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Aww Mumbo Jumbo is Jumbo Shrimpy! He came out smaller than I’d hoped, so I think I might wait for a ‘roided version. Might not wait for MoLecULar though. But I’ll wait for some detailed reviews before pulling the trigger.

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It was a race to see who'd get in my BBTS PoL first: the Silverhawks wave or the NECA D&D dwarf and a tough decision of whether to ship or wait for the other to show up.

In a surprise twist, the dwarf and ONE of the Silverhawks showed up. This somehow feels worse. Yeah I still have to wait to ship, but now I really don't know why.

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I have 2/4 Hawks in my PoL from this wave.

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I only ordered Hot Wing and Mumbo Jumbo and they have not converted to my PoL yet.... wonder what the hold up is.    


Not that I'm in a terrible hurry at this point.    So much product slamming in all at once feels crazy.    That post Chinese new year tidal wave of pre-order arrivals feels like it gets bigger and bigger every year.

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Posted by: @panthercult

I only ordered Hot Wing and Mumbo Jumbo and they have not converted to my PoL yet.... wonder what the hold up is.    


Not that I'm in a terrible hurry at this point.    So much product slamming in all at once feels crazy.    That post Chinese new year tidal wave of pre-order arrivals feels like it gets bigger and bigger every year.

They don't have those two in stock yet. They are still listed as preorder so probably just got their solid cases of Stargazer and Molecular.


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I can't  seem to find Amazon listings for the Hotwing wave. Has anyone found links or preorders for them on there? 

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@deckard  I have not.     All I see listed on Amazon for Silverhawks are Wave 1 and Wave 2 and then Copper Kid.

deckard reacted
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I picked up the main Silverhawks and some of the villains during those crazy markdown sales.   Was also rewatching the first season of the show (drifted away but need to get back to it).

Why are the toy Steelwill and Steelheart figures blue instead of grey/steel like in the show.  I know the original toys were bluish, but making these animation-based toys blue just doesn't seem right.  Especially as there are chrome toy versions coming out. 

Bluegrass is the best of the good guy figures so far.  Just cause he's so silly design-wise.  Lots of personality.  I haven't gotten far enough into the show where any of the good guy pets have shown up other than Tallyhawk.  So Bluegrass' bird being guitar based is really humorous to me. 

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Posted by: @ashtalon

I haven't gotten far enough into the show where any of the good guy pets have shown up other than Tallyhawk.  So Bluegrass' bird being guitar based is really humorous to me. 

I'm not interested in displaying the other birds because Tallyhawk needs to stay iconic and special.  Buuuut, that bird guitar is epic and had to be on my shelf.

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Huzzah!    Just finally got my "processing soon"  e-mail for Hotwing and Mumbo Jumbo.    As soon as these hit my pile of loot I am hitting that ship button.   Excited to finally have a new member of the 'Hawks to put on the shelf.

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Yuss!  I've been so anxious for these.  They've been my hold-off on shipping my PoL as well.  Even better, I got a processing soon notice for Marvel's Angel so I don't have to decide if I should wait for him to show up. 

-wait, people are starting to get Airborne? Sonofa-!

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For those who missed it, you can preorder Darkbird exclusively at BigBadToyStore.

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I knew we were going to get Darkbird and I figured because it was probably a new head and maybe some different paint hits that it would likely be an exclusive.    An exclusive to BBTS took me by surprise though -  It wasn't one of the SDCC exclusives though,  so I figured it might be another Direct from Super7 exclusive.   


But I'm guessing this is a bone they threw to BBTS for helping them off load so much excess Ultimates inventory earlier in the year.    Still, I'm not mad at it.    It was something I expected and even asked for.


Here's hoping the line is healthy enough to at least deliver the last few Hawks I need -  Flashback, Moonstryker and Condor.    

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I'm hopeful we'll finish the Hawks and Mon*Star's gang.  Speaking of, feels like we're due for a reveal.

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Yeah...  its just the repaint wave and Copper Kid outstanding now, so if there's another wave of Hawks it should be time to show us.

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