Y'all talked me into Darkbird which then convinced me to ship my PoL. Hopefully this isn't the end of Silverhawks.
And right on cue, emails for new items Processing Soon. 🤣
I'm not sure they want to overload their customers with SilverHawks stuff.
In no way do I feel overloaded with SilverHawks stuff.
Edit: that came across more aggro than I'd expected, sooo... wink emoji.
Kid is on his way, so my collection will be complete for me.
How you can consider the team complete without objectively the coolest Hawk of all is crazy to me. Flashback was definitely the best and coolest and my collection absolutely cannot be complete until I have him. Moonstryker and Condor would be nice too - but Flashback for me is non-negotiable.
From the original line, I only had Quicksilver, Flashback, Molecular, and Buzzsaw. Flashback was by far the coolest design of everything Silverhawks for me. So I'm hoping to see him at least. But with this line not being very shiny and the vacumetal being so fragile, I'm not sure how neat an Ulimates Flashback will end up looking to me.
I only really remember the Hawks that were introduced in the first season, so that’s what’s complete to me. Quicksilver, the siblings, Blue Grass, and Copper Kidd.
Received Copper Kidd yesterday. Opened him right away. I didn’t think much about what accessories he’d included, but I totally forgot about those discs he used to throw. He comes with two that peg into his hips and two to hold. He has a right hand with two fingers extended to match his head that is sculpted to whistle. The rest is standard stuff like extra hands, masked head, winged arms and shoulder lasers, two versions of his companion bird Mayday. He’s quite small, like Thunderkittens small. I thought he’d be a little bigger. Love his bold colors, they stand out so much from the cold steel look of his teammates. I’m very happy to complete this core team.
Nice... Copper Kid and Darkbid are sitting in the Pile of Loot patiently waiting... but I just got the processing soon e-mail on my Thundercats wave, so I'm waiting to ship.
CK arrived last night while I was at work.
Opened him up today and I'm happy to have the main team complete. The limited elbows do make the hand to mouth whistling pose more challenging, but it is possible.
I received Darkbird from BBTS last Thursday. Great piece, with a beautifully sculpted face, very faithful to the cartoon. If I'm correct, it's the first character 100% new in the Silverhawks Ultimates line, unless if you count the Mon*Star pre-transformation, but Kenner kinda already realeased it in the 80's, with the alternate Mon*Star head.
Anyway, even if Darkbird was not on my list and doesn't seem to me like an obligatory figure in the line, I'm glad to have it.
Has Brian Flynn commented anywhere on the future of the line past Wave 6? I'm still hoping there's room for Melodia, Poker Face and Yes Man.
To my knowledge nothing beyond the vaguest of hints of anything beyond Wave 6 so far. It's mostly just us spitballing and hoping. I'm still hopeful that there's more to come - but the longer they go without announcing another wave the more nervous I get.
@bronzeaged Yes, he said in his last interview for the Youtube channel "We want more ThunderCats" that Super7 is currently spacing out Silverhawks line because Silverhawks collectors are mostly the same that collecting ThunderCats stuff and there has been a lot of releases lastly. But the Silverhawks line continues and he refused to say more on what can we expect. Maybe a vehicle is on its way ?