@jayjonah they charge when you pre-order
I just ordered the exclusive Gohan. I can live without the others.
Really gonna need a new Perfect Cell to go along with that one, though.
@jayjonah You pay price + tax + flat $10 shipping per order immediately when placing order.
That came without warning. I didn't see it until today, but being preorders, there's at least no real rush. I've regretted passing on Raditz for years so that was the one I was after, but I also grabbed the Gohan/Goku set because that looks like the next "Raditz" for me - the one I'll regret passing on in 2 years. And at least when Bandai does eventually get around to doing a brand new SS2 Gohan it may not be battle damaged like that one so the double-dip won't bother me as much. Plus this set is going to be posed one way and one way only.
Skipping all these exclusives. I didn't get Raditz when he was anime-colors, and despite the manga colors being my preference, he's such an insignificant character that I just don't care to waste the shelf space on him. Same with all of Freeza's other mooks--Nappa, Zarbon, Dodoria, the Ginyus. Main villains and forms are where I draw the line...
...except that my OCD made me buy Android 19. I can't have 16, 17, 18, 20, Cell and 21 and not have 19. It'd drive me nuts! At least 19 has a really original design, whereas all of Freeza's goons wear basically the same outfit, but pallet swapped.
I have the original UI Goku and despite not loving Toyotarou's work on the Super manga, I picked up the new one too. The hair and faces look great and I can always use another "battle damaged" Goku body. Ultra Instinct is (along with Kaioken) my favorite transformation, so it was an easy pickup. Plus that Encyclopedia is awesome!
My Orange Piccolo should be arriving next week. Reviews on him have been very positive. A wonderful, beefy boi!
Mecha Freeza is now my most anticipated figure. The whole extra torso is amazing!
Hopefully a Semi-Perfect and 2.0 Perfect Cell are next on the docket. Imperfect Cell came out what feels like forever ago. We need the others ASAP.
Also hoping we get a 3.0 SSJ2 Kid Gohan with the full outfit + cape + SSJ1 and base form heads. This translucent hair one does nothing for me.
I don't know about that. These are for a second production run. They have an order cap, but I don't recall the orders for past event exclusives getting closed early. I also don't really pay attention once my order is in (which it is). I do think these ones are the most desirable con exclusives they've done over the past few years, so that could certainly play a role.
I wish they hadn't changed the shoulder articulation on Gohan Beast. Ultimate Gohan is perfect. The torso on Beast feels like a half step back. Still a cool looking figure though.
I'm actually considering getting a third ultimate Gohan. I have so many different options for Gohan heads now, that it's hard to choose. The two dad hair heads, the action hair head, all the face plates, the super saiyan face plates, and now the beast face plates. Not to mention the crossed arms piece and the cape!
I don't know about that. These are for a second production run. They have an order cap, but I don't recall the orders for past event exclusives getting closed early. I also don't really pay attention once my order is in (which it is). I do think these ones are the most desirable con exclusives they've done over the past few years, so that could certainly play a role.
Looks like Raditz is sold out already but the others are still up.
Up long enough that folks who really wanted it could get it, at least, but always sucks when stuff can't be up at least a couple weeks so folks can get that "next paycheck" to pay for it.
Up long enough that folks who really wanted it could get it, at least, but always sucks when stuff can't be up at least a couple weeks so folks can get that "next paycheck" to pay for it.
Especially when so many things are dropping all at once.
I’m gonna sound like an asshole, but whatever. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck…this isn’t the hobby for you. 🙁
I don't know about that. These are for a second production run. They have an order cap, but I don't recall the orders for past event exclusives getting closed early. I also don't really pay attention once my order is in (which it is). I do think these ones are the most desirable con exclusives they've done over the past few years, so that could certainly play a role.
Looks like Raditz is sold out already but the others are still up.
Wow, consider me surprised. I guess there are a lot of people out there like me with FOMO after passing on him the first time. Or toddler Gohan is a far more desirable piece than expected. I would have put money on the Father/Son Kamehameha set selling out first.
@misfit I think it might be more that it's the less popular one, so the order limit was lower. I think last year Fat Buu was the first to sell out, but was also the least desirable.