I got my troopers today and I'm highly impressed. I'm extra excited about the O-ring version. I'm going to wait until this weekend to open them up.
I'm glad folks are happy with the stuff that's come out so far. All I got was the Skull itself and some 6" figs so I probably have 4-8 months left before all of it comes to me and I can't wait. This vehicle has single-handedly kept me in line on my budget because it's easier to talk myself out of a Dragonfly or HISS when i know I've got his coming.
@jakeekiss that's exactly my situation too. I've been getting real twitchy since most of the updates so far have been for the 4" stuff, it's made the wait extra excruciating!
I went all in, but only want the 4" stuff. I have no intention of keeping the 6" figures, but things could change once I get them in hand.
Got my trio of MTF figures yesterday and they're pretty much fuck-awesome all the way down to the wolfpaw print on the boot soles.
The tilt elbow engineering is a ball topping the peg going up into the hindarm, instead of a cone; with a widened cylinder socket for the shaft. This lets the entire forearm wobble in the hindarm about 1millimeter inwards towards the body; all to get a better riflecarry pose with the stock up in the shoulder notch. It's cool, y'all.
"Oi! Lasersaber-fighting dinosaurs with a jetpack on is 37 Misdemeanors here in the ruins of MegaCity None. It's to the IsoCubes for both of you!"
Eh, it's really there to give a notch for shouldering rifles better.; and ain't much need for that with HACKS.
I disagree brother - I think it could add some attitude to some sword/axe swinging poses. The more articulation the better in general for any action figure when done correctly like this IMO.
Cool pic above with Dredd and the Hammond dino btw.
@captaincracker Same here, I just figured I would put the 6" figures away and sell em off after some time. - but after seeing todays update on the Skeletron figure, I'm feeling like the 6" version of him is going to stay in my collection.
Eh, it's really there to give a notch for shouldering rifles better.; and ain't much need for that with HACKS.
I disagree brother - I think it could add some attitude to some sword/axe swinging poses.
You're gonna have to paint that picture in my head because I can't see it, brother. Neither of those weapons contact the elbow or shoulder when used properly. It's literally just a 1mm motion of the elbow inwards that you'll never really 'see' on the body as it just looks like loose clothing hanging on the arm.
Eh, it's really there to give a notch for shouldering rifles better.; and ain't much need for that with HACKS.
I disagree brother - I think it could add some attitude to some sword/axe swinging poses.
You're gonna have to paint that picture in my head because I can't see it, brother. Neither of those weapons contact the elbow or shoulder when used properly. It's literally just a 1mm motion of the elbow inwards that you'll never really 'see' on the body as it just looks like loose clothing hanging on the arm.
Sure, no problem. See the pose in the upper right in this picture, or any other pose with an arm extension that would require the opposite elbow to have a deeper bend:
It could also add to the "sword/axe resting over the shoulder" pose like in bottom right of this pic:
Me: "What's up with Gyre's background? Is his figure stand supposed to be this dimensional portal from Hell? Is that *supposed* to be Hell? Is this GyreWolf dude the link between the Joe/Shadows universe and the 40K Warp universe?"
Winkler: "So, in my Joe-Verse, the Gyre-Viper is a COBRA archivist/researcher who is caught in a MASS Device teleportation accident. He is believed dead/lost, but some time after the incident, a new power player in the game between GIJOE and COBRA appears, subtly and occasionally dramatically influencing developments and events either for or against GIJOE, COBRA, the Iron Grenadiers, the Red Shadows, the entity's allegiance is not discernible.
Is he causing chaos or is there a strategy? The Gyre-Viper is his COBRA agent identity. Sightline is his GIJOE identity. He has the power, unknown if generated by technology or by mutant/superhuman origin, to generate portals through which he travels. The portals have an energy signature similar to that of the MASS Device. He will appear and disappear suddenly, and can also use the portals as a shield or weapon. For a time he interacted with GIJOE in deep cover as Sightline, and how his background and other relevant information was fabricated remains a mystery under investigation. He will do shit like appear during a conflict dressed like one faction but then fight for the opposing faction or even against both or all of them, and no one has been able to accurately assess a pattern to his behavior.
Where does he go and where does he come from? Some speculate the portals are simply self-contained MASS Device teleportation energy and he is Earth-based. Others wonder if he is traveling through time, other planes of reality/parallel dimensions, or possibly to other planets. His interaction while in deep cover prior to revelation has been cryptic and open to a number of interpretations.
The blue discs are his portals, blue from...maybe...MASS Device energy. The Gyre-Viper and his alter-egos usually will wear a mostly silver, sometimes gray, outfit. It is not known if this is relevant or simply a personal preference. The portals are his "gyres" as he calls them."
Im not very familiar with Joe/Red Shadows mythos, but Gyres back story is pretty cool - I guess he's the anti-hero of the bunch.
I haven't opened him yet, but I did open a Wolf trooper, and I really dig it. Great solid figure in every way.
I also really love the art they're producing for the cardbacks - very beautifully done illustrations going on here and very cool layout on the back of the cards as well.
I know there's not many 1:18 collectors in these parts - but just in case anyone missed out - Skeletron will be making the Wolf trooper, Gyre Wolf, and 0-ring Wolf Trooper/Skeletron available on their site at 3pm today for in stock orders.
These are going for pretty much double on ebay already - this may be the last chance to grab them at SRP.
The 4" Wolf Trooper showed up today, a rather nice surprise as I wasn't expecting it. I don't really need a 3.75 version but he looks great too.
In all honesty, when I backed the 'skull, I was only looking for a modern, 4" version of the Red Shadows to go with my ME Joes but since then I've gone deep into Classified and part of me kind wishes I'd gone for the 6" versions too, especially given that the FMF Shadows are likely getting 6" versions now as well.
Ooh... I hope they do the same thing with the 1/12th figures whenever they finally make those. I could probably order a couple more that I didn't want to afford at the time of the Kickstarter.
I don't do 1/18th scale but I signed on for this and the 1/12th figures so it's mildly disappointing that those have taken a back seat, but at least the 1/18th toys getting made bodes well for the eventuality that the bigger figures will get in my hands.