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Roboskull MK II by Skeletron

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@panthercult You should be able to pre-order more of the 6" now on the preorder store

I'm probably picking up the stand and maaaaaaybe the roboknight faceplate next month since I couldn't afford those at the time. Also I'd like to add a Gyre Wolf to my order since the 1/18 ones look soooo good. 

I don't think the 1/12 have taken a back seat, they were always later on the release schedule and have been pushed about as much as everything has. Production on anything takes time and I don't think these folks are a big outfit. Only so may hours int he day as it were. I do have a lot more confidence in the final product with every new person who gets their 1/18 stuff though. Super looing forward to m 1/12 and the full skull to display. 

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I do wish they'd kept the Skeletron sword a cutlass type deal from the early concept instead of the broadsword. It seems like that's been changed to fit the storage system they've got going so I'm willing to accept it (love it when a figure can carry it's own accessories). I just feel like it fits this space-pirate vibe I'm getting more. 

Oooh, they've mentioned the 6" Skeletron might get extra stuff, wonder if he might come with that first version of the sword... or maybe I'll get super lucky and he'll actually have a silly space-pirate hat!

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The Store goes live at 6pm today for the trio of new figures just released:

I'm gonna need another pair of WolfTroopers, and maybe some alternate heads from for some variety under the helmets.

reefer shark
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@adrienveidt lol that's what I meant to say yesterday (and meant 3pm PST), don't know why I got the days confused but glad I did as I would have missed out most likely.  I'm going to try for a few more Wolfs, an extra Gyre, and maybe even another o-ring Wolf and skeldrone pack just for kicks...

adrienveidt reacted
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Oh, snap. good catch.  It's 6pm EST.

May be an image of 1 person, toy and text that says 'RED 4" GYRE WOLF 4" WOLF TROOPER 3.75" RETRO TROOPER IN-STOCK TUESDAY 6:00PM EST 2024.02.06 2024. VISIT WWW.SKELETRN COM'

reefer shark reacted
reefer shark
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Yep, that's what I saw - I'm setting a damn alarm right now cause I will get wrapped up with work again and forget lol

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May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Confirmation Thank you, James! SKELETRON 4" Red Shadows® WOLF TROOPER $53.98'

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So I bought those little head robots. They are nifty.

Seeing the o-ring trooper is tempting.


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The Drones are definitely neat and should be extra-fun once the SkeleTron is released.

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Saw this gorgeous custom over the wknd, but brainfarted with the cropping so I don't recall who did it or where he showed it off.

I still hate the garbage-useless tentacles, but I may need to scarf one of these nonetheless.

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@adrienveidt Here's the person who originally posted it:

adrienveidt reacted
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Should've known it was a Krym job simply from how nice it looked.

I got my extra pair of Wolves in yday and they're just a crispy-good the first one was.

Boy Wonder
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They posted some pics of Corey’s trip to China the other day checking in on factory samples. Aiming for late summer. 

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I saw the impressive images coming out of Joe-Fest on TNI for this line. I got curious and reading here and on TNI you can still pre-order on the Skeletron website. I went ahead and pre-ordered right now just one of each of the 6 inch figures until next payday, the Roboskull MK II and the add-ons. It's a good thing I have no girlfriend at the moment or I probably wouldn't have after this, lol. I seem to be spending more lately on higher priced 6" action figures lines I know nothing about but I'm impressed with.

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@jayjonah You're in good company. I'm just champing at the bit for my Roboskull MKII SE to come in. I've also got the 6" guys preordered along with a stand. Now I'm just wondering if I want the Robo Knight faceplate too. I mean, might as well have all the options, right?

The thing that's killing me this year is all the rad 1/12 vehicles coming out. This is the first I've bought, but I'm looking real hard at trying to pick up one of the Ramen Racers/Razors, maybe one of the tanks they've just shown, and now that it's looking like we'll get an Ecto-1 in 1/12 scale from Haslab... oh my aching wallet!

I've managed not to buy the Vala truck or any of the GI Joe vehicles, but it's under extreme duress.

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