King Cold arrived today and I was surprised by how big of a box he comes in. I mean, I knew he'd be big, but wow. Haven't opened him yet. Might be a while, I just moved and need to get shelving to fill my space
New Premium Bandai reveal - Zarbon Full Power
A new Dragon Ball Z Premium Bandai exclusive is now live to order – Zarbon – True Power – . This has the evil Frieza henchmen in his powered up mode, going a bit more monstery than his dapper standard look, as seen in the Namek Sagas of Dragon Ball Z. Retail is $85 USD with a ship date of July 2025. He’s a Premium Bandai exclusive, which means grabbing later on anywhere else will have a mark up, so head on over and snag yours now before Pre-Orders close.
Pre-Orders -> S.H.Figuarts ZARBON-TRUE POWER- @ Premium Bandai
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Zarbon’s post-transformation form, Zarbon – True Power – from Dragon Ball Z is now available in S.H.Figuarts!
Zarbon – True Power – is now a roughly 160 mm tall S.H.Figuarts model with an incredible sense of size.
In addition to the usual face, we have included three exchangeable facial expression parts – a shouting face, a face with clenched teeth, and a grinning face.
The model’s movable structure uses the S.H.Figuarts Dragon Ball series standard, as well as the well-received shoulder armor structure used in models like S.H.Figuarts Turles (sold separately). When the arms are drawn close, the armor can be shifted to the back of the model enabling you to strike the figure in even cooler poses.
What’s more, you can move the base of the cape and you can recreate the hair fluttering in the wind with the exchangeable hair part accessory.
Have lots of fun recreating memorable battle scenes by combining this model with S.H.Figuarts Vegeta – 24000 Combat Power Level – (sold separately)!
Set Contents
Main body
Exchangeable hand left/right x 3 types
Exchangeable expression parts x 3 types
Exchangeable hair parts
Broly and Cooler reissues are coming soon. Interesting to see Cooler, who was previously a P-Bandai release. Perhaps this will be the model for future P-Bandai re-releases? Deco looks about the same, but he'll have a new stand celebrating the 40th anniversary of Dragon Ball. I always figured they would reissue some of their more popular P-Bandai stuff because it's just good business sense to give the consumer what they want. If they redo the Ginyu Force I bet they'll sell very well.
I got the new Blue Vegeta. His hair is a metallic shiny blue and lighter then Goku. I was worried that may be the case. I could just explain it away as him being evolved. But I think I have a blue that could work, so I may try that route if it bugs me too much.
I still haven't come across that new Blue Vegeta in person. I know I could just order it, but I don't feel like I need it so I'll leave it up to chance for the time being. I have come across the Daima Vegeta and I can't believe how tiny it is. Didn't get it, but I really hope they revisit Dragon Ball era Goku and Krillin with these new, tiny, parts. Scale on this line is kind of all over the place and doesn't tend to bug me too much, but it does with those kid versions of the characters.
Also saw there's a new early DBZ era Goku on the way titled the lowest born Saiyan. Looks to basically be the same old body, but with new portraits that do look pretty awesome. He also comes with the wind swept hair last year's event exclusive came with (I'm guessing some of the faces are from that release too). General release set for March.
The Cooler reissue goes up tonight for preorder at 8 EST. Looks like he comes with everything the original had plus the new anniversary stand. I can't tell if they changed his color palette at all to differentiate this version from the original. If so, it's very subtle. Also going up is a reissue of Legendary Super Saiyan Goku. He's $45 and, unlike Cooler, has way less stuff than before and nothing new.
Been enjoying Daima, so I’ve been picking up all those figures as they drop preorders. I think the only one I’ve missed is Golorio
Old Style Armor Vegeta arrived for me today. He's an interesting release because of the battle damage parts, but also one of the jankiest figures in the line. His arms were obviously designed for the prior Vegeta with the shoulder pads and it's an awkward fit here. The butterfly joint is useless when if they weren't committed to using the guts of that figure it could have been done better. Neck is still gappy and the diaphragm is too when you introduce the battle damaged stuff. The wrist balls also seem to stick out farther than usual which is something I don't remember from the release just before this. The neck is the one that bugs me most though because he doesn't get much range going back at the head so you need that neck joint to do most of the work there, but it leads to a big gap. The portraits are great though and is the one area where this line keeps improving. I like the commitment to including the battle damage on both the front and back of the figure as well.
Premium Bandai has a new Goku up for preorder from Dragon Ball Daima. If you're not caught up on the series then it's a spoiler, so I won't post any pics. I am not caught up as I've been waiting on the English dub so I can watch it with my kids, but damn does the internet make it impossible to avoid spoilers. Anyway, I love the new figure and it's just the sort of ridiculous character look that I want out of my toys. I do not like the price of $70 and it doesn't even come with an effect part unless you count the one it comes with for Mini Goku.
I also grabbed the new Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta finally while P Bandai had its free shipping promotion. This figure comes with what are probably the best Vegeta portraits they've done so far, I just wish we could get a new body. I like the finish on the hair and the shades of blue and white in use, though the crotch is a noticeably different shade of blue from the legs which I hadn't noticed in promo shots so that sucks. At least the price was right. FOMO also got me to order the event exclusive Super Saiyan Trunks along with Vegeta. He's definitely dated, but I don't expect Bandai to do an all new version of this character and didn't want to miss it a second time. The pearl deco doesn't bug me that much in person, but it does kind of suck that his flesh has a purple hue to it. If not, the upgraded face plates would work with the original release and might have gotten me to just pay the aftermarket price for one. Still sucks they dropped the Hope Sword, especially given the inflated price tag. And actually, I wish he was just themed around that attack instead of the Gallick Gun and had more of a blue hue. Oh well.
The new adult Daima Piccolo went up for preorder today, though I missed him at the usual Japan retailers.
I am curious to see how the new articulation plays out. I'm skeptical. Don't love it but don't hate it either.
I do love the head sculpts and the mixed fabric/plastic cape. I wish the skin color matched their previous two Piccolos so I could swap onto those bodies. I'd also like to be able to use the cape with my S Piccolo (I'm sculpting him a removable turbin) but I'm afraid this one might be too slight.
A re-release in Z colors would be an insta buy for me, and I'd sell this one. Unless that happens, though, I think I'm going to have three Piccolos that fall a little short for me (I'm not into the heads on Proud Nemekian.) Such is the way of things, it seems.
Not digging the new piccolo. Weird knee joints and a weird gi.
I've got no issue with the Piccolo I've got, I really don't see them making much of an improvement on that.
Goku, however...I'm ready for an updated one but I do not like what they did with Daima Goku's hair. That seam is way too visible and I hope that's not their approach going forward. The Daima figures seem like a step backward in some regards.
Proud Namekian Piccolo is an okay figure, but it frustrates me as a Piccolo fan that his neutral portraits aren't very good and his chest is so sunken in. A lot of figures from this line suffer from that though, which makes the more barrel-chested characters stand out in a positive way. This Daima Piccolo isn't tempting because it's not really an improvement over what we have. The knee joints are intriguing though. Do they look weird just because we're so accustomed to how their double-joints typically look? I think that may be true here, but it depends on what kind of range they get.
The Daima versions of all the characters look extra, I dunno - CGI? Plastic-ish? Cartoony? I'm not sure. I haven't watched the show yet, but I assume these new figures are mimicking the designs pretty well. I think the knees on the DBZ figures always looked kind weird, mainly because the big, baggy pants just don't break in a realistic way. I presume this is supposed to fix it, but it kind of makes them look more mechanical. I dunno, in person they might hit different.
I saw HMYR is making a head and feet set. I hope they release it with a fabric hybrid cape.