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Soldiers of Fortune by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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Splitting this off from the Operation Monster Force thread to give it its own space

Slides from Joefest

Those S.O.B's really starting to interfere with my retirement plan


I know there are images floating around of The Spy and the Agent -  black tux and white tux -  but the only pics I could find were on Instagram and I couldn't get them to share here.


Can't wait to see more and be able to pre-order.   These should be a ton of fun, I think.


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Posted by: @panthercult

I know there are images floating around of The Spy and the Agent -  black tux and white tux -  but the only pics I could find were on Instagram and I couldn't get them to share here.


Here ya go.

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Posted by: @panthercult

Those S.O.B's really starting to interfere with my retirement plan

Yeah. It's rough. I haven't pre-ordered anything yet... but I know I won't be able to resist forever. The agent/spy in both versions are almost certain pickups, the saboteur is a likely one (or two) as well. The CCO in black is a maybe. I've got a version of that from Valaverse that I like, but I have a feeling these will be more available, and I like that they come with a silenced weapon, which seems sort of hard to get in black from Vala. 

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Yeah... there's a zero percent chance I'm going to be able to resist the close combat operatives in a whole rainbow of color schemes if they choose to release them that way.    The bright yellow is just so absurd as tactical gear - like "here I come Muther F#@*&!,  stop me if you can"   that I love it.    The orange might be even sillier.


The one eyed george peppard spy is awesome.   And I'll probably end up with at least one black tux too.   


The blue suited agent would probably be easy to skip -  except it comes with the blue hooded head -  which I think was a mean trick to sell a bunch of those that otherwise might not move as well.   


FMF is going to be taking a lot of my money in 2025 and 2026.

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I've almost no interest in this line (except for the guy with the blue hood, obvi). I don't need a lot of lore in my toy lines, but I do want character. Aside from the vibrant colors, these are all really generic. 

Early discussion over in Facebook showed them as a Global Adventure team, with basic looks for, like, sea exploration or caving (and a suggestion that Gridiron would provide mission packs of gear.)

That idea at least was more interesting to me than spies and mercs. Hopefully Agents of OMEGA (as they were called) will show up in the future. 

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@fletch I get that, though for me the generic nature helps. I can fit them anywhere I want in my displays and they'll reasonably work. 

I do assume there will be more to them with accessory packs, and if nothing else they're all just a head swap away from mixing in with FMF's other lines. A thing I wonder, is if any of the other FMF lines will headswap with Naughty or Nice... I assume not their basic body, but maybe a larger one...

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Posted by: @jakeekiss

any of the other FMF lines will headswap with Naughty or Nice

Bill Murphy of FMF says no. N/N has different neck joint sizes. I don't think it was intentional, just that they were designed before they started laying out Monster Force et. al.

Buuut it wouldn't be out of character for Monster Force to have Declan recruit Santa to counter the Forgotten King's alliance with Krampus.

Now, I get that SoF isn't meant for me, so I don't begrudge the line. I'm only in this thread because I dig what Fresh Monkey's doing and just like talking about it. 


PantherCult reacted
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I’m liking the Blue Suit Agent, throw that hood in a bin because I ain’t here for GI Joe, but pair him with the fish bowl from Pizza Club Mikey, a Grey Alien figure, and studio series Professor X and yeah… that’s a pretty good Stan Smith

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So the new BBTS anniversary figure shown today is a Close Combat Operative from this line in a black and red color scheme.    This is my favorite color scheme for the CCO to date for sure and so I went ahead and ordered a couple.



I thought the exclusive might be a closer to release Monster Force figure, but I like this option.    Also seems like it might fit in will with the Crimson Moon troops either using it's alt head or one the alt heads from the Crimson Moon guys... 

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Posted by: @panthercult

I thought the exclusive might be a closer to release Monster Force figure

Check out the later silhouettes for the month, one of those vampire troopers is definitely one of the last ones going up too. A Naughty/Nice Santa as well from the looks of it. But this is pretty slick too. I went ahead and grabbed one because, yeah, the red deco works for me, and the release being late next year means my wallet isn't getting pummeled any harder this month.

Boy Wonder
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Wave 1 is up with an exclusive Pimp Daddy Destro looking figure that’s strangely only available when your order a whole set. Seems like he’s one that folks would buy on a whim if he were available separately, but can certainly do without if he’s a $230 commitment. 

The “definitely not Commander of any serpent team” figure has a lighter blue color to him to match the retro blue of any particular figures you might want to put that mask on. 

I just preordered The Spy in hopes that someone somewhere will be making and painting some Pierce Brosnan heads around when these come out. @ibentmyman-thing pretty please? 😩

Magneto Was Right
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So what happened to the white tux Spy/Agent? I was in for one in black and one in white.

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A free figure with purchasing the rest of the wave is a good incentive. The Monster Force incentive was just a couple of heads. I like most of the wave so the Pimp Daddy/Profit Director trooper was enough to sway me.

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@tsi, the white tux jacket was used for the Fresh Monkeys Agent Carter. In a pinch, you could use that with the spare hands and blond eyepatch head to make an enemy agent to play poker with. 

The blue hood guy was the only SoF figure I was ever interested in, though I'm not crazy about them lightening the shade of blue since I'm sticking with the Classified Wave 1 Cobra Commander. I was seconds away from pre-ordering it anyways, thinking I could just paint it, when I realized that, if I'm going to be painting the hood anyways, I can just paint one of the extra hooded heads that come with the Crimson Moon Cultist.

Over at Monster Force, I was pretty annoyed by the blatant marketing ploy that was trying to get me to buy a bunch of OMF figures I didn't want just to get the Lovecraft head I did, but at least it wasn't an entire character. And the most interesting character at that. I wish nothing but success for FMF, but I hope these gimmicks are so unsuccessful that they stop doing them. 

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Who'douv thought that a generic soldier in yellow would shoot to the top of my list of most wanted figs?

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