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Thanks to FOMO, I caved on Mumbo Jumbo and MoLecULar. They're both fine additions, I just would have preferred the 'roided out version of MJ. This one is so small. Like the size of an average evil warrior from Skeletor's crew. 

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Well,  just got the "Processing Soon" e-mails from BBTS for my 'shiny'  metallic Quicksilver and Steelheart.  


As soon as those two hit the old PoL I'll ship it off.


My plan is to have the metallic versions of the Hawks masked, in flying poses on flights stands at the back of the display and the regular versions unmasked standing together in front.    We'll see how many of the 'Hawks actually get metallic versions made before they call it quits with the line.


I didn't order the green Buzz Saw and kind of regret it.   I think I'd much prefer the green one to the yellow one I have -  but  I don't want to display two and I'm not feeling great about paying full price for a second one.   Sigh.    Maybe I'll get lucky and there'll be a chance to pick up the green Buzz Saw on sale down the line.

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I also got the processing soon email from BBTS.  I have the original releases of Quicksilver, Steelheart, and Buzzsaw.  Got all them for about half their original cost.  Hard to justify double purchases, but the metallic hawks are super tempting.   I'm tempted to just get the metallic QS.  I think I only had him and Flashback (for good guys) from the original line.  I may cancel Steelheart and take a chance on a pricedrop down the road.  Until they announce more metallic Hawks, I have a feeling they may not finish the main team with metallic versions.  I actually quite like the Ultimates Buzzsaw, as he's a huge chunk of a toy.  I can justify two versions of him, since he's a robot and maybe there's just now two robots. 

I would really like to see some reviews of the metallic Hawks before mine arrive in my Pile of Loot.  I'm not really a fan of their first figures.  They just don't feel very solid.  And the color of Steelheart and Steelwill just doesn't make sense to me (should be grey/steel and not blue).  Metallic versions should be striking though.  I just picture them being prone to breaking, as Super7 was really warning about them being fragile.  And if S7 is warning you about something being fragile, it must REALLY be fragile.

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I don't care one bit about Silverhawks, but I'm really curious to see how these vac-metal 'hawks turn out. It's not something I ever expected to see in this scale and if it works then maybe we'll see more and not just from Super7. Super7 has been shipping these for about a week now too, but has not put them up for general sale on their website. Probably because their sale they've been running all month ends today.

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@misfit does Super 7 usually put their Ultimates up on their website for sale once they have actually been produced?  I've only ever seen preorders.

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Oh for sure.   They have tons of Ultimates for sale on their site right now from previous waves from a variety of properties.    They will almost certainly have some stock of this wave for sale on their site once pre-orders have all been shipped.

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@justice they will. Their whole made-to-order thing isn't exactly true. I suppose technically it is, since they ordered X amount and that's what they got, but they always order more for their physical store and webstore. It might not be a huge amount more if Silverhawks isn't a big seller, but I would think if they want to do more vac metal 'hawks that they'll want extras for the people who wanted to take a wait and see approach.

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Had no idea. I can't say that I've ever been to their site to shop because I always preorder through BBTS.

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Apparently there's issues with the paint flaking off on the faces of the vac metal silverhawks

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Man... it is always something with Super7 isn't it.    The good news for me is I'm not planning on using the unmasked heads for these vac-metal versions -  so it won't impact me as much.     But considering these figures cost MORE than the usual Ultimates asking price ($65 instead of $55) they shouldn't have quality issues like this.

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It must be impossible to paint over vac metal like that because that was my biggest gripe about the original vintage figures. The flesh paint came off of their faces too.

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All they had to do was shiny paint on the first release

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Don't worry.  Brian Flynn will blame customers for wanting vacmetal figures.  "This is what you wanted.  Deal with it."

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Posted by: @thewyldman

All they had to do was shiny paint on the first release


All I want is whatever they did with Czarface.


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I'm assuming Czarface isn't vacumetal?   I think a shiny, more metallic plastic would have been a good compromise between cartoon and toy looks.  But we know Super7 likes to repaint figures, so it's likely they had this planned all along.

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