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Savage Crucible

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Wave 1 figures are set to ship in May. A reminder to update your address in Kickstarter if you need to.

reefer shark
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Posts: 345

Can't wait for these lizard dudes!  Was nice to see that update, really excited for these figures.

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Got the 1st part of my Kickstarter reward. The Slate is an unbelievable bargain.

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I got my figures like a week ago or something. The Guard, Sentry, and Armory accessory set. Definitely wish I'd grabbed a Savage as well for the extra armor to go on and the neato extra head.

Overall, I am super impressed with these. Most of the articulation works fairly well and looks good. The paint and sculpt are excellent. There's some stuff I feel could have been better, but I mean.. for a company's first outing you really can't reasonably ask for better than what we got. -This- close to being perfect, I'm tempted to say.

The one giant negative, that I know people are bringing up on socials and that the the owner of the company has already addressed, is the feet. The ankles aren't quite tight enough and when you combine that with the not-tight toe articulation.. the figures tend to fall down a lot.

Also, toe articulation in general just absolutely fucking sucks and can fuck off all the way into fucking space and die. I just wish companies would give up on it. It NEVER looks good. It never works well. And it adds virtually nothing to what you're doing with your figures for the vast, vast, vast majority of the time you own them. Just stop creating the world's dumbest, most useless failure point.

That being said - absolute top marks to the owner for stepping up and admitting this is an issue and working to resolve it. And for making truly fabulous action figures that I am way more excited about in hand than I was on screen, and that's a rarity. Getting these has made me want so many more.

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I got two slates, armory, and a royal guard. Great stuff! Armory gives great versatility to customizing figs and is loaded with weapons. 

Fun stuff. A snafu in my order fulfillment but I emailed CS. I’m sure they will make it right.

Well worth the money! Well the ankles suck but not a deal breaker.


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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I got 4 slates and two character packs. The slates already have unique drybrushing treatments and look amazing. Nothing in the character packs really sparks my interest so I might try to offload those.

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Is the character pack different than the armory? The armory is fantastic! I converted on Slate into a shield guard with the spear and the other will be fellow swordsmen to go with the Royal Guard. Nice three lizard squad.


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posts: 578

Posted by: @prophet

Is the character pack different than the armory?

They were a little inconsistent with the names. Nearly everything I've seen online call them "Character Pack #1" and "Character Pack #2", but the actual boxes say "Armory Pack" and "Huntsman Pack".

reefer shark
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Posts: 345

@prophet like Red Ogre said, there’s only two character packs, but the huntsman pack (#2) is completely different from the armory and looks very nice as well.  Love the extra heads that come in these packs especially.


I went all in with an extra slate & royal guard, but have only had time to open two so far.  I’ll echo what everyone here has said.  Fantastic figures, with weak ankles being the only problem imo.  I've found that the super 7 reaction stands seem to fit the best out of all I’ve tried.  

Really need to make the time to bust all these out and have some fun setting em up.  Cant wait till we get the Barbarians!


reefer shark
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Posts: 345

After scanning through the Savage Crucible live stream yesterday, Im really happy to hear that they are going to send out free replacement ankle joints to all the purchased figures from the first wave from them.  That's a really classy move, and makes me enjoy this company and their products even more.  

I Also thought it was pretty neat that the character cards are meant to easily be used to play with D&D - really cool move and good way to get some chatter on this line over into other mediums.  The hints to future stuff sounds great and fun. The Elric and Jaguar God comics Rob had displayed have to be hints at future figures.  There's no way he keeps those displayed like that, at that angle normally.   Will happily buy both of those characters if they come to pass!

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I will buy the absolute motherfucking shit out of a good Elric figure or seven. The only problem is that, from early looks here, the human-like SC figures aren't... good? They're very skinny/gangly-looking, but not necessarily in a 'that dude is skinny' kind of way and more in a 'that's not what human proportions look like' kind of way. But I may change my mind once those figures are actually released.
The other bummer is that the human figures are going to be pretty tall, so I probably won't want to pose Elric with Mezco Conan, even though I totally want to.

TheGillMan reacted
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Got my Royal Guard, and he's great except for his loose toe joints, which makes standing extremely difficult. Which also reminds me I need to get a stand for my decoder coin.

Still looking forward to my Jaeger & Harbinger (still wish he was green lol). And after getting the FG Darkwolf, I really wish I'd gotten SC's Frazetta Warrior.

reefer shark
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Posts: 345

@theknightdamien As will I my friend!  Elric has been a long time coming in figure form.   I get what you're saying  on the lankiness of the human characters.  For what it's worth, I didn't really notice it as much when I saw the prototypes at L.A. Comic con, but I'll reserve judgment for when I have the figures in hand.  I went all in with an extra Ball/Chain Warrior, so I better like em lol.

As far as displaying them with MEzco Conan, it's a no go from the start for me.  That figure really can only be displayed with other Mezco figures or stand alone IMO.  He just doesn't scale right to any other line in my eyes.  In all honestly he doesn't even scale right with Mezco figures.  I know he's Frazetta based but the major scale issue with me probably stems from my Buscema Nostalgia since he always drew him as this huge hulking dude (the Savage Sword magazine was where I found my love for the barbarian).   It's a real shame because is a spectacular figure!


But anyways yeah, excited for the possibility of Elric & Jaguar God!

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

I will buy the absolute motherfucking shit out of a good Elric figure or seven. 


Oh man... I love Elric of Melnibone so stupid much.   I would greedily buy up any line of good Elric figures.   I've been hoping someone, somewhere would find a way to get to him.     Heck I even posted that issue of Marvel Comics Conan 14 that had Conan squaring off with Elric hoping that would be some kind of way for Hasbro or Super7 to be able to do a figure


So yes please to any future project that gives me Elric -  or multiple Elrics.      Jaguar God is awesome too.   But... ELRIC!


TheGillMan reacted
reefer shark
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 345

Yesterdays live stream revealed that they are releasing a "Shadow Slate" for their upcoming in stock sale.  It looked pretty great in the livestream.  Different purplish tone instead of the green tint the first one had, and a different headsculpt & weapons.   They said they tightened the ankles on this one, and they're also going to release an accessory kit for this slate. 

I picked up two if the first slate to customize, but honestly the one I opened looks so nice straight out of the box with the armory kit goods on him, I have no intention of painting them now. 

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