized figures, it's a great deal.  If the oversized figures somehow don't come to fruition (anything can happen), the savings may not be much unless you're buying everything at retail and having it sent in multiple shipments.   Still, I really like this line.  I may not love the female apes, but I want to have some diversity in the line and feel they help flesh out the line. So I went Epic.  Gambling on the oversized characters being made, which means a few things end up being free.

I'm not sure it's clarified, but can items unlock during the Backerkit?

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So I just finished filling out the Backerkit, man Epic All-In was defs the way to go.

First, despite being an “All-In” you’re not bound to get one of every figure; so the 13 basics, 4 brutes, and 5 weapon packs can be whatever you want. Since I didn’t care for Kanji (you, sir, are no Miyamoto Usagi!) or the Hoard Assassin I was able to sub them out for extra Greesch and Scathing to use the alternative heads.

Then when you get to add-on’s you get $230 in bonus credit. I used $90 to hope to help unlock Mamba, I didn’t see the Hippo and Rhino as options yet, so I just got extra lizards to use them bonus heads and a couple more Jet Packs 

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Some of the AWOK figures are on sale on the Spero shop site right now. I grabbed 5 more figures lat night. 2 of the Wave THREE - Feralist Stalker, 2 of the Primal: Ancients - Ash (for 2 heads I have from the packs) and another Primal: Ancients - Onyx to flank my Mythic Legions Panther with 2 followers.

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