@tsi Obviously, there's never a guarantee. But I also don't know if there's any reason to suspect this might be a one-off. Even Mezco put out three Conans and a Death Dealer because that Frazetta License isn't gonna pay for itself. I'd be surprised if Harvinger put money on the table to license a cult classic fantasy character and then didn't at least attempt to make more than one. Especially a character with a few different iconic looks.
Also, Harvinger feels like they've kind of done everything right so far. They're not a poorly managed company, by all appearances.
So it may be a touch unfair to talk about recent cancellations when that's like 90 percent Super7 and so far 0 percent Harvinger.
Point is well-taken, I want to add. I do think for more niche characters you gotta, at the very least, be prepared that it may be one-and-done.
@panthercult Brom is a master of making characters look kind of scrawny but like they can still mess you up and also maybe steal your goth girlfriend.
While the armored look isn't my favorite for Elric, I'll likely buy it just to have the character in plastic. I do agree that there are other looks that need to be made though, and I really hope that happens.
In furtherance of that topic -- Harvinger mentioned, I think on Instagram, that more of the Eternal Champions are coming alongside Elric. That tells me this license is for more than just 'one Elric figure.' As long as this one does well, I can't imagine they won't keep going and another one or two, at least. If you're going to do the other Eternal Champions, who are all far less popular/famous compared to Elric, there's no way you don't double- or triple-dip on the big gun.
Provided the sales are there, of course. And that's probably the only real question mark over this.
It was actually in the body of the post from Savage Crucible. I actually just heard of this character a few weeks ago while reading how he was the inspiration for Kain from Legacy of Kain. So it was pretty cool to see this figure pop up shortly after reading about him. He looks better to me than the other human figures they've done, I'm definitely down to pick him up.
@fuzzybluedemon That's the one! Thanks, FBD. I knew it was officially stated, just could not remember where they said it. And yeah, it's super cool that Kain was inspired by Elric, because Kain is a really cool character in his own right that I would like several figures of.
On a podcast it was confirmed that we're getting at least 3 releases from Moorcock's world. Exciting for sure.
Wave 3 (The fishmen and Harbinger of the Abyss) are currently open for pre-order. They’ve been available to do so for three weeks and I’m pretty sure the window closes soon (can’t actually find this info on their IG).
They make cool figures but don’t seem to put any effort whatsoever in trying to sell them, or even let people know they’re available for pre-sale. Nothing on YouTube, no updates during the pre-order window on Instagram, no new photos of the figures, no write-ups, etc.
This wave isn’t for me personally but I really hope these continue selling well enough to go deep into the line because they are great figures. I just wish they’d try to actually market and sell them to ensure that happens.
Yeah, pretty ridiculous. I've been waiting for this preorder and had no idea. You'd think they'd at least throw out a Kickstarter update ...
The Abyss Dreadnaught looks way better than that bland rendering provided during the KS. The helmet looks pretty cool.
Regarding Savage Crucible on social media. They post updates on Instagram. They've made a few posts regarding the current preorder. Including showing off the head pack. And in-hand pics of the Savage.
I'm waffling on what (if any) to order from wave 3. I skipped wave 2 via the KS, but I did order some of wave 1 and wave 3. After getting wave 1 in hand, I sourced the ones I was missing and duplicates. I love the parts swapping on this line.
For wave 3, I'm thinking of ordering some more Slates and a second Savage. I think the blue and blue with gold armor will look good with the eventual Marvel Legends Attuma, if ML ever gets off their ass and makes him.
Regarding Elric. He looks cool, and I'll get him. Maybe they'll end up making another version of him as well.
I watched a podcast a month or so ago where Savage Crucible talked about putting out a couple of figures every couple of months. Instead of making larger and unwieldy waves. A couple of figures every other month is more manageable. I wonder how new "lines" like the Moorcock and college football lines affect the main Savage Crucible line. Maybe they're partially responsible for the SC being a little more spaced out in the future. I do like the albino lizard they showed off and also the green lizard with red armor, who seems to match the League Striker.
Looking forward to seeing the wave 2 human figures in peoples hands. I didn't order them but I'm sure I'll source a couple, based on how much I like the wave 1 figures.
Yeah, I'm not a big Instagram guy. I'll have to keep a better eye on their's like I do Four Horsemen's.
Really wish that put up some photos up of the Slate. Looking at this wave in "real life" is a way different experience than the renderings from the Kickstarter. Especially with some of the armor bits on.
I'd like to see more fish Slate pics "in the flesh" as well. Would like to see how they look compared to the Savage as they seem similar skin wish. Obviously, the Slate has no armor, though.
I can try and post when they post anything interesting on IG, to give you guys a heads up.
It looks like all the Savage Crucible lizards (and kickstarter exclusive) are up on the shop right now. And they put up a new guy, as well. I guess it's a big Warehouse sale, ends in December. And everything is going to have the new feet...supposedly.
Veteris looks good. Gonna have to snag one.
They've been notoriously bad about providing updates via anything other than a long, drawn out live-stream. They caught quite a bit of heat for it from the Kickstarter backers and they said they were going to try to be better about not hiding updates behind hour long back-patting sessions. I was so soured by the experience that I kind of stopped caring about their new stuff.
Just got an email about a shipping notice. I'm guessing it's the feets...though it's only for the figures I bought from their shop a few months back. Wonder when they'll do the feet for the Kickstarter order.