I've gone with the Crimson Alley Viper as my placeholder pilot
I still don't have any interest in this design itself, but the reviews show that it's so well crafted that I'm anxious to see what this company makes next. Any rumors?
@fletch None so far. TBF they're still delivering on the kickstarter. The last segment of stuff is the 6" figures coming later this Spring. I appreciate that they haven't gotten out in front of their skis at this point. Finish the one and then start talking about what's next.
@jakeekiss, makes sense. Often times my enthusiasm for a new line is based on the promise of more to come, but I don't suppose this counts as a "line."
I'm not even sure what I'd want them to do next; they just seem too talented to not do a second.
@fletch Yeah, I know initially folks were hoping they'd do more of the UK Action Force stuff, but it seems like that has become a rather crowded field in the meantime. FMF is making "not quite" versions of most of the figs, and I'm not sure what appetite there is for vehicles less stylish and unique than the Roboskull (which is most vehicles).
I hope they continue in a sort of spinoff fashion. Take this scifi heavy metal theme they've got and carry that out into a line.
The big question for me is do they keep trying to do both 1/18 and 1/12, or do they pick a scale and stick to it. Feels like sticking to it would be the thing, but hard to say which scale they'd go for.
Would there be any way to tell which scale the ship is being bought for? It comes with an 18th pilot already, so would simply subtracting 6in pilots sold on the side from the total ship sales be an indicator of which scale sells better?
@adrienveidt, my knowledge of the old Action Force toys is pretty shallow, and I don't know how committed the company is to that specific line, but I recently saw a video review of an old old (pre-G.I. Joe) cardboard Action Force Command Base that would make an awesome plastic playset if someone had the gumption.
I'm a 1/12 collector myself, but I haven't done the math to figure out how big something like this would be at that scale.
@fletch Yeah, I know initially folks were hoping they'd do more of the UK Action Force stuff, but it seems like that has become a rather crowded field in the meantime. FMF is making "not quite" versions of most of the figs, and I'm not sure what appetite there is for vehicles less stylish and unique than the Roboskull (which is most vehicles).
So... I think the issue with the Action Force stuff is less that there's a 'crowded field' and more - all of this caught the attention of Hasbro who apparently still owns the rights to that stuff and warned them (FMF, not this team) that they should stop. That's at least what we've heard regarding the Crimson Moon line. So, the Roboskull team probably would prefer to stay out of Hasbro's crosshairs.
I'm a 1/12 collector exclusively so care only about the 1/12 figures being released. I didn't even order the Roboskull - more due to space constraints than anything - though I regret that choice a tad.
I would love for them to continue projects that are Action Force adjacent without stepping too hard on IP toes and incurring Hasbro's ire if they would continue doing figures in the 1/12th range. If they stick to 1/18th - and it might be safer since Hasbro isn't actively working in that space currently - I would admire but not patronize. I do hope they have more projects up their sleeve though.
Hasbro's loooooooooong history is that they don't give half a shit about the product, only the packaging. So long as these guys keep the Action Force/Red Shadows nomenclature out of their business they'll be fine. Look to the Steel Jaeger Kaiju project and the *entirety* of 3P Transformers for proof.
Interesting - I wonder what it was about FMF's offerings that caught Hasbro's attention then. It seemed to me they went to some lengths to not reference the Red Shadows directly - with their Wave 1 release the O:MF Sleepwalker they kept the Red Shadows homage Red Laser head out of sight in the packaging and out of virtually all of the promo shots for the figure. And with the Order of the Crimson Moon figures the Red Shadows homages were all included as extra heads and often not even with the body they would need to be paired with to make the Red Shadows character homage. So I am curious what brought about the cease and desist they got. Maybe it was the 3/34 offerings from their Eagle Force line that got Hasbro's attention?
Anyway, I'd be happy enough if the Roboskull folks wanted to do a figure of the weird Red Shadows Satelite Head figure - the Muton - they could call it whatever they wanted, but that would be a fun figure to get and would add to the Red Shadows ranks. I'd be happy to get one of those or their version of the Red Wolf - the 'astronaut specialist' with the Diving Bell looking helmet, that would be fun. Keep the theme rolling.
My gut would say the one to FMF was sent since Bill Murphy's obviously been digging up old IPs and trademarks to resurrect. A 'stay in your lane' letter compared to the 'get out of our lane' letter sent to Skeletron Red Shadows guys'. There's no real basis for assuming the two letters were worded the same even though the effect looks the same. But, IANAL and am just trying to tie together all the stuff I see, esp with the very blatant character-design theft rampant in the 3P TF industry.
Fair enough. Well - once the Roboskull team is done delivering all of its RoboSkull associated goodies maybe they could do a vehicle that was apparently Red Shadows related and released by Palitoy but was not based on a Hasbro design from G.I. Joe - the Shadowtrak could be a fun vehicle type project for these guys
The cardback for GyreWolf shows and mentions him crossing universes and his figure stand is supposed to be one of the portals; so maybe that will come into play for future endeavors.
I can't imagine they'll just toss the molds for this beast now this production run is complete. I could easily see an all-black Skull, or an obvious white one. Personally, I'm still wanting a TIE Crawler variant.
Yeah - that's fair. Gotta get as much mileage as possible out of the tooling once you've got it.