To be honest, they have offered some things that are tempting in their other lines, but never tempting enough if I don’t want the full wave. It’s getting clearer that their format for selling any of their figures is wearing thin on many though.
So far the extra incentives to order direct from Super7 have largely been extra portraits which all seem non-essential to me, since I tend to keep the figures displayed one way without swapping heads. That has not been enough to let them hold my money for a year plus.
I'm still one of their more ardent supporters in the sense that I really like a lot of the Thundercats and Silverhawks ultimates. I advocate for them doing more licenses in a similar vein that I would like to buy. I pre-order the figures I want at full price. But even I can't get next to forking over my money a year in advance, especially when I don't have to. I have done it when Super7 has done their own exclusives (ghost Jaga, speed blur Cheetarah) but I don't like it and try not to.
Here's hoping Wave 6 of this line will be an actual wave and deliver some of the characters I'm still eager for, especially Flashback, Moonstryker, Yes Man and Melodia.
@panthercult I also reluctantly preorder at full price. I have noticed that I've come off of that more recently for some figures. Like I saw that Wingnut/Screwloose is coming soon. I didn't PO because firstly, the price for THAT item in particular was ugly high. Second, I've seen too many pieces go down in price significantly that I thought I'd try my luck waiting it out. Seems more people are doing that though, and something like the Genghis wave hasn't shown up in a lot of other places, so e-tailers are doing the same. Some of these later figures may become more rare, and may not last long enough to go to clearance. It's a game I'm playing with Mumbo Jumbo (which is not my preferred version) Mo-Lec-U-Lar, Scumbug, WN & SL, space cadet Raphael... I think it might be wise for me to move on some of those sooner if I really want them.
Agreed. Mo-Lec-U-Lar was one I didn't pre-order. The sculpt looked soft enough that I didn't feel it was must have... but if it drops down to the $30 range like some of the others did, I'd pull the trigger and get him anyway.
It will be interesting to see if the next several waves are harder to come by and maintain better after market value after a correction from the overproduced and clearanced waves we've seen recently.
And just like that Copper Kid has been pre-ordered at BBTS.
I will say, it's a bit disheartening that all of my most recent Super7 Ultimates orders have been for undersized characters at the same $55 price tag. Wily Kit and Kat, young Lion-O, Snarf, Snarfer, Quick Pick and now Copper Kid ... all very small from an Ultimates stand point but all the same full $55 price.
I went with just the kid from BBTS. I noticed BBTS is taking a $15 down payment on the vehicle. I know they do that to get people to commit, but I wonder if it'll serve as a disincentive to order at all. Maybe the vehicle will be the first Silverhawks item not to make it to production.
Sorry if I overreacted to the idea that Copper Kid and the bike would only be orderable together. Just went off the wording via TNI's news article. Obviously, I'm not interested in the bike. I only bought the cartoon versions of the Silverhawks, because they were all marked down a few months ago. I'll get Copper Kid eventually to finish the main team, but I'm not going to hurry to get him.
I knew that bike would come in high, but even after figuring that it still came in a lot higher than I thought. I personally don't see it. They're basically saying it takes three times the amount of tools of a regular figure? Maybe, I don't know, and I don't know how integral it is to the character, but that thing looks DOA. Good thing they didn't tie the figure to it.
Man, Brian's math on these figures is crazy. I know that these are going to be a lower volume line than some, but still.
This release just made me to commit to not collecting Silverhawks and now Tigersharks. Oh well.
Like everyone else, I’m skipping the bike. Was never planning to get it, but I still have to say that it is way overpriced. Even if I was going to buy it, I’m never going to pay Super 7 18 to 24 months in advance.
Even the Electrocharger was more essential to Mandora than this bike is to Copper Kid. I have no qualms with having paid full for that set, but no way for this one.
I'm with NORM. The Electrocharger is critical for Mandora and I was ecstatic that they offered it. The Racer, however, is less critical and more "the what now?"
I don't mean this facetiously, but I'd really like to know what Brian is thinking here. Has he had a lot of success with single-rider vehicles in his Ultimates! line and is trying to find something that qualifies here? Is it something he personally really wanted and thought he'd give it a try in case others did too? Are we the minority and there's actually a lot of silent Racer fans making pre-orders? No judgment intended, I'd really like to know the business motivation here.
Are we the minority and there's actually a lot of silent Racer fans making pre-orders? No judgment intended, I'd really like to know the business motivation here.
I'm considering buying the space racer but I'm not sure yet because I find it too expensive. So it seems I'm the minority here. I'm afraid if nobody buy it, we won't get any other vehicle from the Silverhakws line.
I'll just be buying Copper Kid. I never even knew Silverhawks existed as a kid and only recently watched any episodes so I'm probably not the best barometer for who is going to buy the thing or not.
Yeah... I'll be shocked if the Space Racer gets enough orders to go into production. I have no reason to wish it to fail, as there are clearly some people that want it.
But it doesn't seem like much value for the price and doesn't seem essential for the collection - I can just stand Kid with the team. Having him on a weird space Bike next to the rest of the team standing would be awkward anyway.
The bike is an easy pass. I recently went through the whole series maybe 3 or 4 years ago (so, WAY more recently than childhood lol), and I neither remember it, nor think it looks all that cool (unlike Mandora's, that thing's neat, lol).
My memory of the show is piecemeal at best. But I can't think of another vehicle besides the Miraj AT ALL. I definitely don't remember this vehicle for CK. It feels more like some random vehicle he'd be included with as a toy. I can also think of the squid thing that MonStar flew. (Looked it up, it's generically called the Sky-Runner.) I would think the Miraj is more iconic, but I don't think Silverhawks as a property is popular enough that a Miraj would be made, like the Thundertank. How many units of the Tank got made? To the point where both BBTS and EE have run sales on it. I could see them teasing the Miraj, and if it would house all five main team, more people might bite than on the Copper Kid vehicle.