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Roboskull MK II by Skeletron

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@jakeekiss I reached out to them and they sent me a tracking notice within an hour or so.  That has to be the best customer service ever!

I opened one of the ships and I'm really impressed with it.  It's going to be fun to play around with until I find somewhere to display it.

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Folks, this thing is rad.

FuzzyBlueDemon and Revox reacted
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Will say, be careful with your Breath of Death when inserting. I've already seen someone online break the missile pod off by forcing it. Put your finger behind for support and slowly work it in.

adrienveidt reacted
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Threw a little LED shelf light into the cockpit to see what it looks like with a bit of lighting:

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Posted by: @jakeekiss

Put your finger behind for support and slowly work it in.

I see you've met my ex-wife.


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Posted by: @adrienveidt

Posted by: @jakeekiss

Put your finger behind for support and slowly work it in.

I see you've met my ex-wife.





Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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My Roboskull and flight stand should be be delivered tomorrow… just in time for me to leave town for 5 days 

I’ve waited 2 years, so a few more days won’t hurt too bad, but I was still hoping for a miracle Friday delivery before I left.

I believe there’ll be an in-stock sale for remaining pieces on Monday for anyone who hadn’t ordered one yet. 

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@boy_wonder I think you're going to be really happy with it. I feel like every part of it has been done just a little better than advertised. The chin guns can be used as a small speeder platform for the cockpit chair using the clear hover piece that also mounts the prisoner/robodrone container. The flight stand can mount your roboskull in two different positions (taking off and hovering) and the stand comes with blast effects for the chin guns and the eye canons. The stand also has a compartment that will hold pretty much all the spare parts minus the breath of death piece. Oh, and the plugs you can put in the eyes to change their diameter for Diaclone mounts can themselves be mounted in the mouth piece beneath the missiles. 

Oh AND at least with the SE version (maybe the standard too, not sure) you get some extra GitD stickers if you want to spruce it up even more.

The whole package is really nice. Probably my favorite toy purchase this year. Really wacky and bold design with some very thoughtful execution. The only critique I have for it is that once the wings are mounted you can't unmount them, so no repackaging it in the box after display. But in the grand scheme that seems very minor relative to the rest.

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Posted by: @jakeekiss
The only critique I have for it is that once the wings are mounted you can't unmount them, so no repackaging it in the box after display. But in the grand scheme that seems very minor relative to the rest.

This guy says it's easy:



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Both mine have arrived and blimey, they’re ridiculously cool aren’t they? A worthy successor to the original. I’ve got a bit going on at the mo so not fully opened and set them up yet, saving it for Christmas. Looking forward to getting my assorted bootleg ME Shadows collection together for it.

Also lol at how many Skeledrones I now have, they’re practically a battalion in their own right.

Just the Skeletrons left and the pledge is fulfilled. Considering how many Kickstarters I’ve seen go tits up or have never ending series of problems, I’m pretty chuffed how this one’s gone.

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@revox I feel like I've been pretty fortunate with kickstarters. I've backed just shy of three dozen now and only two never came through (both by the army alphas guy so essentially just one). Done toys, comics, ttrpgs, all kinds of stuff and providing the folks putting it on have a track record, I think the worst I've seen is some delays. This has been a longer wait, but I definitely feel like it was worth it.

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@adrienveidt Ehhh, even the manual for the thing says not to and the construction of them makes it risky. I do not want to test it on my SE.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Was finally able to pick mine up yesterday and been goofing around with it ever since!

robogeek1973, adrienveidt, FuzzyBlueDemon and 2 people reacted
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@boy_wonder Yeees! I love how it's such a weird oddball piece that it kind of fits with any figure you put in it. It's like it somehow attenuates how serious it is by whatever is placed int he cockpit.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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Finally got my Roboskull, this thing is awesome!  Really well made.  I don't have any kinda set-up to take any decent pictures of it ATM, but I figures a size comparison was in order

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