Not seeing a thread for this pop up again, so I'll get the ball rolling.
UI Goku (Toyotarou Edition) is up for pre-order on P-Bandai.
Comes with an Encyclopedia of the line so far.
It appears that the only thing new about this is the new hair piece and the face plates.
I wish he had been on a new 3.0 body. That would have made it an easy purchase for me. Instead it's an easy pass.
I guess the new forum isn't able to embed stuff directly into the posts anymore, but Preternia's post is where I saw this first.
Wouldn't shock me if Twitter (or "X") is part of the problem on the embed. They've cut a bunch of features.
That encyclopedia is actually tempting me to get this Goku. I didn't get the previous one as the UI transformation is just kind of a "meh" one for me, but the improved face-printing makes all of the reissues tempting. Though as much as I like the idea of the encyclopedia, I'd probably have preferred this be more towards the budget price end since there are no effect parts. The SDCC figures are supposed to go up sometime this month too. 2023 just keeps being expensive!
Any word yet on the Event Exclusive preorders?
@catromaji nope. They said August, so maybe next week since Goku just went up?
And they still not say anything about WT Goku preorders. 🙁
Which one is that?
That's the Awakening Super Saiyan Goku repaint from earlier this year. I'm thinking that one might not get a wider release because they have the new one coming next year.
Not preordering that Ultra Instinct Goku since money is tight, but it does look good and I wasn't collecting these when the original came out.
I've got way too many of these on preorder already, though...Can't delve into the Super stuff. Other than Super Hero, of course. I already went down that road. Speaking of which, Gohan should be shipping tomorrow.
Oh yeah, thanks @misfit! And I'm looking forward to getting Beast Gohan on Saturday. I got Broly and Pan last month, and I was pleased to find that Broly had improved articulation in the bicep joint compared to the armored one from a while ago.
@misfit I really hope that's not the case. 🙁 People are bonkers with the asking prices online.
Exclusives are up GOGOGOGO!
Hello, can someone tell me if P-Bandai charges when you pre-order or when the item is received at their warehouse. I've never used their site before and I checked the site but couldn't find the answer.