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Saurozoic Warriors from Boss Fight Studios

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I know we have the general Boss Fight thread but I think that was started more for H.A.C.K.s type figures and just about everything else has more specific threads so why not Boss Fight figures.  Plus this will cut down on @adrienveidt 's notifications from being the thread creator for the general thread and he has wanted to stop getting those anyway.

That said, who is collecting this line and what do you have.  Cherry picking?  All in?  Are you abiding by the canon Boss Fight has created or are you creating your own?  I kind of like the idea of these guys as a new MOTU faction to go with Origins, the Dino Men, and that's what I've been going with.  In my canon they are a Pre-Eternian faction that has been summoned to modern Eternia via portal by the Sorceress to help with an impending Horde invasion.

I'm glad they are finally getting to some carnivores in wave 3.


Super Camel
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Wave 3 looks incredible.  It's damn near impossible to pick a favorite, but if I had to, I think I'd say that Mosasaurus.  The size, the colors, the fact he has a diving helmet even though he can breathe underwater.  It's so 90's it's stupid. 

I have Wave 1, but I haven't bought Wave 2 yet.  I really like Wave 2, but something about the Archaeopteryx doesn't sit well with me.  I might skip that one.  It almost looks proportioned wrong, or somehow to me it's just unaesthetically pleasing.

Also, as of now of skipped the Black repaints with the skeleton like paint jobs.  The Bad Lands or Savage Lands repaints or whatever.  They are cool don't get me wrong.  But the bright colors are what really attracts me to this line.

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@supercamel-1982 I skipped the repaints too. Are they supposed to be different characters?

I didn't love the archaeopteryx until I got her in hand and she grew on me then. Not to be a bad influence on you or anything (but really, isn't that what the Fwoosh is all about?)

The original blue brontosaurus was what drew me in. When I was a kid I had a bunch of plastic dinos and the brontosaurus was blue so I will forever associate that color with that dinosaur.

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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No, the repaints aren't different characters.  Just different paint jobs on existing characters from Wave 1.

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That's what I was thinking and was why I think I initially passed on them to begin with.  I may pick them up in a sale later but if I miss them it's no big deal.

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