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 Yup, great figures, bad shipping have been warned.

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Detached Thane's helmet. now i have 2 heads that can wear the helmet instead of 1. just gotta sculpt hair on the other head. pics coming soon.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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This sounds promising. I'm a terrible judge of a person's honesty and intentions though, so take that into account.

Good Morning Tribe!

Jason here, I wanted to take a minute and fill everyone in on what has been going on, on the back end of fufilment and order issues.

First I want to say that we hear you, we care about you and we appreciate you all so much! We have a certain set of challenges that have been a combination of factors that a both in our control and out of our control. We are working very hard and have made great progress on all fronts but one and that is being more vocal and frequent on progress and resolution on these issues. That is my responsibility and I will be making time in work schedule to keep fans and customers up to date on these issues at least once a week until the Kickstarter and older orders have been resolved!

Side Note: my personal and business Facebook was hacked which has made an additional challenge in keeping everyone informed. I will get access and then it is revoked every 3 days or so. However Eddie as well as other team members will be relying information through Facebook, I still thankfully have access to Instagram but that is more of a visual platform. I am in the process of setting up a more permanent filming background for video updates and podcasts.

Challenges and issues we are working on.

Double orders for Kickstarter
When I intergated orders from backerkit to shopify I must have done it incorrectly which caused it to create duplicate orders.
Must of these issues have been taken care of and those orders are in the pull lists to be packed and shipped.
Duplicate orders
Duplicate orders are being created by staff. We realized that customers where reaching out to myself, and Adam as well as other team member via social media messages. This results in duplicate orders being created as the responses weren't going through offical channels and instead are going through personal social media pages.
While we absolutely want to get everyone taken care of ASAP we ask that everyone please be patient and follow the official contact via [email protected]
This allows us to stay organized and know that the customer has been addressed and helped and that it is safe to create an order>pack sheet>shipping label.
Late orders
We are having intense "Growing Pains" we are both very happy that the toyline is so popular and very sought after. That beging said we werent ready with the inferstructor needed to handle such high volumes of orders.
We have added two fufilment crew members as well as myself (morning) to make sure we are getting large amounts of orders packed and shipped each day.
However we still are struggling to keep up. That is our issue (not the customers) we thank you and will be adding on more fufilment staff.
5 Days to process orders and ship
Our goal is to process orders (approved, print pack labels/shipping labels, pack and ship orders in 5 days)
We are about 75% of the way to that goal. With such high volumes and older orders we have been putting in overtime to catch up and stay on that 5 day goal.
Adam did discover an issue when reviewing how we could get up to that volume.
Whenever we batch and print packlist and shipping labels we set the ship date at two to three days from the time we ship the label on order to get those items packaged and shipped on 5 days. However we have been printing the packlist on a way that over road that and tells the customer and fufilment system that the order is being shipped the day we print the labels which is not accurate.
We have already fed and addressed that issue but we feel it is very important that everyone knows what was going on, on the back end of fufilment.
The USPS challenge.
I've personally spoken to post master around the country about the issues we are having with getting USPS to pick up our packages in a timely manner.
It's a real kick to our moral to be working this hard only to have USPS constantly refusing to pick up orders, loose orders and even in some cases refuse to let us drop off those orders at our assigned post office destination.
One of my close friends who works for the post office in the county next to use informared is that our county lost it's postmaster and it has been "anarchy" I confirmed that that is the case.
I personally contacted our state congressmen order to get this resolved and we are confident that this is the breakthrough we needed in this important link of the fufilment process.
Again I want to let everyone know we hear your frustrations and are greatful for you support and patients in our new baby company who has grown into a giant beast in a very short time ha! We will get all these challenges figured out and are going to close the online store this week in order to sort and ship these outstanding orders as well as take time to do inventory.

Thank you all so very much!

Love Spero

Jason Bienvenu

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I really like the monkey figures. I think they are a lot of fun and they haven't left my desk since they arrived early this year.  They fulfilled my order and I had minor issues myself. But I have been unimpressed by the professionalism of Spero Toys. That message didn't fill me with confidence. I give a lot of leeway when this is your first time, but one of the reasons I was confident to back this Kickstarter was that it wasn't Jason's first time. He had experience. It shows in the product itself, but not in the way he communicates or has handled customer service issues.

I hate grammar Nazis, it is a petty argument tool, but with a message as important as this, It really should have been proofread a few times. 

I plan to order more, and have, but unless things change I cannot confidently order directly from them. I follow their Facebook page, and too many folks still do not have their orders, and are publishing frustrating communications and runarounds.

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adrienveidt reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posts: 578

Posted by: @kingbowser

I hate grammar Nazis, it is a petty argument tool, but with a message as important as this, It really should have been proofread a few times. 

Poor grammar grinds on my nerves too and it was pretty bad here. I took it as someone rushing to get the message out but, yes, there should have been a couple passes at editing.

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Posted by: @Anonymous

Detached Thane's helmet. now i have 2 heads that can wear the helmet instead of 1. just gotta sculpt hair on the other head. pics coming soon.

This is how Thane should have been released.  Not sure why the large figure had his helmet attached while regular sized figures have removable helmets.  If anything, you think it would have been reversed.


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Posted by: @ashtalon

Posted by: @Anonymous

Detached Thane's helmet. now i have 2 heads that can wear the helmet instead of 1. just gotta sculpt hair on the other head. pics coming soon.

This is how Thane should have been released.  Not sure why the large figure had his helmet attached while regular sized figures have removable helmets.  If anything, you think it would have been reversed.


You are correct, Ashy.


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I received all my figures just fine. I purchased both waves off his site. It's the graphic novel I didn't receive. I got an email reply back last night saying the graphic novel is back in stock at the warehouse. It should be shipping this week. I'm not purchasing or pre-ordering any more figures until that is in my hands. 

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I did finally get the order I placed at the end of March this last Tuesday. I know it was a preorder for a June arrival but man, it was still so far past that date and it wasn't like they were waiting on product. Jason has been very nice every time I've met him or interacted with him. I just think while even though there's plenty of product to go around, he bit off more than he could initially chew.

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So, I knew about this line but hadn't planned to get any of it. I think the Planet of the Apes vibe is fun, but it just wasn't a must have.


That said...

Railgun werewolf. Railgun. Werewolf. RAILGUN WEREWOLF!

robogeek1973 reacted
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Not liking the new cyborg wolf at all. the design is horrible. looks top heavy, the legs and feet are undersized. and even the waist looks too blocky. looks like a Sponge bob wolf... Ill pass on this one. a quick fix would be to make the feet bigger but thats not happening by spero.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Same. This looks completely out of place with the previous offerings. This is to AWotK what Cosmic Legions is to Mythic Legions.

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I'll admit, the torso to leg ratio isn't my favorite, but I think I can look past it (moreso considering he should clock in around 7-8" tall if he's scaled with their other big apes as he seems to be). The rest of it I'm absolutely into. Does it fit with the rest of the line? I dunno. They've got guns so clearly some technology exists in that setting. A lot of the costumes have scifi elements in their design, so it doesn't seem so far off. But I'm not collecting this line overall, so he'll go my shelf next to ML or GI Joe or something, and he'll definitely fit in ok with those.


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