I’ve been longingly perusing Skeletron’s IG page looking at pictures of this bad boy and the related figures. Currently only have the Roboskull and the display stand on order, but I’ll toss in Skeletron’s and Wolf’s 6” figures before the end of preorder. Hopefully they can hit the amended winter 2024 ship date for the ship itself.
Thats a kickstarter I kinda wished I jumped on, but really didn't have the resources to do so. I hope they do well overall as I find the whole Red Shadows/Action Force world pretty cool even though I know next to nothing about it.
Yeah, I'm definitely antsy for this one. And selfishly I'm only in this for the 6" option, so having nearly every update so far being related to 1:18 figures is pretty disappointing!
I’ve been longingly perusing Skeletron’s IG page looking at pictures of this bad boy and the related figures. Currently only have the Roboskull and the display stand on order, but I’ll toss in Skeletron’s and Wolf’s 6” figures before the end of preorder. Hopefully they can hit the amended winter 2024 ship date for the ship itself.
Yeah. I've got the ship (special edition from the Kick), a Wolf 6" and a Skeletron 6" on order, and I think I'll add the flight stand next month. I'm really champing at the bit for this one, and it's pretty much the only reason I haven't pulled the trigger on the Ramen Racer, Haslab Dragonfly, or set aside any money for the Valaverse truck. I already have one huge vehicle coming my way this year and it's so much more outrageous than any of those.
Yeah, I'm definitely antsy for this one. And selfishly I'm only in this for the 6" option, so having nearly every update so far being related to 1:18 figures is pretty disappointing!
I feel your pain, though I think that's just because the 6" stuff is just later in the production queue. I do really want to see the finalized articulation on the Skeletrons myself. Really looking forward to those.
Between this, the FMF not-Red Shadows, and the GI Joe Collector's Club Red Laser, I will finally have a full modern version of mah boys. Well, bar the Mutons I guess as no one seems to have thought about doing those guys.
Between this, the FMF not-Red Shadows, and the GI Joe Collector's Club Red Laser, I will finally have a full modern version of mah boys. Well, bar the Mutons I guess as no one seems to have thought about doing those guys.
I know the ChickenFried/DimeNovelLegends guy did a Muton conversion kit a while back, fwiw.
Maybe FMF will get something out in their Voyagers line. Muton is definitely my least favorite of those old designs, but still need him to complete the team.
I’m debating on if Red Laser is different enough of a design from the troops for me to care about getting a figure of him. I wouldn’t complain if Hasbro made a version with their upcoming classic CoCo body.
My 4inch Gyre-Wolf figure arrived yesterday so I've been playing around with him a bunch. The addition of the ball joints to the elbows really allows for some great poses like shouldering a rifle. The silvers turned out REALLY nice on him. Quite happy with how he turned out.
That's great to hear @crosshair! I've been all in since the beginning on this one, and the hype has been off the charts in my brain for everything Skeletron. The pics and your comments on the figures really make it seem like it was worth the wait.
Even that o-ring figure looks great, and Im not into those at all typically.
I still don't have any damned clue what any of y'all are talking about with this new-fangled 'tilt elbow'. Engineering terminology in the action figure field is near-useless for describing shit what's going on. Glad my set is due today.
lol I don't know what it means either, will have to get mine in hand as well to find out! All I know is that people seem to be happy, and they few pics I've seen on instagram look fantastic.
edit: i just found my shipping notification in my junk folder, man apparently I bought and paid for 3 more regular wolf troopers at some point and completely forgot, so I have 4 coming. Must have been a late night hazy ordering session lol
This pic stolen from HisStank shows it's a ball-topped peg with a wider socket shaft to allow the whole forearm to wobble around a bit more. I think I read one of the BossFight guys thought it up.
Oh nice, that's pretty cool! Im sure it doesn't add a whole lot of range, but just enough to be effective.
Now Boss Fight needs to implement that in the HACKS line...
Eh, it's really there to give a notch for shouldering rifles better.; and ain't much need for that with HACKS.