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Posted by: @misfit

@ashtalon BBTS is pretty generous when it comes to defective merch. If vac-metal 'hawks are something you want I'd still go for it. Worst comes to worst, BBTS is giving you back your money and probably letting you keep the defective merch.


If anybody wants to hear Flynn gush about his new, shiny, figures, the June interview with Veebs is up: 


Funniest part of that video is when Veebs says finally silverhawks in silver and Brian's reaction


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Does no one have both Mon*Stars yet? Because Pixel Dan is the only YouTuber I've found who has the new one, but he doesn't have the first one, and a work-safe Google Image Search isn't giving me any pics from anyone comparing them, either.

He's the one I was most lukewarm on, as the differences don't look that major, other than the alt head (which I imagine I could just get off eBay later), and I don't want to ship my PoL if I decide they're too similar to buy the extra (and putting separate photos of the two next to each other isn't really showing what I imagine both toys physically next to each other would)...

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I watched that Pixel Dan review and it was rough. Even he had a hard time mustering up any excitement for these things. I'm curious if the vac-metal editions end here because it could be costly for Super7 if a lot of people are returning/exchanging these things. As for MonStar, it looks to me like the new one is just a uniform, flat, red with no shading or metallic effects at all. It seems to me like the only reason to get it is for the new head or nostalgia for the old toy. I think it and the buzz saw guy variant are just here to help offset the cost of the vac-metal figures. And it does seem like people did want a green version of the robot.

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And see, that's what I've been afraid of seeing all these problems with them - them not finishing the rest of them.

If I'm stuck with two vacmetal Hawks, and not at least the last three main ones getting the same treatment (ignoring Stargazer & Hotwing & Flashback & Moon Stryker), I am going to mail Brian Flynn a large box full of feces, I swear to f***ing Christ, holy shit, where's the Tylenol!?

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@tenime has got you covered should you choose to go that route. Don't ask me why I know that. You can choose between horse and elephant.

TENIME reacted
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I thought I would love vac metal hawks but I don't.  I'm just gonna stick with the originals and maybe repaint quicksilver one day. 

New wave is supposed to be announced pretty soon. I'm hoping for Flashback and Melodia. I think I could just stop there. I don't care for most of the designs beyond them. 

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Yeah... Flashback and Moonstryker are the two I still need.  Condor and Melodia would round it out nicely though.   Beyond those there just isn't anything I have to have.

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I'm surprised nobody seems to want Hardware. He was a pivotal villain in the cartoon.

TENIME reacted
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Hardware, Melodia, and Yes-Man are all I'm waiting for to complete my shelf. I probably could be talked into a Poker Face, but he'd just be a placeholder while they figured out Yes-Man's snake articulation. 

As for my Hawks, I keep telling myself I'm going to blast them all with some kind of gloss coat, but I'm scared of how it will react to the paint and plastic. 


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Posted by: @molecular

I'm surprised nobody seems to want Hardware. He was a pivotal villain in the cartoon.

I want him more than some of the ones we've already gotten!


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With only 3 Hawks left (Flashback, Moon Stryker, and Condor) and 5 mob members (Hardware, Yes-Man, Melodia, Poker Face, and I think Time Stopper officially joined) plus notable other villains like Zero and Smiley I have to imagine they'll be more slots for shiny hawk repaints.


Or the main hawks in their jumpsuits I guess.

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Posted by: @fletch


As for my Hawks, I keep telling myself I'm going to blast them all with some kind of gloss coat, but I'm scared of how it will react to the paint and plastic. 



Maybe you can try to paint an extra part (like a hand) and see the result before painting a whole Hawk ?


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I'd still like someone to tell me if brushing a matte clear coat over the vacmetal's skin faces so they won't chip off will work before I end up just brushing the skin paint off in the process lol... 😕 

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Posted by: @tenime

I'd still like someone to tell me if brushing a matte clear coat over the vacmetal's skin faces so they won't chip off will work before I end up just brushing the skin paint off in the process lol... 😕 

The skin looks to be painted OVER the vac metal, which doesn't seem to bond well to some of the plastic, which is causing the skin tone paint to flake as well. I don't think sealing it will solve that problem.


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Wonderful. F***ing idiots.

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