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I don't know. It sounds like coating the face would keep it from flaking off. Kind of like decoupage, yeah?

I mean, it might all come off as one mask, but it wouldn't flake. 


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I have a hasbro Stargazer action figure with a rare manufacturing error. There is no blue on the telescopic sight on his face (this was not due to ware) I am wondering how something like this might increase the value of the figure? Anyone ever seen or heard of that?

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Any word on anything after Copper Kid?  Would be a shame to stop so close to the goal line.

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It's been fairly radio silent from Super7 on alot of these brands lately.


I'm wondering if this really is a result of Brian's new investor's reigning him in a bit.   Slow down the hype until delivery is on track and word of mouth on improved quality spreads... or some such.  


I'm wondering if he was instructed to stop taking pre-orders until his fulfillment was back on track a bit.


My Battle of the Mounds Conan figures are still pending in my BBTS Pile of Loot and have been for months now.


So, it just may be they want to get fulfillment in line with actual projections before they restart the pre-order train?  


I am curious though.   I really hope this line isn't over when there are still a handful of characters I would really like to have.   I'm guessing we may not get the rest of the hawks in the shiny vac-metal style look, though.

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Looks like you're getting more vac-metal 'hawks:


EDIT: And, as expected, Vac Metal 'Hawks and toy versions of two others, Molecular and Windhammer:

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Yeah... I think I'm good.   That wave is a total skip for me.   I bought the first two vac metal hawks -  and I honestly don't need the rest.     I display the two I have in their fully helmeted heads - but I hate the football helmet for Steelwill and Bluegrass doesn't even have a helmet that covers his face, so I can't see myself displaying these ones.    And the Windhammer and Mo-lec-U-Lar are both an enormous yawn from me.


I get why they're doing this but - nope.    Really hope if this wave performs poorly it doesn't hurt the chances that I get the Flashback, Moonstryker and Condor I really want.   Melodia too.

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Surprised and not surprised by this announcement. Pass all around.

I did wind up getting the toy version of Buzzsaw, which I genuinely prefer.

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Hopefully this means the next wave is new characters.

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Four down, one to go...

Man, THAT is MY Bluegrass. Not the powder periwinkle on my shelf.

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Oh, I reviewed three of the last wave:

It's long, but I did 5 figures (Thunderkittens), and was live because my PC needs to be upgraded before I can go back to editing.

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Posted by: @normdapito

I did wind up getting the toy version of Buzzsaw, which I genuinely prefer.


For sure...  I couldn't bring myself to spend the money again - even though I liked the toy version so much better.  But I'd already paid for the first one and it didn't feel like it would be easy to sell off - so I didn't buy the toy version, but I regret that choice.    These though just aren't that interesting.


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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @normdapito

I did wind up getting the toy version of Buzzsaw, which I genuinely prefer.


For sure...  I couldn't bring myself to spend the money again - even though I liked the toy version so much better.  But I'd already paid for the first one and it didn't feel like it would be easy to sell off - so I didn't buy the toy version, but I regret that choice.    These though just aren't that interesting.


Yeah, the toon version is discounted pretty much everywhere at this point. Taking the L on that. I just haven't opened the toy version yet because I haven't figured out where to even put it.


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Good news, Wave 5 is currently arriving at Super7's warehouse.

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Posted by: @molecular

Good news, Wave 5 is currently arriving at Super7's warehouse.

That's just Copper Kidd and the vehicle, right? I'm looking forward to CK, which should pretty much complete my collection. I might impulse buy some like Stargazer or other villains.


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I'll be sad if we don't get the last 3 Hawks.  Interestingly the new Dynamite series has Hotwing out of the gate, but none of the others additions, just like this line.

Dynamite® Silverhawks #1

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