And Thundercats Wave 9 before Wave 8.
I only picked up Quicksilver and Steelheart and was thinking I might be done with the line (not a knock, just don't have a ton of space and they add up fast) but BBTS has a big Super7 discount today if anyone's on the fence. I picked up Bluegrass for 50% off, and Steelwill is 20% off too.
Yeah... I was momentarily tempted by Bluegrass - but then I remembered he doesn't come with winged arms or a masked head like the other Hawks and the bandanna looks like it's sculpted on and I remembered I never cared much for Bluegrass in the cartoon and he doesn't fit in with my display the way I want it and I passed - even at $27... paid full price for the rest, but I just can't with that guy.
I will say I'm worried about this BBTS sale on all things Ultimates. If they pull back on future orders for Ultimates - and how couldn't they if they are having to clearance sale the S7 lines across the board - then i think the viability of Ultimates is in real trouble going forward. Hopefully I'm wrong, but it isn't a great sign.
@docsilence Thanks for that! I had seen the sale, but didn't scroll long enough to see these were part of it. Picked up Quicksilver & both versions of Mon*Star.
God help me, I’m considering getting the Ultimates Silverhawks. I know I’ll be disappointed with the figures, but their marked down price is tempting. I wonder if this sale is just one day. Gonna sleep on it and see if they’re still on sale Tuesday. The sale doesn’t say one day, so we’ll see in a few hours.
i did order Windhammer off Amazon though, as he was only $31. I was counting on holding off for the chrome Silverhawks. And prefer the green version of Buzzsaw. I prefer the all red armored Monstar solicited with the chrome Silverhawks compared to the several shades of red version out now. But Windhammer at such a reduced price seems like a decent purchase.
I know I’ll be disappointed with the figures
Why do you think that ? Until now, none of the Silverhawks figures produced by Super7 have disappointed me, except maybe Steelheart who has a flaw on one of her legs.
I was counting on holding off for the chrome Silverhawks. And prefer the green version of Buzzsaw.
Yeah... there was no way I could wait - but also had to order the chrome ones. My current plan is to have the matte versions using the civilain heads and the chrome versions as powered up, in flight mode with masks and winged arms.
But I really wish I had waited on the green Buzzsaw. I vastly prefer that look but don't think I can commit to paying the full asking price for a second Buzzsaw.
Well, just wait till green Buzzsaw drops in price. Which it will. I ended up ordering the current Silverhawks, since the pricing was right. And yellow Buzzsaw and armored MonStar, since again...the pricing was right. I may get green Buzzsaw when he eventually drops in price. Green and yellow Buzzsaw can almost just work as companion robots. I'll be waiting on Mumbo Jumbo and Molecular to drop in price as well. The only other villain I really want is Hardware. Maybe the others at sale prices.
I have chrome Quicksilver and Steelheart on preorder, but I may only get Quicksilver in chrome. Not sure I want two full teams of Silverhawks. After listening to a recent interview with Brian Flynn, I don't think more chrome Silverhawks are in the immediate future. At the very least, I think they'll be every other wave. Sounds like the chrome versions aren't selling that great (not surprising given many people aren't going to want to double dip on figures they've already purchased).
I know I’ll be disappointed with the figures
Why do you think that ? Until now, none of the Silverhawks figures produced by Super7 have disappointed me, except maybe Steelheart who has a flaw on one of her legs.
Because all Ultimates are disappointing on some level. At least at full price. I don't have a ton of them, but they're just way overpriced and always have near-fatal issues (ie lackluster articulation-someday I'd like to think they'll figure out how to make functional torso articulation). I think only powered up Mumm-Ra seems to have been worth the price to me.
That said, all these huge markdowns on Ultimates have caused me to pick up some more across a few brands. Certainly, they'll have a better chance of feeling worth their price when their price is $25-40.
I'd like a Copper Kid announcement.
I don't think I've tipped into disappointment yet, but I do have a list of things that should've been better. Quicksilver should *not* be the biggest person on the team, Tallyhawk *should* be able to clip to Quick's forearm, and a 90-degree elbow and knee bend should be absolute minimum.
Other things, like relative shininess, are creative choices so even if I'd rather them be another way, I won't get mad that they're not. I also started collecting figures as an adult with MotU Classics *after* the line had ended, so my bar for toy value is already pretty high.
And @normdapito, I suspect you're asking for a pre-order announcement, but just in case I'll say Flynn has announced a future half-wave of just the Kidd and his race car, so they're at least confirmed.
I'd like a Copper Kid announcement.
Copper Kid will be in Wave 5 with his race car and maybe another action figure. Wave 5 is likely to be announced when Wave 3 and 4 are in our hands (around March or April).
I think S7 as a whole is overrated, figures too. Still a modern, animation-based, expansive TC and SH line is something I've wanted forever. I find them "good enough" for shelf-sitters (and fallers, get some stands to hold some of these up). There's enough time between releases that I don't mind the higher price point on them. Once they manage to complete the core lineup of heroes and villains I consider everything else just gravy.
Brian Flynn has confirmed Copper Kid and his Space Racer will be officially announced in february as Wave 5 of the Silverhawks line.
Interesting... a little more time dilation. Since this is already been announced, just not available for pre-order I will be curious to see if we get a Wave 6 and how soon it will be teased
Also wondering about Tiger Sharks... Flynn had previously hinted an announcement would be coming in early 2024. I had hoped that would mean January... but am wondering if it's coming soon. I kind of feel a little bit like D&D may have jumped the line.
Tiger Sharks could be the planned successor to Silverhawks, whenever they feel that line has run its course.