These guys had a great booth at Power Con. Big step up from their initial showing last year. Everybody I spoke to there were really engaging. Can't wait to see these come out! Specifically really sold on this Frazetta Ball & Chain Warrior.
Might as well do my test post after re-registering in the thread for one of my most anticipated new lines 😉
These are going to be great. A reasonable price point for troop builders, accessory packs to world build, great Sword and Sorcery designs, decent amount of paint, customizer options.
I definitely will be building out a S&S display. I might do a whole bookcase.
I am so excited for this line!
The painted samples looked incredible at Power Con, and I loved the new character reveal. I believe he was a mix of Dwarf and orc? Idk, but the sculpt looked so nice. This is definitely my most anticipated line at this time. I'm really happy to be in on it from the start, and I just cant wait to get a shelf of these guys going!
This is my most anticipated new line after Jada's Mega Man line.
I like Legions, but these have the articulation I want and just feel like they go with more figures. I'm already planning to get more lizards to back up the two I got during the Kickstarter! So many figures could do with a lizard army to punch!
Wish I could've gotten Ball & Chain Warrior, because any other Conan is stupidly expensive now, but just didn't have the money at the time. Hopefully they're not too hard to track down when the figures actually release.
@fuzzybarbarian I think you should be good on the Frazetta warrior bud! If I understand correctly, he will go up for pre-order at retail partners along with the rest of the Barbarian wave at some point. The Lemurians are up right now at BBTS.
The Frazetta barbarian does look nice, but I remember the other barbarian figure as being quite large when compared to other lines. And I think the torso is a bit elongated. I didn't preorder him (got about a dozen figures, lizard and fish, but skipped the humans due to their large size). I may be tempted to order the Frazetta when he goes up for preorder again.
The Frazetta figure is the most tempting of the human figures for sure. I'm still really struggling with whether or not it's actually a good figure, though. Sometimes it looks good... other times it really does look too lanky and skinny. I'm just not sure where I stand on that one.
Looking at the pictures more, it just seems like the figure looks good hunched over because it hides some of the big problems with the proportions.
Definitely doesn't help that the humans are so big that they just don't go with anything else except what.. McFarlane DC figures? Not saying they NEED to fit in with anything. Totally the creator's call on that. But it's absolutely bizarre to not have these scaled in a way to work with Hasbro's D&D figures and other various fantasy or fantasy-adjacent 1:12 figures. They even seem like they'll be too big for Mythic Legions, but maybe I'm off base there.
The monsters look great, though. Can't wait for my lizards.
@fuzzybarbarian I think you should be good on the Frazetta warrior bud! If I understand correctly, he will go up for pre-order at retail partners along with the rest of the Barbarian wave at some point. The Lemurians are up right now at BBTS.
Sweet! Wasn't ever sure about how this was going to be handled with retailers, plus my brain gets paranoid when it comes to licensing stuff like this. Probably unjustified and just my brain making leaps to kick myself for not having him in my Kickstarter pledge.
The Frazetta barbarian does look nice, but I remember the other barbarian figure as being quite large when compared to other lines. And I think the torso is a bit elongated. I didn't preorder him (got about a dozen figures, lizard and fish, but skipped the humans due to their large size). I may be tempted to order the Frazetta when he goes up for preorder again.
There was a interview or podcast where they mentioned that the mid torso piece was printed at the wrong scale or something to that effect on the early Barbarian sample. I was turned off by the look of the early Barbarian sample as well but, the new images from Power-con look considerably better. I'm more interested in the Franzetta warrior now though, the Lizardmen & Mermen will take priority first.
@fuzzybarbarian I think you should be good on the Frazetta warrior bud! If I understand correctly, he will go up for pre-order at retail partners along with the rest of the Barbarian wave at some point. The Lemurians are up right now at BBTS.
Sweet! Wasn't ever sure about how this was going to be handled with retailers, plus my brain gets paranoid when it comes to licensing stuff like this. Probably unjustified and just my brain making leaps to kick myself for not having him in my Kickstarter pledge.
Right on! He'll be a little bit more than the kickstarter price, but still well worth it I'm betting.
Definitely doesn't help that the humans are so big that they just don't go with anything else except what.. McFarlane DC figures? Not saying they NEED to fit in with anything. Totally the creator's call on that. But it's absolutely bizarre to not have these scaled in a way to work with Hasbro's D&D figures and other various fantasy or fantasy-adjacent 1:12 figures. They even seem like they'll be too big for Mythic Legions, but maybe I'm off base there.
I've seen a few comparisons, and yeah - they are definitely too big to go with Legions figures. I'll display my orcs and dwarves with the crucible figures though since those my focus with that line anyway.
Today's update was definitely disappointing, though not entirely surprising. Running at least 3 months behind, meaning the subsequent waves will be even later I would assume.
Yeah, bit of a bummer, but with the lack of big updates in the last few months, not surprising.
Glad they put out that FAQ though, and that they're so transparent about their reasoning for how they approach their sales.
Does anyone know when the first wave of figures are going to ship?
It's not surprising this line is behind schedule, since the original schedule seemed way too optimistic given how other Kickstarter lines have gone.