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I got Krieger the Shunned during the Kickstarter, along with a couple Fishmen, but I'm really waiting to see what the final sizing looks like. He was pretty big when D Amazing had the early sample, but I have a feeling these are sizing out a little smaller than I'd like.

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I broke down and ordered the two wave 1 accessory packs and a couple of Shadow Slates from Horsehead.  I never ordered from the before, but they had those items in stock for normal prices.  Should get the order in at the end of the week.  I got the accessory packs to trick out some extra figures I have and get a bit of variety in my forces.  I still need to obtain Vin and the guard.  I'm hoping they'll have some in stock at LACC in October.

I didn't order any of wave 2 via the KS or the preorder window.  I'm hoping to see some in-hand reviews and then order via Savage Crucible themselves when they have an in-stock sale.   We'll see if that times out or not.  Nothing in wave 2 was grabbing me.  I remember the humans seemed really large, but we'll see if they are or not. 

I do have a few of wave 3 ordered via the KS.  Those looked really cool.  I imagine they won't be shipping until Q1 2025.

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Have their been any updates on Wave 2 shipping?  I only have one figure from it, noticed BBTS put up preorders today.

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I didn't notice this line until after the wave 2 preorder. So are the BTTS prices only about $10 more than the Savage Crucible site?

Magneto Was Right
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I'm not familiar with this company, but I will be buying this.

I've always said (internally, at least) that fantasy novel characters would be my Kryptonite in this hobby. I said that knowing most of them would never be made. Even though Moorcock is one of the OGs, his work is actually a blindspot for me. Looks like I have some reading to do.

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@tsi I have two of the lizard-people these guys made and they're excellent figures. The quality is such that I'm legitimately excited about how good Elric is almost certainly going to be.
As for reading up.... I dunno, man. I know I have really unpopular opinions on this, but I feel like Elric is an incredibly cool/interesting character without a lot of good material to support him. The first book blew me away when I was a young teen. I read 7 or 8 Elric stories in total (I think that's all that existed at the time, but I could be mistaken) with varying degrees of being able to care about the stories.
All of them had interesting concepts and weirdness to them that I enjoyed, but I feel like none of them ever hit the high of the first book and maybe only 1 of them, after the first, was a book I even considered going back to again in the future.

So... read the first one, for sure. Every fantasy fan should. But I'm not gonna highly recommend going beyond that like some people might. But YMMV.

Also, I'm totally with you on literature-based action figures being my kryptonite. They're always way less likely to be made, and way easier to mess up because we tend to have our own head-canon about what characters look like. But when done well, it lights up all the correct parts of my brain.

I'm deeply, deeply excited about this Elric figure, and the possibility of further figures down the road. The figure and the options here look amazing. I'm not 100% clear (and it probably doesn't matter) if we're supposed to be getting two artistic interpretations of Stormblade, or if that's supposed to be Stormblade and Mournblade (I'm guessing the later, but maybe not), but just having both in there is awesome.
I hope the scabbard can be attached at the waist because I fucking despite back scabbards, but that's a minor quibble that won't stop me from enjoying the figure at all.

Possibly the biggest frustration of my life (hyperbole to be sure) is that so many companies have made or are making amazing fantasy figures and none of them are fucking in scale with each other.

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Posted by: @tsi

Even though Moorcock is one of the OGs, his work is actually a blindspot for me. Looks like I have some reading to do.

Elric is a WILD ride. I haven't read all of it, the first collected edition so far, but what I have is really fun, and totally bananas. Wait til you get to the story where Elric and four of his alternates from other time periods/worlds Voltron themselves into a kaiju to stop alien wizards from invading heaven.

Yes, that's a thing that happens and it's totally awesome.


I can't believe we're getting an Elric figure and I'm afraid I'll have to pick it up. Wonder what version of him they'll do...

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Posted by: @jakeekiss

Posted by: @tsi

Even though Moorcock is one of the OGs, his work is actually a blindspot for me. Looks like I have some reading to do.

Elric is a WILD ride. I haven't read all of it, the first collected edition so far, but what I have is really fun, and totally bananas. Wait til you get to the story where Elric and four of his alternates from other time periods/worlds Voltron themselves into a kaiju to stop alien wizards from invading heaven.

Yes, that's a thing that happens and it's totally awesome.


I can't believe we're getting an Elric figure and I'm afraid I'll have to pick it up. Wonder what version of him they'll do...

You must have missed the rest of the images in that image set TSI posted. The version we're getting is already there, in plastic.


Magneto Was Right
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I put the first book on hold at the library. Thanks, guys.

KnightDamien reacted
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@theknightdamien I did miss them! Didn't see there were more than one pic int he post. That would be the version I'd hope for so I'm pretty happy.

KnightDamien reacted
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I love, love, LOVE the Elric books,  I've read them and re-read them  - and I hate the look of this figure so very much.   This armor is so overdesigned and poky and stupid looking -   I honestly abhor it.    I have never imagined in my head Elric fighting in anything so garish. 


I've long said that a good Elric figure would be impossible for me to resist but somehow this figure has done the impossible as I do not want this at all.    It looks way too much like Sauron from the LOTR line for me to go anywhere near it.   


Maybe if they do a second iteration with a more stripped down look I can circle back but this one is a big miss for me.

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I can't fault them for the look of the armor as it follows the trend of a lot of Elric book cover art. I don't necessarily think of Elric as being this geared up most of the time, but parts of it are straight from the stories (the dragon helm I recall specifically). I could see them doing him in his yellow outfit from his first story.

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@panthercult I get what you're saying - although I'll hasten to point out that this design seems to be pulled directly from various official Elric artwork and not a design specifically made for Savage Crucible.

If you asked me to paint a picture of Elric before this figure came out, and I actually could paint, this would not have been the first look that came to mind. But it WOULD have been the third. The first is more the scrawny-Conan look with Elric half-naked. The second look would be heavy armor but no sleeves - because Elric usually hates sleeves. And then the fully armored look pretty much exactly like this would have been next in my mind.
So I can definitely see the preference for something less completely armored, because I think most people see Elric that way. And honestly, if they're doing Elric at all, I imagine they're going to try to hit at least a few of his major looks.

Even as an interpretation - I'd argue two of the most famous Elric pieces that I've seen many many times on different books and posters and whatever, feature this figure's exact armor with the differences only of either no sleeves with a cape, or one sleeve and part of the chest torn away.

MY favorite version is this one:

Magneto Was Right
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I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I wouldn't necessarily count on there being a second release.

Hopefully these do well enough to warrant more figures, but after some recent cancelations, I'm not counting on it. If you want an Elric, I'd jump on this one.

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@theknightdamien  I love that image and would buy that figure in a heartbeat. 


@tsi as I said I do want an Elric but I absolutely won't be jumping on this one.   I'd rather not have a figure of a character I love, than have one I actively dislike.

KnightDamien reacted
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